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With our Private Videos we want to show you the most spectacular places in the Mediterranean. Sardinia is a spectacular island that never disappoints us, whether it is because of its white sand beaches, its turquoise waters, its solitary landscapes or because of how good all of this feels on Noemi's naked body.

We are very happy to be able to share with you these beautiful images of Porto Zaferano, an authentic wonder of nature.


Noemi & Josep


Con nuestros Private Videos queremos mostraros los sitios mas espectaculares del Mediterraneo. Cerdeña es una Isla espectacular que nunca nos defrauda, sera por sus playas de arena blanca, por sus aguas turquesa, por sus solitarios paisajes o por lo bien que le sienta todo ello al desnudo cuerpo de Noemi.

Estamos muy felices de poder compartir con vosotros esta vellas imagenes de Porto Zaferano, una autentica maravilla de la naturaleza.


Noemi y josep


Private Porto Zafferano



Beautiful, perfectly made video. 😍 A spectacular place where the beauty of nature interferes with the beauty of Noemi, giving an uplifting and positive experience. Thank you. Kisses. 😘 😘

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Krzysztof!! Without a doubt this is one of the most beautiful areas we have ever seen!!! It's the perfect setting. Whenever we can we stop here, even though it is a NATO military zone and we can never know when we will be expelled from paradise.❤️❤️❤️