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Remember how #JudyJuly didn’t work out? I do, and it hurt my pride not to finish it. And while I thought to continue the remaining pieces just for fun, the fact that the last piece was done the day before my dad passed away makes it impossible for me to continue that project mentally.

SO! Let’s join in ZNN’s #Zinktober event! 31 days of art and potentially Halloween-y vibes! Nothing too fancy, just sketches at the very least. Unlike July, this will be a public event. I’ve been so inconsistent with art and I don’t want to fall behind. The “art piece-a-day” challenges are very difficult, but I don’t wanna lose my mojo! And hey, why not sprinkle the Inktober hashtag with Zootopia work for a month? Maybe Disney will remember people still enjoyed this movie. XD

Whatcha Up To, Q?

The goal is to complete all 31 prompts from the official Inktober 2019 prompt. All 31! If I can’t finish one on that day (like Oct 1) it’ll just be uploaded when I can with the others. 

And You Need Our Help?

Yes, I do! I need all your ideas on things to draw along with the prompts! I LOVED asking you guys your ideas for #JudyJuly, so let’s try it again with #Zinktober! I need your ideas for the following:

You think, I’ll draw!

Simple Rules

  • Zootopia characters only
  • Halloween themes are encouraged!
  • SFW

So if you’re interested let’s get started! We’ve got 30 more days to go and today’s is “Mindless”. I look forward to hearing your ideas!




Flash: The slowest least threatening mindless zombie ever.

D. Stuart

Overgrown. Nick in full winter floof? And/or Judy.


11. Nick and Judy fleeing from the snowmonster from Frozen.


17. Judy and Nick cursed to be ornamental stone gargoyles


27. Judy complained about Nick's shedding. He joked she could make a coat out of it, thinking it would be funny. He found out that, in fact, it is extremely creepy.


EASY: 2) Nick is a "zombie," mindlessly munching on Judy's ear as she tries to do something like paperwork :P


13. Nick and Judy are Ash's Pokemon


7. Enchanted - Nick, Judy, or both of them, watching the lantern festival from Tangled.


I LOVE the idea of overfluffed Fluff or Slick! I feel like I should do Judy though since I’ve done a fluffy nick before 🤔 Oh, the choices!


16. Wild - Doodle Judy and Doodle Nick trying to be ferocious...and failing because they're too cute. XD

Colonel Arbuckle

3) Bait: Judy takes Nick on a fishing trip and the city fox is a little squeamish around the bait, so Judy has to bait his hook for him.


6. An overindulgence of blueberries doth make a fox "husky"

Colonel Arbuckle

5) Build: Growing up on a farm, I would imagine Judy knows her way around machinery pretty well. I could totally see a teenage Judy gathering parts together and building her first car.

Colonel Arbuckle

4) Freeze: Nick and Judy scraping ice and snow off their squad car.


24. Judy gets a swivel chair which results in Nick's new favorite game: Spin Da Bun


21. They're both each other's treasure, so HUGS!


9. Swinging from Rainforest District's vines, Tarzan style


28. A magic carpet ride. A whole new world...


28. Ooh ooh better idea. Nick gets Judy a new ride from a police auction. It's the joke-mobile

Colonel Arbuckle

20) Tread: Bunny paws are excellent for giving massages, so Judy treats Nick to a walk across his back after a long day at work.

Colonel Arbuckle

30) Catch: Nick and Judy grab their gloves and a baseball and have one last round of catch before the colder temperatures start setting in.


Nick: They were practically GIVING it away! Can you believe it! Judy: ... Yes ... yes I can


16) Nick wearing a George of the Jungle costume looking at Judy like "geddit, 'Wild'e?"


18) Misfit: Nick and Judy switch uniforms (with the uniforms staying the same size, so Nick is barely able to fit into Judy's vest and Judy is just like a toddler wearing their parents clothing :P)


21) Treasure: that scene from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark at the beginning when Indy's grabbing the idol from the pedestal, except Nick is Indy and Judy is the idol :P


8 A frail crumbling balcony won't stop our dynamic duo from helping a kit in need


26. Judy gets Hi duty super duper night vision goggles so that she too can see in the dark


22. Is there anything cuter than kits sitting around a campfire telling ghost stories? Not if those kids are Nick and Judy


12 Dragon: Nick and Judy using a ZPD issues flamethrower for de-iceing or to remove debris from power lines. Or maybe a zebra kid's costume (could paint his existing striped red and orange) 15 Legend: Nick telling some story around a campfire using a flashlight under his chin and making wild gestures 19 Sling: Nick and Judy slinging candy into Clawhausers mouth from the second level of the ZPD to the receptionist desk 22 Ghost: A parade of Judy's siblings running down a street trick or treating all in ghost sheet costumes. Or maybe Nick and Judy being supernaturally lifted into the air to their surprise 23 Ancient: Judy find extremely expired food-stuffs (maybe pumpkin related) in Nick's or Nick's moms kitchen to her horror 25 Tasty: Nick noming on Judy's ear 26 Dark: Some night vision incorporation? Or dark chocolate 29 Injured: Nick wheel-chairing Judy around when she was recovering from her natural history museum injury. Maybe both could be in costume 31 Ripe: Caramel apples being enjoyed next to a full moon

Colonel Arbuckle

24) Dizzy: Judy loves any excuse to put the ZPD cruisers through their paces. After one of their first high speed chases together, Nick is visibly queasy while Judy is perfectly fine.

Colonel Arbuckle

17) Ornament: Judy presents Nick with an ornament he had custom made depicting the two of them in Christmas clothing.

Colonel Arbuckle

15) Legend: Nick gives Judy an autograph he got for her from one of her favorite athletes.

Colonel Arbuckle

17) Ornament: Nick imitates the pose of a hood ornament of an exotic car to Judy's amusement.


Either 23 Ancient or 27 Coat. Just when you thought Nick's Hawaiian shirts were loud, Judy raids his closet and finds true crimes against fashion.


How would you know the extent of someone's relationship with someone unless you ARE that person? Name-calling and recently-made smear account? Come on, man.