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This was the result of this vote! Thank you guys for participating and sorry it took so long!

Watersports version of story is linked at the end!


Spontaneous sex was amazing. Giving in to temptation right when the tension was so high that any spark finds enough kindling to ignite a furious fire of passion, letting all dams break to unleash a torrent of lust right when the reservoirs were filled to the brim. There were few ways to top such an unplanned moment of sweet intimacy.

The horse and tigress couple certainly didn’t need to plan a weekly date night. No matter how hard the harsh winds of everyday life pushed them back, they still already took every chance they had to spend nice moments together with each other. Even if that just meant sharing a box of takeout food in front of the TV at the end of a long day and falling asleep huddled up against one another.

One habit that Alex and Tashi picked up, though, had been to block an evening every now and then to have nothing but intimate raunchy sex in the most creative way they could come up with. They quickly found that allowed them to trade the spontaneity of casual sex for some remarkably interesting experiments and allowed them to slowly work their way through their chest of toys together.

Of course, such a sex date required an iron will and discipline from both. They didn’t want to spend all their energy in advance. They wanted to be fresh and ready and at their prime when it was time to summon the beast with two backs. Knowing about their usual sex life - one time their enormous appetite for pleasures of the flesh even had gotten them in trouble with the law – it might be hard to believe that they began enjoying the anticipation before such a night.

One of them was in charge, the chef of their menu of pleasures for the night, and the other one wasn’t allowed to see what they had prepared, not even a peek in the fridge (or in their case, the bedroom). Oftentimes, Tashi was begging for some hints about what his girlfriend had in mind. He tried to justify it, said he needed to know what to wear or if he should work up some sweat for her first. Alex always found the sweetest ways to reply without giving an actual answer. “Nothing… you know I always prepare… everything.”

As much as she held up her side of the rule, she also tried to bend it herself. She would try to gently tease some hints out of the stallion, let her hands roam over his body, and get him all worked up in the process. Forcing themselves to be restrained in such a way made each tease a lot more intense. Tension was building up, their appetites were growing, and the sweet release at the end of it all was often more intense than even the first times they climbed to the peaks of sexual pleasure together.

It allowed them to turn their primal lust for each other into a creative artform, and it was even before the first time that Alex nearly passed out after a bondage session that they called each other a genius for the idea. There was no chance they would end their new ritual anytime soon.

New toys they bought and ideas they shared made sure their cupboard of sexual spices would never go empty, and there would always be a new menu of the week to try.


This day was another one of those when the horse and tigress had one of their special dates in the evening. Alex had to take the night off from her job to stay home for it, making the wait for their evening sexy time feel even longer. Even after sleeping in all through the morning, there were still so many pesky hours to kill.

Doing laundry, those musky scents hitting her nose, was indeed a chore. Lying in the bathtub, the showerhead looked so tempting and the waterproof magic wand would have been just a tiny leap for a cat away. But that would have broken the deal and knowing the things her horse usually prepared for her were something to look forward to, she didn’t want to “waste her horny” on some self-pleasuring. But one thing was certain, she wasn’t going to endure the agony of having to hold back alone.

She was surprised the bedroom door wasn’t locked when she went back to get some fresh clothes to put on. Normally, Tashi was very secretive about his preparations for the special date. Nothing inside the room had changed. What did he have planned? She decided to remain undressed anyways, closing the door behind her. Her fur was still damp when she sneaked into the stallion’s office to peek in on him while he was working. A quick glance at his webcam, the light was off, letting her know that nobody was watching him right now and so she didn’t hesitate to approach him in all her naked, nicely smelling glory. She chuckled when the scent of her mango shampoo made her boyfriend’s nostrils flare. He quickly finished a line of code before taking his headphones off and turning only his upper body around to look at her. Suspiciously, he had his chair shoved all the way under his desk to keep his naked lower half tucked away.

