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Didn't you guys hear? Friday is the new Thursday.

Yea, that's a lie...

But it wasn't exactly my choice to not have the Development Post done yesterday. So many factors kinda fell onto my plate at once. I spent a good 5 hours cleaning, rested for about 20 minutes in my bedroom, got a nosebleed from how dry my room was, spent another hour cleaning that and myself up, went to Taco Bell, and pretty much ended off my day by arguing with some family members that came over.

Hope you guys had a great week, though.

The art. So this is what I was working on in my free time. I'm going to split each character into topics in this post so I can cover how I feel about each of them.

Crane. My only real issue with this one is that Crane sort of lacks a lot of areas I can be detailed in. Of course, I could've added more to his feathers, but I think that shading and color will be enough for him.

Monkey. I actually like everything other than his face. Not sure why, I think it just looks a bit too human as opposed to monkey. If that makes any sense.

Viper. Holy hell she was hard to draw. I think I went through like 7 different drafts just for her face. At first I tried the movie as reference, didn't work. Then I used the short films, that didn't work. I then decided to settle on using Daigaijin's version of her head shape and then did my typical thing on everything else. Overall, she's my favorite of the Five that I've drawn, aside from Tigress.

So... It's August. That's right, lots of possibilities for this month. I'm crossing my fingers than I can bust my ass just a bit more than usual and get this thing released for everyone, but I'm also not going to rush any of the art. I spent most of Chapter 1 doing that and I regret it entirely.

Criticism. Some honest criticism would be great. I know there are a couple of artists in my patron list and I would love to hear what they have to say. I will say one thing though, the awkward line thickness is intentional. For the most part, I want to keep the art sort of simplistic but also fairly detailed, while also carrying sort of an official vibe. I look back at how I did things like the drunk bunny and think, "That looks like it was added in last second..."

Reference picture of the week is by Ja-The-Shadow-Hunter:




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