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Thank you guys so much for all your ideas! If you have more feel free to keep posting throughout the month! I know some people do like my timelapse videos - I find them quite interesting - there’s no easy way to upload videos onto Patreon/ I don’t know how to make a video into GIF w/o it taking 30 minutes. I’ll keep working on it!

I had to share this idea that Cimar had for Day 7! I LOVE this scene/ musical number from Tangled*, and while I try to keep my Wildehopps ship parked at the dock I just couldn't help myself with this idea! 

*Somehow I got Frozen and Tangled mixed up; the leads look so similar!



I think you mean Tangled, not Frozen

Colonel Arbuckle

This is so sweet, Qal!!! They look so content! Absolutely loving all your Zinktober stuff so far!

Cas VoiceActs

I absolutely love love love this Qal! These inktober ideas are just so fun!! Can't wait to see more!!! 💜🤗


Wonderful artwork, Qal :3