“Hey, horsey, just checking in to see if you are doing alright!” The tigress chirped and looked at him innocently. It was almost impossible for the gorgeous feline to look bad at any angle, it took more than a bad hair day to make her look less than absolutely desirable. However, the pose she struck, her crotch pressed forward lightly, her legs spread just enough, her arms lifted to accentuate her breasts, it would have been enough to make any guy with one straight bone in his body drool just like her plump pussy was. Her little surprise didn’t fail, a soft thud could be heard from under her boyfriend’s desk. As much as she wanted that to have come from his dick just smacking that desk from below, it was much more plausible that the sudden display of such arousing beauty had made him bump into something with his legs.

“I… I’m okay…” He finally replied after letting his gaze drift all over the buffet of pleasant sights in front of him for a short while. The tigress’ nipples were hard, he could see that. She was more than ready to be devoured by his sexual appetite. Before his thoughts could go any further, she closed the gap between the two of them step by step until she was behind him and out of his sight unless he wanted to twist his long neck to an unnatural angle. His screen was split up between the team chat he had open to the right and endless lines of cryptic computer code to the left. “I saw the bedroom is still unlocked. Hope you didn’t forget what day it is?” She asked with the most alluring, teasing voice she could muster. Certainly, had it not been their special sex date day, she would have been unable to even get so far without her horse jumping her and scratching that itch coming from deep within.

The stallion snorted softly. Now that she was so close to him, he could even smell her need. It was a perfume that could not be bottled, a primal scent recognized on a subconscious level. “Of course not!” He protested. “Always in the bedroom would be boring… Don’t be impatient now.” He chuckled and kept suspiciously leaning forward to hide his crotch from the view of the tigress. She had been able to see he was not wearing any pants as usual. What was he hiding now? “Good…” Alex finally replied, accepting that she wouldn’t get any hints out of him by just asking nicely.

There were other methods at her disposal, though. She put just one of her soft gentle hands on her stallion’s upper body and pushed him back against the chair carefully. As much as Tashi consciously was trying to hide something, that subtle touch got to him and he followed the tigress’ unspoken desire. Suddenly, she could see between his legs and get a look at the massive boner her boyfriend was sporting. Not only that, but there were also two black rings strapped around the stallion’s erect length. She could also hear a faint buzzing noise coming from them that had been drowned out by the computer fans before. Realizing the mistake he had made, Tashi quickly leaned forward again and hid his little secret once more. “Tashi!” Alex called him out. “You didn’t forget our rules or did you now?!”

The stallion snorted softly and shook his head. “Never! I would never ruin our sexy time date! No more questions before you spoil it for yourself completely. You’ll see… it’ll be good. Just wait for me in the living room.” He explained and then turned his chair around to give her a hug before sending her off. “Fine… but then I’m allowed to have a little fun, too…” She whispered and slowly walked away. Before leaving the room, she let one hand slip down to her crotch. When she brought it back up and spread her fingers out, strings of her nectar were connecting her index and middle finger, and she licked them clean. Another thud came from under the stallion’s desk. That was his cock, smacking that desk good, at least in her mind, and she wouldn’t let anyone say otherwise. How wonderful anticipation could be… wasn’t this why children enjoyed waiting for Christmas so much?


The hours crawled by so slowly, and a big bag full of chips was Alex’s best friend to keep her fingers from slipping too deeply into something else that was just craving a filling. More than once had she been tempted to just run back into her boyfriend’s office, declare their date to be a dumb idea, and just satisfy that craving right then and there. Her phone had already alarmed her that it was not a safe day, so it wasn’t just her natural horniness that was plaguing her so. She had even considered putting on some pants just to make it easier to resist her temptation.

Finally hearing her boyfriend’s hooves clopping on the floor surprised her so much that she pushed her bag of chips off the couch, making bits and crumps spill all over the floor. “Shit!” She sighed and jumped off the sofa to try cleaning the mess before her stallion walked in.

“Wha- unf… oh fuck Alex…” She heard him mumble before he snorted excitedly. Trying to pick up all the small crumps, she didn’t even try to look sexy, but still her ass and tail were raised, giving a perfect view at her aroused, needy pussy. She looked over her shoulder and saw that her boyfriend was all naked like she was now, his cock still hard hours after she had seen him last, and he was carrying a big salmon-colored pillow as well as some leather cuffs and a small, empty bowl. He took a deep breath to clear his mind and to calm down from that sight that was well worth blowing a load early over. “I see you already had a snack… I hope you left some room.” He teased her and grinned.

