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Charlie had gone on a few dates with Dylan and they had gone quite well. Dinner dates, drive-in movies, and a trip to an amusement park where they shared a kiss on a Ferris wheel. He was smitten with the bunny boy, and while he wanted to take things faster and further ever since their successful first date, every time he was around the bunny boy, he couldn’t bring himself to do anything. He was afraid of ruining things, making the wrong move at the wrong time, and soiling any romantic prospects between them. He never felt like this with anyone before, it was weird. Usually, when the mouse crushed on someone, he’d have no problem sucking their dick immediately. But Dylan was different, Charlie WANTED to do that, but whenever he was with him, the overwhelming warmth and fuzziness inside of him just made him stare at him like he was the most beautiful bunny in the world.

In Charlie’s opinion, he was.

The third date where they shared their first kiss in a very rom-com sort of way on the Ferris wheel was fresh on his mind. It had been a few days since then already, but he could still taste the bunny boy’s lips; they tasted like the carrot cake he had just a few minutes before getting on the “metal wheel of death” as he called it. Charlie couldn’t blame him for calling it that; the thing did look like it was put together using scrap metal. But it was a traveling amusement park, the majority of them were like that. Charlie didn’t even like carrot cake (he was more of a cheesecake type of person, obviously), but when it was on Dylan’s lips, he couldn’t get enough of it.

The rodent wanted that rabbit as his boyfriend, but he wasn’t sure whether the rabbit wanted him or not and it was driving him up the wall. Was the kiss just something that the bunny let happen? Was he not into him? Charlie did accidentally feel Dylan’s dick get hard through his pants when they kissed but maybe that was a stress boner like the one you would get right before the teacher calls you up to solve a math problem in front of the entire class. He was quick to pull his hand away and Dylan acted as if nothing happened and it wasn’t brought up for the rest of their date, although Charlie wished he did. Maybe then he and Dylan would already be an item and he wouldn’t be pacing around in his bedroom with his phone in a death grip in his hand as he over-thought every little aspect of the text that he was about to send him.

“No, no, I can’t use that emoji, he’s going to think I’m lame.” The mouse put his finger in his mouth and gently chewed on the claw of his index finger as he edited the message that he had typed into the text box of the conversation between him and his bunny-boy crush. After erasing the emoji at the end of his message, he read it again.

“Hey, Dylan. Would you like to be my boyfriend?”

Charlie physically cringed and he felt like shrinking into his crop top and dolphin shorts. Even without the emoji, it wasn’t that much of an improvement. He would have preferred to ask him in person, but he wanted it to happen now, and knowing what he knew about Dylan, he was probably not free on such short notice anyway; something-something gaming session with the boys.

After taking a few deep breaths to flush the cringe and reel his soul back into his body, Charlie brought his thumb and hovered it over the little paper plane symbol to the right of the text box, ready to send the text. His chest rose and fell, his eyes scanned over the text one last time, and he hit send. A cute little whoosh sound played through his phone’s speakers and the small “Delivered” text appeared under his blue bubble. He stared at his phone’s screen, anxiety through the roof, and chewed gently on the tip of the finger that he had in his mouth. He hated read receipts, but he also hated when they weren’t there either. After about a minute of staring at his screen hoping that the text would change to “Read”, he gave up, put his phone down on his bed, and turned on his heels to walk into the bathroom. As he made his way there, he wondered why it was so hard to ask him such a simple question; he’d seen Dylan naked that one time he walked into his room while he played VR naked, and even that was less awkward than this.


While Charlie’s apartment wasn’t anything fancy, the bathroom attached to his bedroom was its best feature. It had a bathtub, and a mirror that spanned the length of one entire wall, and it even had downlights with adjustable angles that were perfect for setting up an at-home vanity mirror. He wished his apartment came with a fancier kitchen, but he wasn’t going to complain at the price he paid.

Charlie stood in front of the large mirror, toyed with his hair, put a cute cheese-patterned hair clip in to keep it out of his eyes, and grabbed a hair tie from his mason jar of, you guessed it; cheese-colored hair ties. He fiddled with the squiggly hair tie in his hands for a moment as he pondered what hairdo he could pull off with it, but before he could come to any concrete answer, he heard his phone’s text message sound. His ears perked up like StarLink receiver dishes looking for an internet connection on a particularly cloudy day. They flickered so hard that they made a woosh sound as they cut through the air. With close to zero hesitation, the mouse bounced out of the bathroom and toward the bed. He ran so fast that one of his yellow-white striped socks fell off of his leg and caused him to stumble. With a quick shake of his right leg to get the sock all the way off, he regained his balance and continued running toward his phone.

