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Hello friends, this month of June has been a difficult month for us, as you know we have problems with our VIMEO page which has forced us to change many Patreon video links that were hosted there. We are also  working on a new website to complement our videos with additional information.

For all this, this month of June we are late with our with some of our videos, today we will publish the exclusive version for Patreon of our next YouTube Episode, and in the next few days we will publish the Private video of the month and also the Extra Private

We have finally managed to complete the vaccination against COVID and we are ready to start sailing, we have a long sailing season planned, we plan to travel the coast of Catalonia to the north, the south of France and the north of Italy.

In the coming months we want you to know in real time where we are and what is happening, and if we cross paths on our route we would love to be able to greet you personally.

We love you friends!!!

Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, este mes de Junio ha sido un mes dificil para nosotros, como sabeis tenemos problemas con nuestra pagina de VIMEO lo que nos ha obligado a cambiar muchos links de videos de Patreon que estaban allí alojados. También estamos trabajando una nueva pagina web para complementar con información adicional nuestros videos.

Por todo ello, este mes de Junio vamos con retraso con nuestro con algunos de nuestros videos, hoy mismo publicaremos la version exclusiva para Patreon de nuestro proximo Episodio de Youtube y en los próximos días publicaremos el video Privado del mes y tambien el Extra Private

Finalmente hemos consegido completar la vacunacion contre el COVID y estamos listos para empezar a navegar, tenemos prevista una temporada de navegacion larga, tenemos previsto recorrer la costa de Catalunya hacia el norte, el sur de Francia y el norte de Italia.

En los proximos meses queremos que sepais en tiempo real donde estamos y lo que va ocurriendo, y si nos cruzamos en nuestra ruta nos encantaria poder saludaros personalmente.

Os queremos

Noemi & Josep



This is "HELLO FRIENDS!" by LaVaV Private on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Nice flag, nice t-shirt. We wish you peace of mind and undisturbed joy in starting your new voyage. ⛵️☀️🇫🇷🇮🇹🌍

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks my friend!!! The sea and nature solve all problems. Sailing on a sailboat takes a lot of preparation, and filming the trip in our series requires a lot of other material. This season we have new cameras to try to get better images.❤️❤️❤️


keep sailing under the world flag and we enjoy your wonderful adventures together