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Alright my peeps, here's the 411 on where things are going. I have good news and bad news.

Good news is: We are 60% finished with the game. And at 75% I make a release date, everyone gets excited, and somebody inadvertently explains to me how my game gave them a boner. Not looking forward to that last part...

Bad news is: As I reach completion, I'm going to get a bit more tight on information, so that means less scans and sneak peeks. I know, it sucks, but if I type the entire game on these posts and show all the pictures, there would be no point playing, since you already know what happens.

So here's what's going to happen: I'm going to continue posting on Wednesdays like I usually do, but there will be a maximum of one picture from the game in each post. Of course, I'll include other pictures to keep things interesting, but for reasons stated earlier, I gotta limit my spoilers. Also I'm going to change how I inform you all in these posts. The whole Art, Coding, and Concepts thing is honestly frustrating to try to do. So this way, I can simply tell you everything you need to know without having to break everything down unnecessarily.

Tigress Path Continuation. So as you can see, I'm going to try to reuse assets when I can. But not in an uncreative way. For example, if Tigress simply needs to talk to you, I'm not going to make a Tigress from a different angle. But if there are two scenes where she bends over, you can bet your ass that I'm gonna draw a different angle of her ass for the other scene.

Combat System. Everything is set for the fighting. Wedgies and pantsing work as they are supposed to and I'm going to be working on straight cinematics for the next few weeks. This includes one non-animated image for wedgies on all 8 girls, one non-animated image for pantsing on all 8 girls, one animated scene for blowjobs on all 8 girls, and one animated scene for anal on all 8 girls.

Happy Birthday to mlpfunfictionwriter. June 22nd, go give him a shout on his DeviantArt. The man has supported this project in more ways than one, including but not limited to, concept art, concepts, and funding.

Monthly Art. You guys really busted my balls on this poll. 50-50 is just my luck. I'll give it till this Friday at 9PM my time. If the results are still 50-50, I'll just use some web widget to randomly pick one. No point making too much of a fuss about it. The art is here to keep you guys excited for what is to cum.

Where Each Path Stands. Okay, technically both paths result in you training the girls into your personal pleasure slaves. However, the Wu Path is going to be a bit more rape themed, so viewer beware. There are rape themes in both though, since the combat system needed more spice.

That should be it. As it stands, I have a fair amount of work ahead of me and a few other things to take care of, so I'm going to do my best to focus on them. In the mean time, break that tie in the poll so I can draw some feline booty for you guys. :P

Art by: yokappa69 


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