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Dear friends, we are sailing and discovering new places in the Mediterranean in the Egadi Islands, soon we will leave them to sail to the south of Sicily. But first we are finishing our new film about Tuscany.

We would like that, as is tradition, you were the ones who chose the best poster to illustrate the new film.

Which of the 5 proposals do you like the most?

You can vote for more than one!

We love you!!

Noemi & Josep


Queridos amigos, estamos navegando y descubriendo nuevos sitios del Mediterraneo en las Islas Egades, pronto las dejaremos para navegar hasta el sur de Sicilia. Pero antes estamos terminando nuestra nueva pelicula sobre la Toscana.

Nos gustaría que como ya es tradición fuerais vosotros quienes escogierais el mejor poster para ilustrar la nueva pelicula.

Cual de las 5 propuestas te gusta mas? 

Puedes votar a mas de una!

Os queremos!!

Noemi & Josep



LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks friends for so many votes and opinions!!! The result is very even! But the winner by a single vote is proposal number 4!❤️❤️❤️


My vote is 5