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“This is the third night in a row where pop singer Alex Marx the Spot has had to cancel a show on her debut tour, due to terrorism threats made to both the artist and the venue she is set to play, Rajamangala National Stadium. The artist has since issued a statement and apology to her fans on Twitter and has promised to reschedule shows very soon with increased security measures as a precaution. Local authorities are investigating the threats which were sent physically to the singer’s residence and the venue. We’ll report on more updates as this story develops.” The fox cleared his throat and looked directly into the camera with a rather sorrowful look on his face.

The news then switched from a single anchor view to the entire news desk where there were a few anchors seated together. The fox who had just reported on the story turned to his colleague who looked a little too happy considering the subject matter. The brown and cream-colored wolf woman then gave her two cents. 

“I think she deserves it,” gasps and looks of concern were all over the newsroom. “What? She makes music like that and doesn’t expect people to obsess over her and do stuff like that?”

“Fuck off, Gayle.” The tigress pointed the remote at the TV that hung on the large and mostly empty wall opposite the king-sized bed she was sprawled out on. Alex had moved into a hotel room for the night after the threats of violence against her and her team reached her private residence. While she initially wanted to stay home, her security team wasn’t having it and deemed it too big of a risk, especially since her residence had never been public information before. Luckily, to the knowledge of her team, she hadn’t been doxed, the perpetrator decided to keep the information to themselves, for now. She let out an exhausted sigh as she moved her head over the white and fluffy pillow under it and stared at the ceiling. She stared at the disc-shaped ceiling light that was turned off for a few seconds before her eyes fell down to the string lights that decorated the curtains in the corner of the room. She felt guilty about canceling her third show in a row and couldn’t stop thinking about how many people’s days she ruined in doing so. 

The tigress tossed and turned as she tried to close her eyes and sleep. But with everything that happened weighing on her conscience, there was no way she was going to be able to sleep tonight, that was for certain. She tossed and turned all over the bed for a few hours of the night before she rolled off the bed and pulled the curtains open. As the sunlight-blocking fabric slid to the side to reveal the Bangkok night skyline, Alex realized she was standing naked in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, exposing herself to the entire city that was beyond the glass. She didn’t do anything to cover herself up, though, as there was little to no point in doing so since she was too high up for anyone to see, anyway. She stared out the window at the still bustling city; the lights in the tall skyscrapers, the traffic lights that turned green, yellow, and red, and the cars that flowed across the roads and highways like tiny little bugs. She leaned up against the cool glass and let out a soft sigh, her breath fogging up the spot on the window where her muzzle was pointed. She stood there in silence for a few seconds when a loud ding came from her phone and caused her kitty cat ears to flicker. At first, she thought it was one of those Twitter summaries that popped up whenever your account had a surge in activity, or an email forwarded to her from her mom of a news article that she found through the Google alert she had set up for her daughter’s name. She didn’t want to read any of that, so she decided to continue looking out the window at the city that never slept, hoping that it’d get her tired enough to get some sleep for herself. Then her phone dinged again and they kept coming, one after another, until the tigress’s ears were near flattened against her head. She couldn’t help herself and rolled her eyes before she turned around to grab her phone from the bed.

The notifications on her phone were from the dreaded blue bird application, but they didn’t show anything until the phone recognized Alex’s face and unlocked. She had five notifications from Twitter, all direct messages from an account that she followed; the sex toy manufacturer Bad Dragon. Confused, the tigress tapped on the notification, which was simply a hand-waving emoji, to see what other messages they had sent. 

Once she opened up the app and the chat with Bad Dragon, four messages were waiting for her. 

11:26 PM Bad Dragon: 👋

11:26 PM Bad Dragon: Still up? 

11:27 PM Bad Dragon: We heard what is happening and thought you might need a few familiar friends you might have left at home. 😉

11:27 PM Bad Dragon: Care package is on the way, on us. Thanks for the bangers, can’t wait to see you on tour! 

Alex read the messages and smiled as she got down to the last one. The message was like a mug of hot chocolate covered in marshmallows; it warmed her heart so much. She lifted her thumbs up to start typing her response back to the intern that was running the Bad Dragon account to thank them but was stopped by a sudden knock on her hotel room door. 

