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Released in 1986 to a disastrous box office and mediocre reviews, Labyrinth would bubble under as a cult classic for decades, informing the childhood of weirdos and gay kids around the world. Is it David Bowie's enormous, inappropriate bulge or Sarah's lewk in the ballroom scene, I mean you tell me. It's an absolute one-of-a-kind moment of which Nova and I are very fond. We're attending a Labyrinth-themed event this weekend so we're in full outfit prep mode and it was only fitting to gift the film an episode of FOI.




I was lucky enough to see a Labyrinth / Wizard of Oz double bill at Somerset House a couple of years ago, it's amazing how well those films fit each other, you can really see how Labyrinth is inspired by it, but getting to hear that amazing soundtrack booming out in the open air while the stars shined in the night sky was truly magical! I can watch the ballroom scene a billion times and never get tired of it, it really inspired me to get into costume design, Sarah'a dress, hair and jewellery are all perfection


Growing up I had 2 grandmothers, Nanny Rosie and Nanny Judy. When staying at Nanny Rosies house I would watch the movies Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Witches and Matilda, movies that might have been considered ‘dark’ to children, but I love anything to do with magic and dark fantasy. She passed in 2006 and those movies always remind me of her. At Nanny Judys house I’d always watch Calamity Jane, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Cats, The BFG and Toy Story 2, movies that are completely different in genre but I still love them to this day. I miss seeing old movie techniques like puppets but also 2D animation. I hate how nowadays in mainstream cinema, any 2D animated movie is considered for small children only and can’t remotely be relatable to grown ups. I think some of the best, most memorable and universally loved movies are the likes of The Iron Giant, The Prince of Egypt, the Disney Renaissance or anything by Studio Ghibli. I miss that warm, comforting feeling that only comes from hand drawn movies that seems to be missing from cinema