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We like to look for solitary places where nature is especially attractive to practice naturism and record some of our videos, but it is not always easy to find a quiet place...

In this PRIVATE VIDEO from our historical archive, we can see that this beautiful place on Es Trenc Beach in Mallorca, was not as quiet and lonely as it seemed when we started recording...


Noemi & Josep


Nos gusta buscar sitios solitarios donde la naturaleza sea especialmennte atractiva para practicar el naturismo y grabar algunos de nuestros videos, pero no siempre es facil encontrar un sitio tranquilo... 

En este PRIVATE DE VIDEO de nuestro archivo historico, podemos ver que este bonito sitio en la Playa de Es Trenc en Mallorca, no era todo lo tranquilo y solitario que parecia cuando empezamos a grabar...


Noemi & Josep


prying eyes at bunker



Beautiful Momi. I agree with Don above respectfully of course. Kisses


Enough of history. You owe us a private video from 2023. Perhaps in Sicily?

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Dear the review of some of our older Private Videos is not a replacement for the current ones. We keep recording and editing new videos. Very soon the new one!😘