He dove onto the bed as if it were an Olympic pool and he was an Olympic athlete. The bed squeaked and creaked as he landed on it and he rolled onto his back once he grabbed his phone. With his phone held up to his face, it unlocked and he was taken directly into the conversation with his (hopefully) soon-to-be partner. His eyes scanned from left to right as he read his reply.

Dylan: You want me to be your boyfriend?

Charlie very quickly ran his fingers all over the keyboard on his screen, not blinking even once as he typed out his reply. And his response wasn’t a single sentence sort of reply either; he poured his heart out as much as he could through text. He hit send almost instantly after he wrote it and finally blinked a few times once the woosh played and his message was delivered.

Charlie: Yes. I’ve never felt anything like when I am with you, I feel warm and happy whenever I hear you talk. I want to see where this goes! You laugh at my jokes, and you make sure I don’t get cheesecake on my chin. You are such an amazing person and I want to be able to see and be with you every day.  It would be very nice to call you, my bunfriend.  🥰

The cycle of waiting for his message to be read started all over again. The mouse boy stared at his screen for an unhealthy amount of time, waiting for the read receipt to update. But this time, even after ten whole minutes; nothing. Then his mind started to think terrible thoughts. Was he ignoring him now that he popped such a loaded question? He let out a groan and a whine as tears started pooling up in his eyes like an anime character finding out that their best friend sacrificed themselves for the greater good and that the last thing that they said to them was something in Japanese. But then he came to his senses a few seconds later when he realized that the bunny boy probably responded to him during the downtime in between his game matches and that he was more than likely gaming and not ignoring him.

Feeling stupid and hating himself just a smidge for falling so head-over-heels for a stupid handsome, kind, and big-dicked bunny boy, Charlie wiped the tears that had pooled in his eyes with his forearm and glanced at the unread message that he sent. He pondered ways he might be able to get his attention quicker. He could swing by the rabbit’s house, but there was no way he’d be able to get inside without alerting security. Maybe he could log onto that game that he was playing and get his attention there? But he didn’t know what the game was called, all he knew about it was that it was some kind of game where you shot at people and played as either attackers or defenders. There were millions of games like that, and going through them one by one to try and find the right one would take ages, not to mention it would appear very, very stalker-ish. With no solution in sight, he flailed his arms above his head and let out a sigh as he stared up at the nipple-shaped light installed on the ceiling. And just like that, a light bulb lit up in his mousey head and his frustrated and hopeless frown slowly turned upside down.

He had the perfect way to get his attention, a method so successful that it worked 60% of the time every time. Once his lips flipped, he pushed himself off of his bed, slightly pulling the purple blanket off of it with him, and tossed the phone around in his hand all sly and cool. He stood at the foot of the bed and turned to look at the full-height IKEA mirror that he had neglected to mount to the wall for years and grinned even wider.

“Perfect.” He said in an unusually menacing manner. It was probably his grin though that made it look like he just found a way to commit the perfect robbery. Only this robbery wasn’t about money, it was about stealing a particular bunny boy’s heart through the only thing that Charlie knew would work without fail; his dick.

Charlie pulled up the camera app on his phone, held it up to chest level, and took a simple picture of himself standing at the foot of the bed. After taking the picture, he looked at it for a few seconds before he swiped back to the camera interface again. The picture itself was fine, but the pose was boring, and to get the attention of a gamer who was very focused on his game, he had to do better than that.

The rodent had a few ideas in mind for what he wanted to do; the art of seduction wasn’t anything new to him. He started by kneeling down by the foot of the bed, putting his arms on the bed, and tilting his head to the side just a little. He took about five pictures with him smiling and doing slight adjustments to his head positioning, and about seven with his tongue out suggestively. He snapped some where he looked straight into the camera, too, as well as ones where he was looking at the phone’s screen. He took more photos in the span of a few minutes than NASA took on their entire moon landing expedition in 1969. He had a 256-gigabyte iPhone, and NASA had like, what; a FILM camera that could only take a limited number of photos that couldn’t even be erased and retaken? Pathetic.

With an entire Nation Geographic archive’s number of photos taken, a lot of them cute, a lot of them downright masterpieces, Charlie still didn’t think any of them would get Dylan’s attention. He sat there, swiping through the photos that he took, deleting some that he thought were bad while keeping the majority of them. As he scrolled, he noticed how thick (thicc) his butt cheeks looked in some of the photos, even though he was kneeling. It was those dolphin shorts, they enunciated just the right curves of his butt and inner thighs and made them look bigger. Not that he was complaining though, it gave him a little bit of an idea.