‘Knock, knock!’

“Ms. Marx? There’s a delivery here for you, ma’am.” The voice from behind the door was that of one of her bodyguards that was guarding the door to her room. 

In a panic, she dropped her phone back onto the bed, quickly slipped into her robe, and ran toward the door. The tigress peeked through the little hole in the door to be sure it was her security personnel before she unlocked the deadbolt, freed the chain, and pulled the door inward. As the door opened, Alex leaned against it slightly and smiled at the tall black-furred wolf holding a very large box in his hands. “Hey there Nick. Everything going alright out there? No weird suspicious people wandering around?” the tigress joked. 

“No, ma’am. Everything’s quiet out here.” The wolf nodded his head at her. “There’s a delivery here for you,” he continued. The tigress’s eyes dropped from the wolf’s face to the box he was holding and she put her hands on it. “Oh awesome, any idea who dropped it off?” the tigress smiled and pulled on the box. However, it didn’t move; the wolf’s grip on it was firmer than the grip his muscle-shirt had on his torso, and that shirt was on the brink of snapping. 

“No, ma’am, hotel staff carried it up here, told them I would hand it to you.” 

“You’re a real gentleman, Nick, thank you, I can handle it from here, how about you go home for the night yeah? It’s really late.” Alex pulled on the box some more while she smiled at the wolf as innocently as she could. She tried to be charming, but she was running low on sleep, which meant she was also running pretty low on charm. 

“I’m going to have to open this with you, ma’am,” Nick said in his stern voice as he still did not let go of the package. “And I can’t go home, I have orders from your label to make sure no one nefarious gets in your room.” 

The tiger quickly shook her head at the wolf and leaned in as she tried prying the box out from under his big hands. “No, no! That won’t be necessary at all! I can open this alone!” She grunted a little as she continued to try and pull the box away from her bodyguard. Unamused, the wolf simply raised one of his eyebrows and looked down at the tiger that he towered over so greatly. “Were you expecting this delivery?” he asked. 

In what could only be described as a cocktail of restlessness and panic, Alex pulled her hands away from the box and shook her head. “No! I am not expecting any packages.” When she realized her slip up, she quickly placed both her hands back on the package and laughed nervously. “Sorry, I mean, yes, yes, I was expecting this package. So, thank you, Nick, for your service, I will take this box now.” She pulled on the box again, and still, it wouldn’t budge. She looked her wolf bodyguard right in the eye and smiled as wide as she could, showing off all of her big pearly white sharp teeth. 

“Ms. Marx, may I know what is in this box?” asked the wolf, very politely. To which Alex shook her head very rapidly. “Nope, you may not know what is in this box, sorry, it’s very confidential.” The striped feline started to laugh nervously, pulling one hand off the box for a moment to rub the back of her head. Once she brought her hand back on the box, she tried to pull it away from her bodyguard again. This time, it felt like it was budging, but it was only for a moment; the wolf’s big hands made that box an immovable object. 

“I’m going to have to open it and check to make sure it isn’t anything that could harm you, ma’am,” Nick said with a soft smile. He knew that she would more than likely protest, so he did not give her much time to react and pulled on the big red ribbon that was tied around the box. As the ribbon untangled, Alex’s eyes widened and she panicked even more. “No, no, no! Don’t open it!” but her word salad came out too late, Nick had the ribbon off and opened the lid to look inside. 

When the lid on the unmarked beige box was lifted up, Nick was met with something that had his professional expression shift to one of shock and surprise, which Alex had never seen before. He had always been still. The wolf did his best to not make it obvious that he was caught by surprise by what he saw in the box; two silicone sculptures of the male appendage. Specifically, one of canine nature, and another one that Nick couldn’t quite figure out. Slowly, he closed the lid on the box, draped the ribbon over the box to prevent it from falling to the floor, and handed the box back to the tigress. He took his hands off the box once it was securely in the tigress’s hands and smiled at her. His cheeks had a smidge of red on them as he spoke. “Ah, yes, my apologies. Enjoy your night, Ms. Marx, If you need anything I will be right here.” The wolf bowed his head slightly.

