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When we raise the anchor, the chain usually bunches up and needs to be fixed manually. This is something that is on the list of tasks to solve during these winter months, but whenever I see images like these, I don't know why it is, but I have serious doubts about whether this problem really needs to be solved...😜😂

Have a nice weekend!



Cuando levamos el ancla, la cadena suele amontonarse y hay que fijarla manualmente. Esto es algo que está en la lista de tareas a solucionar durante estos meses de invierno, pero siempre que veo imágenes como estas no sé porque es, pero tengo serias dudas de si realmente hay que solucionar este problema. .😜😂

Os deseamos un feliz fin de semana!




136 Patreon



Looks fine to me. Not sure I could handle just standing with the camera. Be safe