Charlie pushed himself from the floor and stood at the foot of the bed again, but this time he lifted his sockless leg up and put his knee onto the bed. He then leaned forward slightly to put his left hand on the bed, too, just by his knee. This caused him to have to stretch his other leg just a tiny bit and tense up his thighs in the process. He turned to look at himself in the mirror and couldn’t help but smile. The way he had his leg up made his dolphin shorts appear tighter around his form, his butt especially. It was the perfect pose, showing off all of his best features; his ass, his paws, his thighs, his hair, his eyes, and his smile. The mouse looked proud of his pose work, so much so that he seriously considered if he’d be able to make it as a professional model.

With his pose figured out, Charlie pulled his phone up to his face and checked out how he looked through the lenses on his yellow iPhone. His fingers covered the lens for a few seconds before he moved them to the side to cover up his “I 🧀 Cheese” sticker instead. He looked at his phone screen, then the mirror, and then his phone screen again and adjusted his pose accordingly. He moved his tail back behind him and hovered the tip of it over the bed, he covered part of his right cheek with his phone some more, and then he put on his best seductive smile alongside his signature bedroom eyes He placed his thumb on the volume rocker on his phone and pressed it down to take the picture.

To his surprise, his phone decided that the environment that it was in was too dark and enabled the flash. For a split second, the room lit up with a bright light, like a flash of lightning. And since Charlie was looking directly into the mirror that was reflecting the phone, he was in direct line of sight of the flashbang. He was blinded for a second after the picture was taken and had to blink rapidly to get his eyes to readjust and go back to normal, and once he could see clearly again, he went to his gallery and pulled up the photo that he just took.

The flash gave the picture a little more intensity, the background was darkened while he was highlighted more brightly. Charlie thought it was the best picture he had ever taken of himself and was giddy because of it. He pulled up his text messaging app again and picked that photo as the one to send, but then hesitated, furrowed his brow, and looked at the picture again to make sure it was hot enough to get Dylan’s attention.

It was good, but it wasn’t goudanough.

Still in the same pose with one leg up on the bed and his ass turned at just the right angle toward the mirror, Charlie pondered over how he could make the picture spicier. Maybe he could do an ahegao face? Or maybe a hand on his ass? He tried both of them, looking in the mirror as he did them, but they all looked weird. He thought about it in silence as his brows moved around his forehead. It took him a good five minutes before he came up with the perfect idea for what to do. He couldn’t stop grinning as he put his phone down on the bed and took his leg down to stand up straight again. The rodent wasted no time in pushing his plan forward; he slipped his fingers underneath the stretchy waistband of his dolphin shorts and carefully pulled his shorts down his legs. Once they cleared just above his knees, his fat mouse cock and balls flopped out of them like oxygen masks on a plane losing altitude. They flopped and dangled as he bent all the way down to pull his shorts out from under him. He stood back up, tossed his shorts into oblivion, and brought his knee back up on the bed to recreate the pose he was previously in as best he could.

His prospects for being a model only seemed to increase once his shorts were off. He’d make the perfect model and spokesperson for those dolphin shorts since they were able to conceal his massive schmeat without the slightest hint of bulge. Not a feature that was advertised when the mouse grabbed them from the store, but he could definitely pitch the idea to them as long as they were open to it.

Charlie was gifted when it came to the endowment department, his dick had just as many C’s in its spelling of thick as his thighs and ass. Even flaccid, it was already close to nine inches. Uncut and sporting a cute fleshy color, he had a dick that many tops would envy. He was the embodiment of the “mouse trap” meme that was all over the internet a few years back. Not to mention, a dream for those really into big-dicked bottoms, too. To put it simply, he was a mouse who was hung like a horse. Maybe it was all that cheese he ate.

His dick and heavy balls dangled in between his legs like a limp firehose that was waiting to be connected to a fire hydrant. His balls were smooth, round, and full. He was a potent little rodent, that was for sure. After adjusting his pose to be as close to how it was earlier as he could, Charlie pulled his phone back up and looked into the mirror with a coy smile. He moved his tail out of the way and stared at his reflection in the mirror as his thumb slid over the volume rocker of his phone again.

“Cheese.” He said with the sexiest smile that he could muster. His cute buck teeth bit down on his lower lip just slightly for that Maxim magazine cover look.