Like magnets attracting each other more and more until they are almost impossible to keep apart, it was getting harder for the stallion to keep his composure now that their playtime came closer and closer. He dropped the big pillow in the middle of the room and smiled at the tigress. Suddenly, Alex forgot all about the chips she still had to pick up. She got back up on her paws and quickly walked over to the stallion. “Don’t worry. I’m ready for anything.” She whispered. “Did you bring some condoms?” She bit her lower lip after asking that question and Tashi nodded. “Yep!” – “So, what did you prepare?” Alex kept asking.

“Well… since you complained that I’m always on a bit of a hair trigger when we do this… I thought I’d capitalize on that today. Been edging all day…” He explained and pointed at his length that was still throbbing and dripping, stimulated by those vibrators strapped onto it. Alex opened her eyes wide. “That can’t be healthy!” She said and gave the stallion – especially his balls – a worried glance. “Don’t worry about that.” The stallion replied. “I won’t do this every time. So… are you ready. Still remember your safe word?” He asked with a chuckle and when Alex nodded at him, he pointed at the pillow. “Good, then lay down. Your job is just to enjoy… I’ll do the rest. I owe you from last time.” The stallion explained and smiled as he watched his girlfriend relax on the large pillow he had prepared. “So… I just lie down, no foreplay?” She asked as she peeked over her shoulder and grinned at the stallion. “Who said no foreplay? Just one rule… no cumming before I’m inside you.” The stallion demanded as he got on his knees behind her.

Alex held her breath when she felt his hard cock touching her butt. She was so aroused she could even feel the faint buzzing of the vibrators mounted to her stallion’s shaft. Tashi moaned softly, he was clearly riding the edge, just like he said. He pulled away, leaving only a few drops of precum behind on her fur. He bent down and began massaging her butt, then his hands moved up to her back, all the way to her shoulder blades. Feeling the gentle, tamed strength of her boyfriend with every second relaxed the tigress while simultaneously getting her even more worked up. Before he even made his way up to her arms, she was already leaking her juices onto the pillow under her. Yes, this hit the spot perfectly.

She didn’t resist at all when Tashi put those leather cuffs on her wrists and tied her hands together behind her back. Even her tail was raised out of the way, her two needy holes exposed to the horny stallion. She relaxed, closed her eyes, and eagerly anticipated the things to come.

‘Snap Snap’

The straps and vibrators had come off the big hard horny horse cock. The tigress’ ears perked up when she heard two snapping sounds and then the bowl being put down on the ground behind her.


They didn’t stay up for long, though. Soon after, the tigress let out a lusty moan, when Tashi bent down behind her and licked up the tasty juices she had been offering to him so generously and quickly followed them to the source. He didn’t stop at her pussy, though, his lips went further up, and then his tongue also poked against her back door. He didn’t spend more than a few seconds on her taboo tailhole, though. It was always hard for him to hide his undying love and preference for her warm, wet and tight meow hole.

His hot breath was washing over her nether regions, stimulating her even more, and making the tigress roll her eyes under the closed lids. Her paws and toes curled up, exposing her sharp claws. But even though the stallion’s lust for her sexy soles usually seemed insatiable, they were unable to catch his attention at this time. He had been so looking forward to this moment, so horny and aroused, looking for release, that he just kept eating her pussy like a starving man.

He didn’t just gently tug on her clit with his lips, flick it with his tongue, and give it a suckle for purely altruistic reasons. No, while he went for one deep Aussie kiss after another, he was also jerking himself towards some much-needed release, scratching the itch that he had plagued himself with all day. He was aiming at that bowl underneath him, hoping that his blind firing would be close enough. There was no way he would have had turned his attention away from the wet hot cunt he was making out with.

His bottom lip never let the tigress’ little bean come to rest. It was rubbed left and right, flicked up and down, and gently pushed over and over. Sometimes the horse’s long tongue gave it a little swirl, a switch up from diving deep into her depths and searching and pressing that inner pleasure button. Soon the pillow under them was glistening like fresh raw salmon, only that the smell in the air was only that of their own pure lust.

