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Hello friends, our movie 121 is longer than usual, and we have decided that we will divide it into two episodes for the Youtube version. 

We are happy to be able to Premiere here on Patreon, this special versions that included some extra scenes, which we will not be able to include on YouTube due to its very restrictive rules against nudity.

We started a long stage touring Italian waters, so we have also decided to incorporate the Italian language into our list of subtitles. This is all thanks to your support! 

Thank you very much for making it possible!


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, nuestra pelicula 121 es mas larga de lo habitual y hemos decidido que la dividiremos  en dos episodios para la version de Youtube. 

Estamos felices de poder Estrenar aqui en Patreon, esta version especial que incluye algunas escenas extra, que no podremos incluir en Youtube debido a sus muy restrictivas normas contra la desnudez.

Iniciamos una larga etapa recorriendo aguas Italianas, por lo que tambien hemos decidido incorporar el idioma Italiano a nuestra lista de subtitulos. Todo esto es gracias a vuestro apoyo! 

Muchas gracias por hacerlo posible!!!


Noemi & Josep


121 WONDERS OF ITALY Youtube Patreon PART 1.mov


Haydon Ditchburn

Josep, I still struggle to understand how you can film Noemi while she walks naked on the beach. That is one of the most kissable bottoms I have seen. You are a very lucky man..

gene lappe

Absolutely beautiful 💗

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Haydon, I would love to be able to capture all the beauty and magic that is created in those moments and this way to keep forever...Happy New Year!!!❤️❤️❤️