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Who would have thought that spending your summer vacation in the Caribbean would mean enduring many hot days? Luckily, Alex and Tashi picked their club resort wisely. Close to the beach, no noisy children allowed, and clothing was optional all over the area. Also, it had many pools and other amenities to cool down like showers or misting stations at almost every corner.

They had arrived only two days ago, and they were still struggling with jetlag. That meant they were tired incredibly early in the evening and then woke up way too soon. Being up before almost everyone else had some perks, though. There was no one stopping the two from jumping into the pool as early in the morning as possible and taking their chance to cool down before the heat of the day came.

It was also the perfect time when nobody else was around. Everyone was still curing their hangovers or just sleeping in to enjoy their vacation time. Even though the whole resort was pretty liberal about things that could happen with people enjoying their leisure time and walking around naked, it was still nice to have some privacy.

The sun had barely risen over the horizon when they were out for a swim in the pool. Alex was leaning back on a green pool noodle so she didn’t have to tread water the whole time and instead could enjoy their early morning couple time together. Tashi didn’t need any such help, he could easily reach the ground of the pool with his hooves, his head still well above the water.

“Even though I risk you getting tired of hearing it.” Tashi said with a grin on his lips. “I think you look even hotter when your fur is all wet.” He smiled and approached Alex from the back, closing the gap between him and her, and gently cupping her breasts. “Makes your boobs stand out so nicely, and it’s so sexy when the cold water makes these… show so nice.” He whispered into her ear and chuckled softly as he gently and playfully rubbed her nipples. “You mean as long as you’re not covering them up with your grabby hands?” Alex cheerfully asked before leaning against him, tilting her head back, and kissing his chin. Her sassy remark made her stallion boyfriend chuckle as well. “Touché!” He replied and took his hands off her breasts to caress her belly instead.

“So… let me tell you something new. Did you know I can hold my breath for just over five minutes?” He asked her, still holding her closely against his chest, his hands slowly moving further down. Alex snorted and pushed herself away from him. After paddling with her paws for a while, she had turned around to face him. “Not when I hear you ranting about the bad code your colleagues wrote, you can’t.” She grinned from cheek to cheek and winked at her stallion. Under the water, she raised her paws and put them against his thighs to playfully keep him at a distance. “You’re in a feisty mood this morning, aren’t you?” Tashi asked her and splashed some water on her, challenging her to a playful fight. It didn’t end before they both burst out in laughter and the silly stallion had his arms around her and they pushed their lips together for a quick loving kiss. It was a good thing that only children were banned from the resort, not childish behavior.

As they looked into each other’s eyes, Tashi spoke up again. “You want me to prove it to you, don’t you?” Alex leaned her head to the side and bit her lower lip. “I don’t have a stopwatch on me, though, and I’m not getting out of the water, yet.” She replied, her eyes giving away she was still intrigued. It was enough to keep her boyfriend going down the path he had chosen. He smiled at her and caressed further down her belly until one of his hands was resting on her pubic mound. “What’s the fastest time I ever got you off without using any toys?” He asked her, standing close. The tigress moaned softly as one hand went further down and he began caressing her pussy under water, the other hand went around her butt to keep her from drifting away. “Tashi! I didn’t have a stopwatch on me then, either.” She shook her head at him, but then smiled.

Her hands were roaming over his chest, her claws raking through his fur. “But I like where this is going.” She whispered. “Can’t have been less than five minutes, can it? You’re not that easy…” Tashi whispered back. Before Alex even had a chance to reply, he already continued toying with her precious flower. He wiggled his fingers until they were snug between her pussy lips. He skillfully and slowly moved them back and forth, teasing the entrance to her love tunnel as well as stimulating her clit. A happy sigh came from the teasing stallion. The water around them was nice and warm, but not as warm as his girlfriend’s inner walls. He wished that he hadn’t teased her in this way or else he might have been able to explore that warmth with another “finger”.

“N-No…” Alex replied and playfully tapped his nose. “But you’re still above water and I can clearly see you still breathing!” She countered. Under water, though, she spread her legs a little more. “Just had to make sure you are ready for this…” The stallion explained with a cheeky grin on his face. Then he took a deep breath, and finally he dove under water, seemingly leaving the tigress to swim alone in the pool for anyone who might have glanced her way. Many bubbles rose from the stallion’s fur as he looked up at her, some even brushed against the tigress, a tiny few even tickled her pussy, making the drifting feline moan softly.

No matter how much her boyfriend had bragged about being able to hold his breath for a while, his time was still limited, and he had none to waste. Alex cooed when he pulled on her leg to get her closer, and the pool noodle kept her on top of the water. She was floating above a horny horse ready to show her what he could do. As he opened his muzzle, more bubbles escaped and brushed over her pussy, tickling her senses, and making her sigh. That was nothing compared to the lusty stallion pushing his lips against her pussy. 

