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The cold has arrived, and we miss contact with the sand, the sea and being naked under the sun. The images obtained on our trips are the perfect refuge for winter. In this new PRIVATE VIDEO we want to show you another of our private Mediterranean paradises, it is Porto Scudo, in the south of Sardinia. A restricted military zone where everything around us is just nature!

As you can see, Noemi had a real "bath" in sand. something that is very gratifying seen from today's perspective.

Thank you for allowing us to discover all these paradises!!!


Noemi & Josep


El frio ha llegado, y echamos de menos el contacto con la arena, el mar y estar desnudos bajo el sol. Las imagenes obtenidas en nuestros viajes son el refugio perfecto para el invierno. En este nuevo PRIVATE VIDEO os queremos mostrar otro de nuestros paraísos privados del Mediterraneo, se trata de Porto Scudo, en el sur de Cerdeña. Una zona militar restringida donde todo lo que nos rodea es solo naturaleza! 

Como podréis comprobar Noemi tuvo un verdadero "baño" en arena. algo que es muy gratificante visto desde a perspectiva actual

Gracias por permitirnos descubrir todos estos paraísos!!!


Noemi y Josep


PRIVAE VIDEO Porto Scudo, Sardinia Nov23



Sexy Noemi. I wish I could help get the sand off of you. Kisses all over. Ps… a little more kitty pls.


Beautiful wilderness. This year, Noemi is evenly tanned like never before.😘