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Our previous movie THE SENSE OF LIFE Ep138 was especially long, and we have decided to divide it into two episodes in its adaptation for YouTube.

Now we offer you the premiere of this new episode with the second part and as always you can see it first. This special version for Patreon includes after the credits some extra scenes only for Patreon.

We hope you enjoy it!!!

Tomorrow we will also premiere the new full movie here on Patreron. CHASING PALERMO Ep 139.

With Love

Noemi & Josep


Nuestra anterior pelicula THE SENSE OF LIFE Ep138 era especialmente larga, y hemos decidido dividarla en dos episodios en su adaptación para Youtube.

Ahora os ofrecemos el estreno de este nuevo episodio con la segunda parte y que como siempre lo pdoeis ver en primicia. Esta version especial para Patreon incluye despues de los creditos algunas escenas extra solo para Patreon.

Esperamos que lo disfruteis!!!

Mañana mismo estrenaremos tambien aqui en Patreron la nueva pelicula completa. CHASING PALERMO Ep 139.

Con amor

Noemi y Josep


Ep 138 THE SENSE OF LIFE (Part 02) · YouTube Patreon Edition


Malcolm Allcock

Hi Josep and Neomi,I've now got you back on Patreon,all I had to do was uninstall and install the app, hope this is helpful to others, great to follow your adventures