Alex watched anxiously as her bodyguard opened up the box to peek inside. She gritted her teeth and physically cringed as the lid come off to reveal what was inside. When the wolf closed the lid and handed the box back to her, she very quickly pulled it toward herself and stepped backward into her hotel room. “Haha, don’t worry about it, Nick, you’re just doing your job! Keeping me safe and all. Haha. I will have a great night!” she cooed, but then realized what she said and the added context with the box of dildos. “Not like that, I mean, yeah, goodnight, Nick. Thank you so much for… Uh working so hard. But you seriously don’t have to stay all night, you can go get some sleep!”

‘Bam!’ The tigress closed the door after she stepped in far enough to be out of the way, leaned her back against it, and let out a sigh. She turned around to peek into the little hole in the door to see what Nick was doing; he was turned back around standing guard. She let out another sigh before she opened up the box to see what goodies those folk at misbehaving mythical creature had sent to her. As the ribbon fell away and the lid immediately after, a chuckle left her lips and a smug smirk grew on her face. “Well, hello there, friend.” She purred as she pulled out the big purple-ish red doggy dildo with an onion-sized knot at the base of it. She gave it a couple of firm squeezes before she dropped it back into the box and ran as fast as she could into the bedroom.

The box made a loud thud as she dropped it by the foot of the bed. The tigress tossed the two toys onto the bed along with a bottle of cum lube that the kind folks at Bad Dragon included for her and flew out of her robe like a bird eager to get out of a room it mistakenly flew into. She hopped onto the bed with the toys and brought both of them into her lap. Bad Dragon had sent her a big doggy dick with a big doggy knot named Rex and a bright red T-Rex dildo named Stan. The doggy dick dildo was 10 inches in length, while the T-Rex toy was 9.8. But the girth of the Stan was twice that of Rex, which made it heavy, hefty, and big. Just by looking at it, Alex knew the Bad Dragon employees were trying to give her a challenge. The Rex, however, Alex was very familiar with. From the tapered tip to the veiny shaft, down to the bulbous knot, the tigress had a couple of favorite picks from her toy collection, and the Rex along with the Diego made the cut for the top spots every time. Alex struggled to hold the Stan in one hand, which resulted in her using both hands to hold it. She bit her lip and thought about it for a moment before she set it aside and picked up the Rex instead. She brought the toy up to her face and nuzzled it as if she was greeting an old friend. She pressed her lips against the tapered tip to give it a smooch, which turned into a little bit of a lustful make-out session full of lips mashing up against silicone. If only the geniuses at BD could make their toys smell like real dick, too. As she made out with the dildo, a transparent rubber tube untangled itself from the toy’s base and dangled freely; it was a cum tube. 

“Ooooh!” The tigress squealed happily, leapt over the bed, and sifted her hand through the box to try and find the syringe she knew they had to include with every cum tube-equipped toy. When she got it, she held it up like Thor wielded Mjölnir before she pulled it apart and filled the syringe up with the very realistic cum lube. She pumped it until it was filled to the brim, put the plunger back on, and connected the hub right up to the open end of the cum tube. She then set the fully loaded syringe of cum aside and leaned back onto the pillows behind her. 

“Now you gotta help me make some natural lube…” she whispered to the Rex as she spread her legs apart. She pressed her paws against the bed, put her legs into the promiscuous ‘M’ legs position, and slapped that fat doggy dick right up against her mound. 


The doggy dong made of silicone rested gently against Alex’s clit and wedged itself in between two sides of her labia as much as it could. She let out a soft moan after she cockslapped herself with it, “Hhhnnnnhhaahh…” It didn’t take long for her to start rubbing the toy up and down along her mound. She bit her lip and leaned her head back into the plush pillows as she felt the shape and texture of the toy rub against her and get her engine running. She pulled the toy back until only the tip was pressed against her labia, then pushed it back until the tapered tip collided with her pleasure button like two trains going into a head-on collision. Each time it pressed against her clit, the tigress closed her eyes and let out a soft kitty-cat moan. She continued to drag the toy against her pussy over and over, making her moans louder and louder and her pussy wetter and wetter. She stopped once she could hear the wet noises that her kitty cunt was making echo throughout her hotel suite.  The very visible veins that were part of Rex’s design got her going even just through outercourse. Her head was tilted back so far that she was looking at the bed’s headboard; her mouth was agape, too. When she stopped rubbing herself with the dildo, she took a moment to catch her breath.

