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Hello friends, our new movie will be released on Vimeo as usual, but we do not know if this could continue to be the case since they ask us a lot of money to continue publishing our films here.

Neither the problems we have had with YouTube censorship nor now this exaggerated economic demand that we are suffering from Vimeo, will not prevent us from continuing with our project of touring the entire Mediterranean and documenting it in our films.

We know that our main strength is you, our dear Patrons, and thanks to your support and your encouraging comments we have the necessary strength to continue.

We are happy to be able to share with you this exclusive trailer for Patreon of our new Movie that we will premiere tomorrow Sunday. As usual we will send the VIP CODES to all SKY Patrons and above.


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos nuestra nueva pelicula se estrenara en Vimeo como es habitual, pero no sabemos si esto podra seguir siendo asi ya que nos piden mucho dinero por continuar publicando nuestras peliculas aqui.

Ni los problemas que hemos tenido con la censura de Youtube ni ahora esta exagerada demanda economica que estamos sufriendo por parte de Vimeo, no impediran que continuemos con nuestro proyecto de recorrer todo el Mediterraneo y documentarlo en nuestras peliculas.

Sabemos que nuestra fuerza principal soys vosotros, nuestros queridos Patrons, y gracias a vuestro apoyo y vuestros comentarios de animo tenemos la fuerza necesaria para continuar. 

Estamos felices de poder compartir con vosotros este trailer exclusivo para Patreon de nuestra nueva Pelicula que estrenaremos mañana Domingo.Como es habitual enviaremos los VIP CODES a todos los Patrons SKY y superiores.


Noemi & Josep


90 FINDING OUR DESTINY (exclusive Patreon trailer)

Exclusive Patreon Trailer



We are happy to see beauty again in your new movie. We are happy to be painting. It is sad that someone wants to spoil what is good. Have a nice Sunday. 🎨🐎⛵️❤️❤️

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks my friend!!!! We are determined to complete our series of Movies throughout the Mediterranean. At the moment it continues only on Patreon. LOVE❤️