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Hello friends, before leaving Lipari we have finished the Youtube version of our last film.

This is a special version for Patreon, since after the credits it includes some extra scenes.

We hope you like it!!!

We love you!

Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, antes de dejar Lipari hemos terminado  la version para Youtube de nuestra ultima pelicula.

esta es una version especial para Patreon, ya que despues de los creditos incluye algunas escenas extra.

Esperamos que os guste!!!

Os queremos!

Noemi & Josep




Sandy Pants

Also, Noemi, your sheer cover up when walking through the old town is so nice. Sheer fashions are muy sexy and do suit you well. Well done.

Haydon Ditchburn

Seriously Josep, I don't know how you get things done when Naomi is tanning her beautiful body naked.. I think I'd be admiring that body & especially kissing that bottom.😂