“T-Tashi I… I’ll break the rule… but… please don’t stop…” Alex threw in between her soft moans of pleasure. Waiting for this moment all day, she had been just as pent-up as the stallion behind her. Her warning came almost too late. Tashi pulled his lips away from hers, strings of her nectar and his spit forming between his muzzle and her pussy before they broke off. It had been just in time, a hair’s breadth away from the tigress squirting all over his face. So close that even her boyfriend’s excited breathing and snorting, that hot air brushing over her folds threatened to push her over the edge still. “H-Hurry up… horsey…” She begged, breathing excitedly.


Tashi neighed softly and the tigress opened her eyes wide. Even though she had no way to see what was happening, the sounds of it all were unmistakable. She could hear the stallion’s cum splashing into the bowl and splattering onto the ground, the impact enough to push the bowl forward, creating the easily recognizable sound of ceramics scratching on the floor. It sounded so powerful that just the thought of being filled like that bowl one day made an arousing shiver run down her spine and led to another few strings of her nectar dripping from her swollen flower.

“Wow… that worked better than I had hoped… so much…” The stallion whispered under his breath. “Is my little tiger ready for her cream?” He asked her. “Of … course…” Alex replied swiftly. Other than her man, she was still eagerly waiting for release, her breath and voice shaky. A second later, she had a bowl full of cum standing right in front of her, hot and fresh from the tap, the musky scent of her boyfriend’s virile seed filling her mind on one of her days of peak fertility. Without even thinking, she just followed her desire to dip her rough tongue into the sticky liquid, right into that salty-tangy cream that overloaded her sense of taste as well.

More. She wanted more. More of the musk, the taste, and that stallion cock. She balled her hands into fists, Tashi’s were shaking as he tore open the package of the red condom he was holding. His cock was still overly sensitive from his orgasm, but he didn’t waste a second as he rolled that rubber down his shaft. He wasn’t going to let his beloved tigress wait, not for a heartbeat longer than necessary.

It all happened quickly from then on. Once his cock was wrapped to prevent any accidents, he plunged it deep into the slightly gaping wet waiting pussy in front of him. Alex got interrupted from finishing her bowl of horse milk mid-lick. She just dropped her head into it, but her moan was muffled, her nose and lips submerged in the sticky mess. Bubbles formed as she kept calling out her lust. She barely managed to lift her head out of it again and almost bit her tongue when she tried to clean herself, licking her lips and sabre teeth.

Her boyfriend moaned as he pushed through the resistance of his post-orgasmic overstimulation. He reached around her and began fondling her breasts from behind, gently rubbing her sensitive hard nipples. He knew this was one of Alex’s favorite positions, but he didn’t know it was because the tip of his cock brushed over her G-spot so perfectly on the way in and out, and the medial ring of his cock met her clit at the perfect angle. All he knew was that he had to dick her down good and hard, and that the look she gave him afterwards was well worth the time sacrificed without being able to glance back into her eyes or watching her breasts bounce.

“That’s number one… isn’t it?” Tashi asked her when he felt his tigress’ pussy squeezing his cock and he saw her bound arms twitching and her legs shaking. The moan that came over her lips was no clear word, neither yes nor no, but it was all the answer the stallion needed. He playfully chuckled and slowed down to let her come down from her first climax. Now they were even.

Finally, the tigress purred and peeked over her shoulder. “Yes… it was.” She said and moved her hips back and forth, gently bouncing on her stallion’s cock. “Let’s see if we can get to three before I blow again…” He replied and thrusted against her, pushing deeper and deeper into her tight warm tunnel.

Hearing her lapping up more of his essence from the bowl got him so very riled up he felt it would become hard to win his little bet with himself. He kept his hands on her ass and snorted excitedly. It was one slow, steady push, when he sunk his whole length into her until he felt the tip of his cock pushing up against the entrance of her womb. Now he knew the limit, it was time to find her sweet spot. He pulled further and further back to probe for it, listening and searching for any reactions.

