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Dear friends,

This is the longest movie we've ever made! We have divided it into two parts to create the Youtube version. In the first part we have spent time sailing across the crowded Gulf of Genoa and we take a tour from the sea through the beautiful towns of Cinque Terre.

In this second part we show you the short route to the city of La Specia. It is a Sunday morning in August and in Italy everyone goes sailing, just as we are heading to the port...


Noemi & Josep


Queridos amigos,

Esta es la pelicula mas larga que hemos realizado nunca! La hemos dividido en dos partes para crear la version de Youtube. En la primera parte hemos dedicado tiempo a la navegacion cruzando el concurrido Golfo de Genova y hacemos un recorrido desde el mar por los preciosos pueblos de Cinque Terre.

En esta segunda parte os mostramos el corto recorrido hasta la ciudad de La Specia. Es un Domingo por la mañana del mes de Agosto y en Italia todo el mundo sale a navegar, justo cuando nosotros nos dirigimos a puerto... 


Noemi y Josep


121 WONDERS OF ITALY Youtube Patreon PART 2.mov


gene lappe

Absolutely beautiful scenery. Noemi, looking gorgeous 😍

Donald Murray

I can not decide whether I like you in clothes or naked because you look equally as good either way. Plus, your laugh is very infectious.