Water behaved much differently from air. His tongue moved between her pussy lips, but it pushed the liquid in front all over her crotch, making the stimulation spread out much further. The seal his lips formed around her clit was also much tighter, the suction on her little button incomparably more intense. Alex was blushing so brightly, it shone through the damp fur on her cheeks, giving them a slight pink tone. She shyly looked around, but there were still only a few people walking towards the breakfast buffet in the distance. They still had the pool to themselves, there was no reason to hold back her moans.

She put her legs on top of Tashi’s shoulders, holding onto him and pulling herself against his face. Every time she thought she got a short break from the intense stimulation, water flowed between her pussy lips or air bubbles tickled her little pearl some more. She was already fantasizing about how much more exciting this would be in a whirlpool. Meanwhile, under water, her stallion kept showing his skills at licking her flower. He reached slightly behind his back to reach her paws, gave them a squeeze, and massaged them all while he was still munching on her special muffin.

His tongue went inside deeply, some water flowing inside along with it. He tried to push her inner buttons, his long muscle wiggling and moving around. Pulling his tongue back out was much harder than above the water, but for Alex it also meant feeling the texture inside her more directly, as if the stallion’s skillful muscle was even bigger than it actually was. While eating her out, he rubbed the tigress’ paws, leaving no toe bean untouched. Though the pool water was slightly chlorinated, he could still easily taste his girlfriend through all of it. At all times, he managed to keep at least one eye open to look up, at the slightly distorted, yet so tantalizing view of her cute, aroused face and perfect breasts that moved along with each breath she took. Getting so much fresh oxygen into her lungs was a luxury he didn’t have. It couldn’t have been more than two or three minutes since he got started, but he could clearly feel that he was close to his limit.

Alex clenched her fists, holding onto her pool noodle tightly. Her claws pierced through the outermost layer and went right into the foam, and she left a few scratch marks on it. No matter how hard she tried to be quiet, every now and then a moan escaped her lips. It was no unusual sound, though, the nights here were hot for more than one reason, and so it didn’t turn any heads.

Her stallion under water on the other hand constantly turned his head, if only just a little. He had stopped rubbing her paws and instead his hands were on her butt as he pushed his face into her crotch. Horse lips were squeezed against pussy lips, her cunt stimulated by a tongue slipping in deep, that thick upper lip flicking her bean, water flowing over her crotch and constant bubbles tickling her. It was sensory overload of the best kind.

Tashi was on his last breath, his vision already fading a little. But he was too proud to stop. He channeled his body’s desire for air into sucking that juicy tiger clit while shaking his head quickly, pushing his chin against her crotch, sending vibrations all through her pussy. Finally, he felt her shaking, too. Finally, he tasted her honey freshly squirting into the water and straight onto his tongue. Alex was floating weightlessly in the water as her orgasm hit her and carried her up higher. It was no bad thing that her legs were getting a little weak, she just had to lean back and enjoy.

A second later, her boyfriend reappeared above water, taking a deep breath, and snorting, blowing the water out of his nostrils. He put an arm around her, held her close, and rubbed her pussy, let a hand take the place of his lips, to keep her on her high for as long as he could, to let her ride out that orgasm he nearly passed out for.

As slowly as Alex came down from her climax, she slipped off her pool noodle and into her man’s arms. Tashi was holding her as they shared a passionate deep kiss. There was no trace of her nectar on her boyfriend’s lips, but she could taste herself once her tongue had slipped into his mouth. After the tigress lips pulled away from his, a string of saliva connecting them, she spoke up. “Wow… you weren’t kidding. That was amazing. Are you secretly a seahorse and didn’t tell me?” She playfully asked him.

“Nah, just got some large lungs in this buff chest. Guess it comes with the horse genes, breathe a lot to work hard!” He tried to come up with an explanation, stumbling over his own words. “Huh…” Alex replied and bit her lower lip. As her tail swished around behind her under the water, she could feel it brush over her stallion’s cock. Unsurprisingly, he was sporting quite the boner after his little stunt, and the tigress herself felt like she had already taken a liking to weightless water whoopee making.

“Think you’ve used those lungs to catch your breath, yet?” She asked and grinned at him in a way that could only mean one thing. “I think so… or are my lips still blue? Why are you asking?” Tashi asked in turn. Gently, Alex pushed herself away from him to catch her long green swimming aid again. Once she was lying back on it, floating on the water, she winked at him. “So you can show me how well your little stallion works under water, too.” She suggested and spread her legs, giving her boyfriend an unmistakable invitation.

“But we’ll make a mess!” Tashi protested. “Only if you pull out…” The tigress countered. Her boyfriend chuckled and licked his lips. “Even though I risk you getting tired of hearing it. I love the way you think, my little tiger.” He spoke as he closed the gap between Alex and himself once more. He grabbed her leg and his cock, aiming it at her pussy, getting ready, but the feisty tigress pushed his hand away and grabbed his shaft to take control instead.

She lifted the tip up against her pussy lips and grinned. “Come here, my little seahorse. Time to show you a whole new coral reef.”

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Art by NitaNi 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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