“Hhhhaaah…” she looked down at her pussy and the dildo resting against it with bedroom eyes. When she pulled the toy off of her mound, her pussy juices clung to it like stringy mozzarella cheese on a fresh slice of pizza being pulled away from the rest of the pie. She stared at the mess of sticky and slipperiness she created with a smirk; if she wasn’t going to be able to sleep, she was going to fuck herself until exhaustion. 

If that wasn’t going to get her to sleep like a rock, then at least she’d get plenty of post-nut clarity to think about how she should deal with everything. 

Alex let out a soft sigh and resumed the rubbing motions of the dildo against her pussy; the wet noises continued to echo throughout the suite, although this time they were slower and less aggressive than before. 

‘Schlk… Schlk… Schlk…’ 

Once she pulled the toy back until just the tip remained pressed against her pussy again, she gripped her hand tightly around the toy’s base right underneath the knot and pushed the toy against her cunt at a slight downward angle. The tapered tip spread her labia apart with ease and within seconds of her pushing the toy against her, the tip sunk into her entrance and did its job spreading her apart just enough for the gradually thicker parts of the toy to follow. 

“Hhhaah… Slowly… Slowly…” Alex said under her breath as if she was talking to someone pushing their dick into her. She watched as the toy slowly sunk deeper and deeper inside her and spread her pussy lips apart further and further as it did. She fought hard to keep her moans under wraps, but it was a near-impossible task when it came to Rex. Canine cock really did hit different. She tilted her head back again but this time she fought against it since she wanted to watch as the dildo spread her apart and disappeared into her like a magic trick. She pushed it in further until the tapered tip was long gone, and continued until her pussy ate up its veiny shaft all the way down to the slightly less girthy part before the knot. When the knot kissed her cooch, she stopped and let the toy sit inside her for the time being. 

She finally gave in to the involuntary urge to tilt her head back and let out a loud moan as she clenched around the dick inside her over and over, almost as if she had no control over them. “Hhhhhaaaaah… Fuck…” she kept her eyes closed for a few seconds and focused on her breathing as much as she could. The knot wasn’t even in yet and she was already sweating. As sweat beads rolled off her forehead and her cheeks, she opened her eyes up, tightened her grip on the dildo, and pulled it out from the grips of her tight ass pussy. She fought with her clenches but was eventually able to pull it free. The once matte toy was now glistening and shining in her pussy juice. It wobbled once it came free of her cunt, but it didn’t last too long outside of her, as she pushed it back into her not even three seconds later. 


The tapered tip of the toy spread her lips apart and made way for the rest again, she pushed it all the way down until she felt the knot kiss against her spread lips, pulled it out again, and repeated it over and over. The wet noises got louder and faster, as did Alex’s moans as her inner walls felt every inch of that rubber doggy dick scratch that deep itch she had inside of her. 

‘Schlk. Schlk. Schlk.’ 

“Hhnnnhhaaah fuck me…. Aaaaah….” She bit her lip to try to suppress the moans, but a lip bite can only do so much. The smell of pussy and sex leaked from Alex and the toy she jackhammered in and out of her.  She slammed the knot against her lips hard, but she wasn’t ready to take it just yet; that didn’t stop her from trying though. She arched her back and let out howling moans as she continued to fuck herself with Rex. 

“Aaaaaah…. Hhhhhaaahh… Hhhhaagggahhhh…” 

‘Schlk. Plap. Schlk. Plap. Schlk. Plap.’ 

She stopped for a short bit when the knot kissed her lips again. Her eyes shot open and she pushed herself up onto her elbows. She looked down at her pussy with the dildo half plugged up inside her and smirked. She rolled herself over to lie face down, ass up with the dildo still in her pussy. She then reached her right hand underneath herself to grip firmly around the knot and push the toy in and out of her pussy again. 

“Fuck me, Rex… Put some pups in me…” Alex said in a very sultry and growly voice.

