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Spent some time watching fox documentaries - because that’s the kind of dork I am - while drawing. I had no idea the red fox came in so many variations. I was trying to rediscover my sketchy style so that maybe I could open SKETCH commissions soon if anyone was interested; I’d planned on opening last month but-). Once I feel comfortable though, I’d like to enter the commission waters for patrons again!




👀 I would love a commission from you! Great drawings!


It was something I learned while constructing the different characters for my writings lol. Even the different variations of the species—Marble, Arctic, etc. Fur patterns are cray for every one x-x’ . And, sketch commishes? Sounds like a ton of fun!!!


Great new sketches from you in the morning and even the prospect of commissions? I'm delighted.

Colonel Arbuckle

These are gorgeous foxxos, Qal!! And I'd love to get a sketch commission or commissions from you!!


Not really. Its just some of us remember to wash our faces after diving face first while hunting. XD XD