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Alex was going away on tour again; she really was a busy tigress. But she had to put bread on the table, and going on tour was a much bigger source of income than the small royalties she received from the music she made. Record labels took most of the revenue generated from album sales and music streams. She made a healthy amount from her music sales, but as the saying went “boss makes a dollar, I make a dime”. When she went on tour, she was the one making the dollars. Plus, she would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy the screams and cheers of her fans who were more than happy to see her perform live for them. But being on the road meant that she was leaving her boyfriend behind at home without her pussy to bury his dick into. It didn’t feel right to leave him without anything to beat his meat to while he waited for her to come back. 

The tigress thought long and hard about what she should do for her boyfriend; she thought about a video, but the risk of that accidentally leaking out to the public discouraged her from doing so. If a sex tape of her leaked, she could become the next Kim Kardashian, but she did not want that; she did not want her butt to be THAT big, although having a wallet the size of a Kardashian’s would be pretty neat. She shook the thought out of her head and pondered for a moment before she raised a finger up in a very ‘aha’ moment. She had just the perfect thing to help her boyfriend survive the few weeks he would be without tight tigress pussy 24/7. With a very menacing grin spread across her face, she began her preparations in secret, and on the day she was set to leave, she put down the final touches just before she kissed her sleeping boyfriend on the forehead and hopped onto the tour bus with her crew. 

Her boyfriend woke up the next morning alone since his tigress girlfriend left long before sunrise. He let out a soft yawn as he rolled out of bed and dragged his feet to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. He pulled open the double doors of the fridge and looked at the options of what he had to eat. Alex’s fridge was always fully-stocked, being the foodie that she was, but that came with some drawbacks too; it was too hard to pick something to eat. He felt like he was scrolling through the Netflix catalog whenever he opened the fridge. He spotted eggs, bread, and an already-open tin of Spam and grabbed all of them before he closed the fridge doors, turned around, and laid out all the chosen ingredients on the countertop. He believed in a simple breakfast to start off the day; the brain can’t do too many complex things without fuel after all.  He fried up the Spam and eggs, toasted the bread, and stacked them all together into a nice Spamwich that he cut diagonally. After the knife went through it, a gush of juices from the spam and the undercooked yolk squirted out and flowed down the layers akin to a waterfall as he pulled the two halves apart. He wasted no time and brought it to his mouth for a sizeable bite. 


As his mouth filled with the flavor of the free-range eggs and crispy fried spam, he moaned. “God, that’s good…” After swallowing his first bite, he took a second, then a third, and he continued until there was none left. He licked his fingers as he collected his dishes up, rinsed them, and put them into the dishwasher. He closed the dishwasher door with his hip and whistled as he walked his way toward the bedroom to get himself showered and ready for a day of doing anything he wanted to get his mind off of the love of his life not being there to do those things with him. What he didn’t know, was that Alex had plans waiting for him. 

The tigress’s boyfriend walked back into the bedroom and headed straight for the shower. He hummed Billy Joel’s song about denying arson as he strolled along. As he approached the bathroom door, however; he heard his phone’s text message notification and stopped in his tracks. 


Without skipping a beat in his humming, he turned on his heels and strolled his way towards the nightstand next to the unmade bed where his phone was sitting on a wireless charger. He tapped on the screen a few times and looked at it to check who the message was from. It was from Alex, who he had saved on his phone as “Ally 💖”. He tapped the notification to read the message. 

11:09 AM Ally 💖: Good morning sleepyhead! Miss me already? I left you a little surprise in my underwear drawer. I know you go in there when you rub one out when I’m not around. 😏

Alex’s boyfriend’s eyes widened for a moment before he let out a chuckle. “And I thought I was getting away with that,” he said to himself. He glanced over his shoulder toward the walk-in closet where his girlfriend’s vast collection of underwear was. He turned to look back at his phone, grabbed it, and made his way to the closet. His shower and fap could wait; this “surprise” she had left for him was way more intriguing. And he would be lying if he said the suggestive use of emojis in her text didn’t turn him on just a smidge. 

Once he was in the walk-in, he pulled open the tigress’s underwear drawer to find something he hadn’t seen in an incredibly long time; a Walkman fitted with a cassette already inside. There was a yellow post-it note stuck to it that said: “PLAY ME”. The tigress’s boyfriend grabbed the headphones that were already plugged into the player, put them over his ears, and pressed play. 

The first three seconds of the tape was soft static, but after that, the sweet and husky voice of his tigress girlfriend graced his ears. 

