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 Sup guys, did you miss me? No? That's okay... I wouldn't either. 

So for you guys that don't get the picture, I spent about an hour animating one of the main menu spankings, and I used the wrong reference. Basically, the first time I tried to make it, it looked like Tigress was snapping her ass cheeks like you would your fingers. I don't know what compelled me to save that file, but I did. Anyways, once Nagibator.exe started working again, I fixed the issue.

I'm gonna be honest with you. With how close we're coming to finishing the game, it gets harder and harder for me to make these posts. But I'm going to continue with my typical post length, even if there's a lot of filler. That way I can feel like I did a good job, while leaving you as clueless as you were last week. Isn't the internet great?

I KEED. You think I feel like I did a good job after these posts? Pff, you're just like my girlfriend after sex. That is, if I had one...

How about some actual Game News? Well, I've divided up all my tasks on a Google Docs Spreadsheet. I think I did a pretty good job:

I'm just pulling your leg, although I really did make a To Do List. In all actuality, I've really been trying to bust my ass on this project. In fact, while the rest of my friends were out partying on the 4th, I was inside my oven of an apartment working. And that's not even a guilt trip. The thing is, I'm actually happy that I get to work on something like this, and have you guys cheering me on.

wHeRe'S tHe MoNtHlY pIcTuRe YoU pRoMiSeD uS?!? We're going on the 10th of July and I have yet to release last month's pic or this month's pic. To be honest, there's no reason as to why though. The pics are actually one of the things you guys give the most likes on, so I should be more inclined on doing them, right? I think I've just gotten my mind so focused on the game. Anyways, I'll see what I can do about doing BOTH of them today. Wan Wu in a spanking and Song with her underwear over her head.

More pain for you to laugh at. So I want to say I've messed up about 10 drawings, just trying to draw the underwear right. Granted, these drawings are also being used for animation purposes, so screw ups are a lot easier, but GOTDAYUM I am having issues drawing fabric.

That's everything I got for today. Sorry this post took forever to get posted, I honestly can't think of anything to put in these things anymore since everything I add could be something that would make for the best surprise.

Reference Pic: https://twitter.com/sabrotiger/status/1145079794553503747 I'm watching you sabro. ;)



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