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Hey hey hey!

Just a quick update here regarding the amount of stories I have been posting every month.

As you might know, I have been posting non-stop stories every week for a while now, with only a few rare weeks off for me to take a break. And while it has been going okay so far (3 years now!) I have come to realize that it's not very sustainable. I am always on the verge of burning out and it is affecting the quality of what I am able to put out, so I need to give myself some break time.

Starting from this week, every month there will be one week where I am not going to post any new stories. So instead of the 4-5 stories a month that you guys get, you guys will get 3-4 stories. It's not too drastic of a difference, and I hope you guys won't mind, but I really need this for my mental and physical well-being. It's been super fun writing stuff that you all enjoy reading and I plan to continue doing it, so I do hope one week of downtime per month isn't too much to ask for!

That's all for now! I hope you guys are having a great week and I'll see you guys soon!




No worries Alex. You need to take time for yourself so you don't burnout.


Fancy voice option, I didn't know that was a thing, neat! Also yea no worries. Rather have a steady flow than 'going dark' for month(s) at a time. Enjoy your works and many more to come. :)


Thanks, Rox. Burnout is a hard thing to admit to having and it sucks. But I hope taking this tiny step back to let me rest and recharge will help! Thanks for your support. 💖

Simon Prout

Take time to make sure you are ok. Burnout is real, and quite strong. You've got us all to back you up!!


Thanks Naliktay. I didn't know it was a thing either, I was going to make a PNGTuber video for it, but then I saw this was an option! I don't want people to feel obligated to read long boring update text, and this way it feels more genuine. Am not lying when I say I am close to burning out. Thank you for your continued support! 💖

The Phantom of the Foxera

Thats great that you're trying to do something that will help you feel better overall! Take your time with your work and dont rush it, you're amazing and 100%. If you ever feel like burning out, take a break, it helps!


Wow! Heh at some point you should do one story where it has a voice read out option with actors. That could be really neat


Well of course! Your voice is perfect for her. She is your character after all. I just figured an audio version one a story could be very interesting


Get some rest and take time for yourself! We all enjoy your stories but I'm sure we would all like you to be happy as well!


I've considered it before, maybe it's something I can explore! Thanks for letting me know you are interested though! I will give it a shot.


Thanks! Am taking a short break right now and I will tell you it feels very very good. 🥰


Burnout is so brutal. Taking care of yourself and your happiness is first and foremost!