‘Schlk. Plap. Schlk. Plap. Schlk. Plap.’ 

“Haaaaaaaah! Aaaaaah! Fuck! Ohhhh my god….”

Her moans got impressively loud for a few minutes before she realized it and bit down on the bedsheets to muffle them as much as she could. Sweat continued to run down her face, arms, and legs as she rode the Bad Dragon toy like it was the last time that she was going to be able to. With the sheets in her mouth, she still moaned, and they were still considerably loud, but they sounded less like screams and howls. She spread her toes apart as the toy spread her apart and she gripped the sheets with her free hand as her pussy gripped the dildo with its clenches. There was plenty of lip grip to be seen with this tigress. She quivered and trembled with pleasure as she pushed the knot harder and harder against the entrance of her love canal. Each time it felt closer and closer to popping inside. 

“Hnnnng… Knot me… Make me your knot bitch…” the tigress said in an almost incomprehensible series of mumbles. After she said those words, she pushed the knot against her cunt lips again, but this time she kept pushing until it went in. She clenched her teeth and dug her claws into the sheets as the knot disappeared into her. 



“Aaaah! Aaaaaah! Hhhaaaah!” the sounds of his boss’s muffled screams grew more and more concerning the more Nick heard through the door to her room. He wasn’t listening in on her but with his wolf ears he was able to hear even the smallest sounds behind multiple concrete walls. Knowing that she had just got a box of dildos delivered to her door, he was hesitant to check in on her, he was more brawn than brains, but he wasn’t that dumb to not know what she was doing in there with them. However, the later sounds coming from behind the door became increasingly concerning. 'Are people supposed to sound like that when they masturbate?' he wondered to himself. He made an executive decision right then and there that, no, people weren’t supposed to sound like that when they got themselves off. He decided to check in on the tigress; knocking on her door and calling her name first, but when she didn’t answer, he used his keycard to open the door and let himself inside.  

‘Beep!’ the door unlocked.

“Ms. Marx? Is everything alright?” Nick called out to the tigress as he stepped into her suite. He walked through the living room area toward the closed bedroom door where the tigress’s sounds of “distress” were coming from. As he approached her door, the noises got louder, and when he reached for the doorknob and turned it, there was silence. He pushed the door open gently and peeked inside. As the door opened up, a ray of light from outside the bedroom zipped across the room, over the bed, and widened the more the door opened. The bright light shined on Alex, who was face down and ass up on the bed; her eyes were closed and she had the bedsheets in her mouth.

Nick’s eyes widened and he stood there staring at her as he took in the smell of sight, sounds, and smell of sex all at once. The way the light reflected off of the sweaty tigress had him weak in the knees, too. He could see individual drops as they ran down her arms and legs, it was almost as distracting as the sound of her popping the knot on that canine dildo in and out of her pussy like a Chupa Chup but for the cunt. Her toes spread apart, she tightened the bite and grip she had on the sheets, and let out a growl; it looked like she was going feral. Each time she knotfucked herself, the cum lube she injected inside her through the cum tube spurted out of her and onto the bed. 

Nick was mesmerized; he stared for a few seconds longer before he blinked rapidly, turned on his heels, and quickly and quietly walked back the way that he came. He left the door open and the light shining on Alex as she continued to pleasure herself. 

The tigress didn’t notice the light from the open door as her eyes were closed and her mind and body were elsewhere. The knot on the Rex dildo stretched her pussy lips apart an impressive amount and if she didn’t pull the toy back out, it would have stayed tied just like a real canine knot would. She increased the pace of her knotfucking and made the popping sounds of the knot going in and coming out and her bedsheet muffled moans louder. 

‘Shlck. Pop! Pop! Shlck. Pop!’

“Mmmmmhhhrnrnnnnn! Mmmmmhhhrrhhh…. Ahhhhhhhhhhnnn!” She clenched her pussy walls tight around the toy each time the knot was pushed in. She felt herself getting closer and closer to her climax and was starting to feel a little bit lightheaded from the knot slamming into her and pushing every right button among the tens of thousands of nerve endings inside her. She moaned out the name of the toy more than a few times throughout the whole ordeal. Imagining that she was being fucked by a big and strong canine man was easy masturbatory aid when you had the exact toy for it. As she neared her climax, she pushed the toy in and out of her dripping wet cunt faster and faster. The knot went in for one final time as she gripped the sheets so tight with both her jaw and claws that it looked like she was going to have to pay the hotel for damages. She then howled out a very loud and clear moan. 

