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When was the last time I opened commissions?...2019? As the title suggests, I'm open for commissions (tiny yay) - see below or click here for the Commission Order Form!

The original plan was to open back in spring, but I chickened out because I'm always really nervous handling someone else's ideas. But let's give this a whirl (all prices are located in link below)! For this round, I'll be offering:

  • Sketch portraits
  • *NEW* Character expressions sheets
  •  *NEW* Character model sheets 

Yup, it's time to try character sheets! I'm actually quite excited to give this a try so hopefully all turns out well. Layout is totally flexible but they will generally follow the design of character sheets you'd see for a feature film. The price for sheets may change in the future once I figure out how long it actually takes me to complete them. 

Both anthro and feral are welcome! I'll try to complete your request within a month, though if I don't feel I can and still want to fulfill the order I'll add you to a separate queue. For higher tiers, your discounts will be applied to your invoice. Discounts applied will be locked to the tier you are in at the time of this posting.

 I'll be collecting submissions via Google Forms for the first time, so please feel free to let me know if there's anything I should change about this process moving forward; I'll DM you once I review your submission.

Be sure to ask questions about commissions at any time - I don't bite!

 Click here for the Commission Order Form 




\o/ Count me in 😁


Is a commission idea applicable? I won't be as detailed I think 😮 EDIT: I just filled a form. I hope I'm not too late 😮


Good luck, Qal! I'm sure you will be fine! ☺️ Just remember to not overwork yourself!

Colonel Arbuckle

I love all the extra effort you put into the form, Qal! "Feel free to lounge by the pool," giving a Zootopia address; it just shows how much your willing to go the extra mile! I just sent in a couple of the forms myself. Can't wait to see all your awesome, comish-mishes!


PACING myself will be the biggest challenge I face, but I’ll do my best! Thank you, Voyager!


Yeeeaaahh I can be a little extra at times XD I hope this commission run runs smoothly (and thank you for your submissions)!


If I wanted a feral commission of my Bunny IRL would I chose a Color sketch portrait? Or would that be a different category at a later time ?


Hey Cody! This would be a CSP, yes! Just make sure you select "feral", as my memory is quite bad lol. Cheers!