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In our recently released movie we discovered that any small incident while on a sailboat can complicate our lives...


En nuestra recien estrenada pelicula descubrimos que que cualquier pequeño incidente estando en un velero nos puede complicar la vida...


About the eye incident · For Patreon


Ed Rymes

Yes, being isolated from your home familiarity can be scary but it does make you realize how you will react to an emergency. Medical emergencies can be very overwhelming if you’re not medically trained. So glad everything turned out well.


Noemi, watch your beautiful eyes. 😘

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Ed, We have never had a major medical emergency on the ship while isolated. This small injury that required medical attention makes you realize that we cannot relax and has led us to prepare a better first aid kit to have on board. 😘😘😘