“Aaaaah! Nick! Fuck… Fuck yes… Hhhhaaaanhhhhh!” 

Her pussy clenched and relaxed over and over as she let go of the toy that was fully lodged inside of her. Her hand blindly reached around for the syringe that was still half-full of cum lube and pushed the plunger down to push the rest of it through the toy and inside her to give her the sensation of being fully filled with cum and bred. 

‘Splurt, splort, splat,’ 

Alex squirted and moaned, over and over; hard at first, splashing all over the bedsheets underneath her, before she slowed down, let go of the bedsheets in her mouth and hand, and slowly sat upright. As she sat up, she sat down on the dildo completely and shivered for a few seconds as she came down from her orgasm high.

“Hnnunff…” she bit her lip and ground her hips before slowly opening her eyes up to see the mess she had made of the bed; damp spots of sweat where she had face and arms, cum lube and squirt stains, and holes in the bedsheets from where she clawed and bit down out of pleasure. She let out a soft chuckle and shook her head as she patted around the bed for her phone. Once she found it, she brought it up to her face to unlock it and opened the Twitter app again. She tapped her DMs and went right back to the chat she was having with the familiar black and red dragon corporation. 

She then lifted the phone up a little to take a picture of the sweat stains and holes in the sheets in front of her and sent it. 

‘Click. Whoosh.’

Her fingers glided over her phone’s on-screen keyboard as she typed up a message to include with the picture. 

02:03 AM Alex Marx the Spot: [IMAGE]

02:03 AM Alex Marx the Spot: Thanks for the care package, less thankful for the mess and holes in the sheets I had to make. 😏💦💦

After sending her message, Alex slowly laid down on her back. The toy was still securely inside her and kept most of the cum lube from running out. She stared at her phone and waited for the checkmark on the messages she sent to turn blue. When they did, they also came with the bouncing three dots that indicated the other person was typing. Her phone buzzed softly when the message was received. 

02:05 AM Bad Dragon: Happy to help our favorite pop star and customer. Now tell us, when’s the OnlyFangs dropping? 🔥🔥🔥👀👀

As she read the message, Alex started to laugh. 

“Ahahahaha!” she laughed a little too hard. So hard, that the muscles in her stomach and pussy started to act up. She unintentionally clenched her pussy with every ‘ha’ that came out of her, which put pressure on the dildo lodged inside of her, and caused it to slip out with a very loud and wet pop. 


With the knot no longer plugging her pussy, the cum lube that was slightly diluted by her pussy juice shot out of her slightly gaped cunt like champagne at a bachelorette party. 

‘Splort, splort, splurt, splat,’ 

“Shit, shit, shit…: Alex grumbled as she looked down in between her legs at the mess that was leaking out of her. She rolled her eyes, shook her head, brought her eyes back to her phone, and started laughing again. “OnlyFangs, that’s probably not a bad idea…” she said to herself.


“Aaaaah! Nick! Fuck… Fuck yes… Hhhhaaaanhhhhh!” 

Nick stopped dead in his tracks as he walked through the living room of the tigress’s suite. He turned over his shoulder to look at the door that he had left open and pondered for a moment whether he should go back and close it for her. He balled his hands into fists and walked very stiffly toward the door. After letting himself out, he closed the door behind him, let out a heavy sigh, and leaned his head back against the door to look up at the ceiling. 


‘Swish, swish, swish, swish…’ 

He let out another sigh and grabbed his wagging tail with his hand to try and stop it, but it was no use. He let it wag and looked down shamefully at the massive tent he was sporting in his tight and form-fitting black pants. 

“No, you can’t fuck your boss, you can’t fuck your boss.” He whispered softly to himself as if he was arguing with the angel and devil versions of himself on his shoulders. 

He wanted to fuck his boss. 


Art by Red3Engine 




Bro, Nick having massive boner to his nose and is now blue balled. 💀🥶