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So after going back and forth about it, I decided I'm going to take the time to actually make a Development Post, the right way.

Decrease in quality. I'm sure I've expressed this before, but I'm really not fond of how my art looks. And because of the nature of the project, I have the ability to go back and make changes. However, this comes with the added issue of a form of buyer's remorse. Anyways, point is, I'm going to take all the time I need from now until the release date. This doesn't affect anything other than the amount of content in my Development Posts. Things I may change include, but are not limited to: shading, main menus, character customization, and most of all, linework.

My goal is to get my linework on the same level as Akabur. For those that don't know, his art looks like this:

Now, that's not impossible for me. But I can't just get a drawing done as quickly as I do now. Looking back, I think there are only two drawings I didn't really rush on my DeviantArt. But even those I can see a handful of mistakes in. Perhaps I'll just work at my current rate, and when the project is finished, I'll go back and touch everything up. My only issue with that, is it sounds stressful due to it's impending nature.

Working with persistent variables. Something I've been trying to add in, is a feature where you can replay scenes. A lot of games like Four Elements Trainer lack replay features for certain scenes and I've seen people complaining about it. Basically, a persistent variable will stay saved outside of the game. So I can have a variable that will check if you've unlocked a scene, and when you go back to the main menu, you can choose to rewatch it. Of course, I have to think about what the player will look like, since the replay scenes aren't correlated with your saves. Although I could just let the player race, color, etc. be persistent as well and just let the replay feature use whichever saved character you used last.

Monthly picture. I already have June done, July is taking me a bit more time because of other things I have to do. Also I'm not sure I like the shading style I used on June's, so I'll probably go back to my typically shading style for July.

What the hell happened to the panty ideas? Don't worry, they're still all written down. I'm not sure if Chapter 2 will have changeable panties or not. It'll all come down to if I feel it breaks the realism of the situation or not (Try to think whether or not a girl would let you decide what panties she wears). But I think I'll be able to find a way, just for you guys. ;)

Something to look forward to? Definitely the replay tool. And given that this Chapter comes with lots of Oral, Anal, and Wedgies, I hope you guys make great use of it.

That's everything for now, my friends. Please enjoy this reference video from Zonkpunch:


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