“Hey there, nerd, I know you go through my underwear drawer and pick out some pairs to jerk off to whenever you’re horny and I’m not around, if you’re wondering how I know, it’s not hard to see and smell the cum you leave in them when you toss them into the hamper.” The tigress chuckled and the sound of her lips pursing into a smile could be heard. She cleared her throat and continued. “Well, seeing as I’ll be away for a good bit on this tour, I thought I would give you something to jerk off to instead of having to just use my clean underwear and your imagination.” The tigress could be heard grinning again, which made her boyfriend feel extremely aroused. He continued to listen though, as the recording of the tigress played on. 

“In my underwear drawer, you’ll find a ziplocked bag with a few goodies inside. I want you to grab them and head over to your usual rub and tug spot. Leave the trusty towel, you’re not going to need it.”

Her boyfriend furrowed his brow and sifted through the underwear drawer until he found the ziplocked bag in question. Of course, as to not spoil the surprise, the bag was opaque. Once he picked it up, he walked out of the closet and headed to his fap and nap station; the couch in the “man cave” where he spent the majority of time at home. Once he was in his zone and was just a few feet from the couch, Alex’s first set of commands came. “Now, take off your pants, whip your dick out, and sit down…” He stopped just shy of the couch and raised his brows, impressed that the tape recording was accurate in timing when he’d get to his man cave. He let out a chuckle, unbuckled and unzipped his pants, and sat bare-assed down on the plush couch. He leaned back against the cushions, set the ziplocked bag in his lap, and awaited further instructions. 

“Now, I want you to open the bag and empty it out.” 

Her boyfriend popped open the bag and poured its contents out onto his lap, just shy of his semi-hard cock. There were a few interesting things that rolled out from the bag, the first things he noticed were a bottle of warming lube and a pair of Alex’s panties that he’d seen her in before. As soon as it slipped free from the airtight bag, he was able to tell that they weren’t exactly a clean pair. He could smell tigress pussy on them, and it wasn’t the usual light musk either. It was potent to the point that it was clear she intentionally creamed her panties for this specific little treat. The thought of her doing that for him alone would have been enough to get him to rock hard, but that combined with the scent of her pussy that hit his nose? He was hard in the snap of a finger. He wasted no time in bringing the pair of well-used undergarments to his nose for a sniff as his other hand shook the bag to get whatever else was in there to slide out. 


“Hoooooooh. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.”

He was lost in her scent for a moment, but when her voice continued on the Walkman, he was snapped out of it. 

“You’ll have plenty of time to sniff that more, pervert… Look at the pictures I left in there for you… I know you have a thing for teeth, tongue, and claws, so I thought I’d give you a little bit of homemade pornography to use…” There were two printed pictures in the bag, and when they came out, Alex’s boyfriend took them into his free hand and turned them over to look at them. One was a photo of Alex topless and looking into the camera; her mouth open, tongue out, and fingers sprawled out to show off her claws. Saliva strings stretched between her fingers and her tongue. A shiver ran down his spine as he looked at the picture, he then looked at the second one, which was much the same, the only difference being the super absorbent red turtleneck that she had on. Her boyfriend bit his lip as his dick throbbed just from looking at the pictures, he was very excited about where her little surprise would take him next. 

“You like those, huh? I bet your dick is all hard and twitchy like it always gets. Now, be a good boy and grab that lube, it’s your favorite…” Alex’s soothing voice echoed in his head. She wasn’t wrong, either; his dick was at maximum hardness and twitched and throbbed with every heartbeat. He let out a soft huff and reached for the bottle of warming lube. He popped the lid open right as Alex’s sultry voice told him to do so and turned the bottle upside down to pour the clear, sticky, and thick liquid all over the tip of his dick. He let it pour out for a few seconds before he closed the lid and set it aside. It didn’t take very long for the warming properties of the lube to kick in and make his dick throb even harder than before. 

“That’s a good boy, now, I want you to start jerking off for me… That’s it… Get your hand on that big dick. Start from the tip and move all the way down. No quick strokes just yet, babe… All the way down to the base, then back up again.” 

Her boyfriend started at the tip just like she said. He curled his fingers around it and slowly slid his hand down the length of his meat. When he reached the base of his dick, he pulled his hand back up, then started the process all over again. The warming lube started to make his hand feel like it was a hole he was fucking. Lube spread all over his dick and hand. 