The flash went off and Charlie was temporarily blinded again. But once his eyesight returned, he turned to look at his phone, pulled up the photo, and smiled as he looked at it.

It was perfect. Not even Grand Theft Auto VI would be able to get Dylan to leave him on unread this time.


“Oh C'MON, that's COMPLETE BULLSHIT.” Dylan grumbled at the game he was playing as his character got spawn peeked right at the beginning of the match by someone with the username “StripedSupremacy” that he’d played with countless times before. He was bested by them every damn time and it was getting him sweaty, angry, and toxic. It didn’t help that that person kept typing “skill issue” and “uninstall” into all-chat to rile him up. He had a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege; he knew the best thing for him to do would be to quit playing the game altogether, but it was fun. The dopamine boost he got from winning the game was just something he couldn’t get enough of. Oh, such was the life of a first-person shooter player.

Every time he was put on the sidelines after dying, he’d pull up his phone to respond to the texts he was getting from Charlie. His brows furrowed when he read the text he got from him about wanting to be his boyfriend. He blinked a few times and cleaned the lenses of his glasses to make sure that he wasn’t reading it wrong. When he read it again and it said the exact same thing as when he read it the first time, he felt his heart race in his chest. He wanted to reply with a “Yes” immediately but had to consider the possibility that it was a mistake. Maybe that text was meant for someone else? Maybe the mouse left dictation on while he was talking to someone else and accidentally sent it using Siri? He quickly typed a reply back to him to make sure.

Dylan: You want me to be your boyfriend?

Once the text message was sent, his team had lost and it was time for the second round. This time, he was determined to kill that StripedSupremacy person, maybe tea bag them, too, just to rub it in. With his headphones back on, he jumped right into the round. He didn’t hear the text message that Charlie sent back come in, and he wouldn’t have any downtime between rounds or matches for the next hour.

He played a total of three additional matches over the course of an hour, and in all of them, he was matched against that same person again. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t kill them and tea bag them like he wanted to. By the end of the third match, he pulled his headset off and tossed it angrily across his desk, knocking over a few of his figurines and making a mess of his aesthetically pleasing gaming setup. The bunny boy let out a frustrated groan and buried his face in his ears and hands. He took in deep breaths through his mouth and let out loud exhales through his nose for a few seconds until he calmed down enough to move his ears and hands out of his vision. Right as he did so, he spotted a popup in the top right corner of his game screen. He leaned in closer to the screen and squinted his eyes slightly to get a proper look.

‘StripedSupremacy wants to be your friend.’

“Fucking dickhead…” Dylan muttered under his breath. He reached for his mouse to decline the request, but was interrupted by the text message jingle from his phone.


He let go of his mouse and grabbed his phone to look at what the other mouse had sent him.

1 new message and 1 photo from Charlie.

He furrowed his brow at the thumbnail next to the notification, it was way too small to discern any details, but he could tell that it was a picture of Charlie. He tapped on the notification and opened up the app. He went wide-eyed immediately upon seeing the picture that was sent to him. He felt his heart throb in his chest and a different kind of throbbing under the thin and airy Nike basketball shorts that he had on. His eyes went straight to Charlie’s strawberry cream cheese-colored butt and he stared for a very long time. He was only knocked out of his trance by a follow-up text that appeared directly underneath Charlie’s nude about a minute later.

Charlie: Do I have your attention now? c:

Dylan, hard as a rock, quickly grabbed his headset and shouted into it. “I’ll be right back guys, play a few without me.” He tossed it back across his desk, grabbed his mouse, accepted the friend request from his Siege arch nemesis, and then brought his phone up dangerously close to his face to type up a reply to the mouse before he lost him.

Dylan: Let’s talk in person? I can be there in 5 min.

Dylan didn’t wait for a response; he grabbed his car keys and ran out the door, only to run back into the room to grab his wallet and then run back out again.

Once he was out of the room for real, another popup appeared on the corner of his computer monitor.

StripeSupremacy: 1v1 me pussy boy.


Charlie grinned when he saw the reply from Dylan on his phone. He swung his legs back and forth as he lay on his stomach on his bed. With his ass facing the bedroom door and his tail lifted, he sent a thumbs-up emoji to Dylan and locked his phone. He then started chuckling and let out a happy sigh.

“Works every time.”


Art by Smileeeeeee




I loved <3

The Phantom of the Foxera

Loved it, now if his dick is close to 9 inches soft, how big is it when its fully hard? is it like a foot?