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Hello friends, the Mediterranean is full of history and Palermo is an excellent example of it. We are very happy to be able to take you to this beautiful city that is the capital of Sicily.

This is an exclusive trailer for Patreon that we are excited to share with you.

Noemi is currently finishing the subtitles and very soon we will release the full movie here on Patreon.

We love you!

Noemi & josep


Hola amigos, el mediterraneo esta lleno de historia y Palermo es una excelente muestra de ello. Estamos muy felices de poder llevaros hasta esta preciosa ciudad que es la capital de Sicilia.

Este es un trailer exclusivo para Patreon que compartimos con mucha ilussion con vosotros.

En estos momentos Noemi esta terminando los subtitulos y muy pronto estrenaremos la pelicula completa aqui en Patreon.

Os queremos!

Noemi y Josep


Ep 139 · CHASING PALERMO · Trailer Patreon Edition



beautiful video as always and always congratulations to the super Noemi... Palermo is a beautiful city.. hello Josep super video director and a kiss to Noemi


I vostri video sono sempre una celebrazione della bellezza del corpo femminile. La nudità e il naturismo sono la massima espressione di questa bellezza. Complimenti. Continuate così. ❤️

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks my friend!!! Palermo is a different city from most European capitals. You can feel in every corner the presence of all the cultures and civilizations that have passed through here! We love this city and we can't wait to return to it