“Now, moan for me, your man cave is soundproof for a reason… I want you to let out as many moans as you can. Don’t stop fapping… Imagine my mouth wrapped around your cock, my big teeth that you are scared of but can’t stop sticking your dick in between.” He could hear the tigress grinning again and kept tugging on his dick with his hand. His pace increased as she encouraged him to go faster and faster, and when she told him to imagine the warmth around his dick as her mouth, he glanced at the photos she provided and let out a very heated moan. The grip he had around his mighty schmeat tightened and he went to town the way he usually did. He dropped the photos for a split second to drape the tigress’s scented panties over his nose like a facemask before he brought the photos back up and continued beating his meat like he was beating up a high school bully in the school bathroom. 

‘Fap, fap, fap,’ 

“Hhhhnnnhhhhhaaaah fuck…” 

And as if Alex was able to hear him through the Walkman, she egged him on. “That’s it… Do you wanna cum in my mouth baby? Cum all over my sharp and dangerous teeth? Or do you wanna cum all over my tits?” she cooed. Her purring could be heard on the recording too, one of his favorites of all the kitty cat noises she made. 

He was a sucker for praise and encouragement, and an even bigger sucker for dirty talk; thus, the words that were going straight into his ears were doing wonders to his body. His dick throbbed so much that it looked like it was fighting against his hand’s movements. He squeezed his dick as his hand went up and down its length, and he let out shaky moans as he stared straight into those green eyes and that pretty little mouth he wanted to cum into so badly. He felt his orgasm creeping closer and closer the more he jerked himself off, sniffed the tigress’s pussy musk from her dirty laundry draped over his nose, listened to her instructions, and looked at the porn pictures of her that she made for him. The more he fapped, the more his hand felt like her soft and warm mouth. He could feel that his nut was just in arm’s reach, and again, the tigress’s supposed pre-recorded tape had perfect timing. 

“Close already? Aw, I guess playing to all your kinks is hard mode.” The tigress laughed. “Before you cum for me, I want you to do something. Do you think you could do a little something for me?” 

“Hhhhnnn yes, Alex, yes, I can babe…” he knew she wasn’t listening, and that this was all a very well-executed pre-recorded experience, but he couldn’t help but respond to her as if she was there with him. He slowed his hand down as he listened to what she wanted him to do. 

“Good, I want you to get on your knees and continue jerking off. Put the photos I gave you underneath you, and cum on them. I want you to make a tribute; make a mess on those photos.” 

When he received his orders, he wasted zero time and quickly moved to get on his knees. He placed the photos of his girlfriend underneath him and resumed his fapping; long strokes, short strokes, and squeezes to his sensitive dick head. He panted and his tongue rolled out of his mouth as he inched closer and closer to his climax. His hefty balls lifted upward and tucked close to his shaft, indicating he was just a hair-trigger away. 

“Cum for me, babe…” Alex demanded. 

“Y-Yes, m-miss…” 

Her boyfriend’s hips bucked forward a few times as he increased the speed and intensity of his grip. He fucked his hand thoroughly and as his balls tucked up against his form, he leaned himself forward and aimed his cock down at the photos he had laid out in front of him. The first rope that shot out of his dick hit the picture of Alex where she had the sweater on, right on her tongue. The sheer force of his spunk shot made the prints slide forward by around half an inch, leaving the rest of his ropes to splatter on the lower parts of the photos, all over the tigress’s hand and the red sweater. His dick throbbed and he bucked his hips almost uncontrollably into his hand as the contents of his balls were emptied onto the couch in front of him. 

‘Spurt, splurt, splort, splat.’

“Hhhhyyyyhuhhhhhh… Gghhyuuyyyuhhhhh…” 

‘Splurt… Splurt… Splurt…’

Alex’s boyfriend fell forward as the last ropes of his cum shot out from the tip of his dick. His cum wasn’t only all over the photos that Alex had printed out for him, but it was all over the couch as well. And normally, he would nag and complain about getting his man cave couch all covered in his own spunk, but he couldn’t focus on anything enough to do that. He was still in his orgasm high and post-nut clarity hadn’t settled in yet. As he collapsed onto the couch, he let out a satisfied sigh and closed his eyes. 

As he rested his eyes, he heard Alex whisper, “I’ll text you again with your next surprise soon... You can keep the panties in that ziplock to keep them fresh, if you want. But there’s a lot more of them waiting for you, socks, too. I know you love those…” 

Then the Walkman clicked, indicating the end of the tape.


Art by Spefides 




She doesn’t ven need to put a collar in him; she’s already got a leash on him and he doesn’t seem to mind.

Isolfr Ironfang

Wow.....that legitimately awakened something inside me. I discovered something new about myself