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i meant to get some more done over the last 2 days and have a more substantial preview out, but i've just been having to deal with some shitty chronic hip pain garbage (chronic might not be the best term, but it's lasted since march so it's safe to say it's been going on for a bit)

because of that, progress has been spotty since it's a bit hard to focus through my body screaming at me nonstop. it's probably nothing that serious, but i still feel the need to at least bring it up for the sake of transparency. that being said, most days its pretty mild - so it's not anything i can't push through

as for my progress so far, it's still pretty good all things considered. i changed up the background a bit to help the lighting make more sense (and just out of preference), i've done a good portion of the animation outline for the first segment and am now working on doing the same for this one (the pose shown in the preview).

as usual, i'll try to be back tomorrow with another update on this - hopefully something more interesting by then if i can convince my hip to chill the fuck out for a bit




B careful, i know personally of animators who got fucked up hands and backs. stretch yourself out when you can!


thanks for the concern :] thankfully my hands are miraculously not fucked up, but i definitely need to do some more for my back when i can