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Hello friends, we have completed our tour of the Aeolian Islands! We have discovered impressive landscapes! And between volcanoes we have fallen in love with a new corner of the Mediterranean, fascinating and different!

Today we leave the Aeolian Islands! We are in Lipari and after many days sailing small distances between the islands, we are going to undertake a long journey to Sardinia. In the first stage we will sail north of Sicily, and if all goes well, we will cross without stopping to Sardinia. They are just over 260NM and this means about 48 hours of navigation, so it would be our longest navigation!

You can follow us through Vessel Finder or Marine Traffic, looking for the French-flagged MY LIFE. These websites receive the signal through repeaters and there may be some area without coverage.

We hope to arrive Wednesday morning Mediterranean time.

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey! For making it possible, and for the love you are giving us!!!


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, hemos completado nuestro recorrido por las Islas Eolias! Hemos descubierto paisajes impresionantes! Y entre volcanos nos hemos enamorado de un nuevo rincon del Mediterraneo ,fasicinante y diferente! 

Hoy dejamos las Islas Eolias! estamos en Lipari y despues de muchos dias navegando pequeñas distancias entre las islas, vamos a  emprender un largo viaje hasta Cerdeña. En la primera etapa navegaremosal norte de Sicilia, y si todo va bien, cruzaremos sin detenernos hasta Cerdeña. Son algo mas de 260NM y esto suponen unas 48 horas de Navegacion, por lo que seria nuestra navegacion mas larga! 

Podeis seguirnos a traves de Vessel Finder o Marine Trafic, buscando al MY LIFE de bandera Francesa. Estas webs reciben la señal a traves de repetidores y puede haber alguna area sin cobertura. 

Esperamos llegar el Miercoles por la mañana hora del Mediterraneo.

Muchas gracias por acompañarnos en este viaje!!! Por hacerlo posible, y por el amor que nos estais dando!!!


Noemi y Josep




los viernes no mandan videos como prometieron?


Congratulations on a faultless transit. I followed you all the way. Enjoy awell-earned weekend in port. Goff

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Goff!! Upon our arrival in Sardinia we have had several days of storms with strong gusts of wind. Today we will leave the port and sail to Capo Malfatano where we would like to be able to record some images of Tuaredda beach.❤️❤️❤️