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As the sun set on the affluent neighborhood of Westwood, one red fox could be seen dashing in the middle of snow-ladden Alpine Court, a street that he'd never familiarized himself with and never would after today. He ran on the cold pavement as fast as he could, aware that he had 2 miles to go before he reached any semblance of public transportation. 

The numbness in his feet and chill on his nose made him regret turning down an offer from his client, the mammal who's abode he ran away from. He would've been farther away faster if his client waited until much later to open the package. Or he would've been iced on the spot. What was he thinking? They'd probably use the thing to line their mudroom, that's what he was thinking. He ignored the bits of panna cotta that still lingered in his mouth, given to him by the shrew's sisters, which reminded him of the shrew's lovely eldery mother who'd previously made him a cannoli upon his first visit. Strapped for cash, he'd already planned to give it to the small mammal hoping he wouldn't think too much of it. He'd had no idea what his client meant to do with it.

A loud roar pierced the snow-packed landscape and the distant sound of large engines revving up jerked him back to his escape on Alpine Court. A quick glance confirmed his dread - several large figures were seen on the hill of the estate rushing to their cars and pointing in his direction as a few cars were already peeling out of the driveway. He didn't have time to consider his options - he was doomed. All he could was run wildly and plan his response for when he got caught. The street rumbled as the SUV limo eventually caught up to him. Escape was futile and any attempt at escape would further insult his previous client, as well as the polar bears tasked with catching him. He was already caught. The warmth from the engine in front of him did nothing to ease the chill deep inside as the car stalled and an angry Kevin stepped out .

 He had no excuse. He made no attempt to talk. He stood ashamed in front of the headlights of one of Mr. Big's several vehicles ready to be forced into the car and back to the home.

"We trusted you, Wilde."


This piece was done after a few hours of learning from my composition course. These are the kind of technical skills I've been trying to develop. I'm still on lesson one and still have a lot to learn, but I'm super stoked to learn new skills. Thank you all again for supporting me and allowing me to learn so that I could share more art with you!



Cas VoiceActs

Aahaaahhhhhhhh!!!! This is beautiful Qal!!!! I love the story and this composition is amazing!!! I can't wait to see more of what you are learning in your class!


TYSM, Cas! I've still got a long way to go, but I'll get somewhere eventually! I hope I'm able to share some good art with you moving forward!


You know what, I really thought he was gonna be roadkill.

Colonel Arbuckle

It's a beautiful piece, Qal!! I can already tell you're learning things in this class! And the little narrative you included is pretty good too! Keep up the hard work!!


You know, I just realized maybe those light rays from the car may not be necessary since technically, the light is unobstructed from the point of view of the drawing. Light rays tend to be visible when the light is not directed toward the eye.


Love the pairing of the piece and the story!