He was only a few inches deep inside her when he found what he was looking for. She balled her hands into fists, there was that slight kick in her right leg, that special moan he could only get out of her when he was doing things quite right. “There we go…” The stallion whispered and took his hands off her ass. One went up to caress her lower back, just above her tail, the other went further down, to her thigh, then around, until he could gently push and rub her clit with two digits.

It would have felt better for him to go in all the way, to get as much of his cock engulfed by her warmth, but at this moment, he just wanted to be a toy, a perfect fucking machine for the purring moaning tigress in front of him. He knew he was on track when the bowl in front of her was getting ignored and she pushed back against his shallow thrusts.

They were on the orgasm train and no more breaks were allowed. “Just like that Tashi… a… little deeper… there… there… right there… more!” She moaned, panted, her whole body was wiggling around on the large salmon-colored pillow she was lying on top of. She was giving in to pure pleasure. The few directions she had given her man had guided him right onto target, and she was riding on one wave of ecstasy to the next.


Tashi kept up his rhythm, kept up the same shallow thrusts, that finger play on Alex’s little pearl until she was shaking, moaning and kicking in another orgasm. He moaned as well. Just as powerful as he had blown his load into that bowl, did his girlfriend squirt back at him, her juices spraying against his balls and thighs. The lingering scent showing off her current peak fertility hit his senses, worked on his primal mind. Blissfully unaware of that thin layer of latex between them that cut any of their breeding efforts short, it spurred the stallion on to plant his seed deep within that wonderful tigress.

“Two, Tashi… And I can’t feel my leegs— ahh!” He didn’t cut his girlfriend any slack. Before her ecstasy-meter had any chance of resetting to zero, he grabbed her by her tied wrists and spanked her ass. The discipline he had shown just seconds ago was all but gone, replaced by the feral desire to breed and mate, and Alex was strapped in for the ride.


Instead of two controlled, precise fingers, Alex’s clit was being bounced on her boyfriend’s medial ring, her little speed bump, again and again. Every time he bottomed out inside of her, his heavy balls came swinging and slapping against her, sending her whole pussy shaking around that thick girth that was spreading her open. She was pinned down under her stallion, held up by the soft comfortable pillow. All she could do was keep her inner muscles tight, do her part in milking that massive rod of fuck meat that was driving her insane. Some thrusts made her moan, some made her coo, some made her go cross-eyed, the others were somehow not enough to stop her from emptying out the bowl in front of her.


When it came to sex, even the best plan could only go so far. There were no more clear thoughts involved in the wild rutting that Tashi had fallen into. His flesh was grinding against Alex’s, only separated by a tiny layer of rubber that did the best it could to pretend it wasn’t there at all. It was the most primal, pure form of mating and making love. His cock pushing in deep over and over, feeling every wrinkle on those inner walls again and again, more intense the more their passion built up. It was a lucky choice that the stallion picked the living room floor for them to have fun on, their bed would have been a total mess after what they were doing to one another.

The tigress certainly couldn’t complain about her boyfriend’s stamina. He had been going, pushing on through two of her climaxes. But even a stallion’s endurance couldn’t last forever. Even through the clouds of pleasure that were dampening her senses, she could feel the tip of his cock swelling up, feel that growing horse flare. It pushed all her buttons on the way in and on the way out, sending sparks of joy all through her body. Upwards, to her brain, making her moan and shiver in pleasure, and all the way to her numb legs, making them tingle and shake.

‘Plap-Plap-Plap…. Splrt-splrt-splrrrt’

Three more thrusts. She could feel it. The one that sent her boyfriend over the edge, the second one that showed him fighting against it, him wanting to give her more, to get her off before he was spent, and the third one where he gave in, sank his length deep into her, and began blowing his load into that strawberry-red condom that was showing some miracle strength like dozens did before.

There was no need to tell him that she didn’t make it to number three before he came. Not when it was her boyfriend’s hard pole throbbing in orgasmic bliss that sent her over the edge as well. It was a perfect draw, and she didn’t even need to see what a win felt like. She was moaning, shaking, riding out that tsunami wave of pleasure. The bowl in front of her was empty, but she kept on licking, even if it was only her own saliva she kept lapping back up.


She came back to her senses when Tashi untied her wrists and slowly flipped her over onto her back, letting her rest on the big pillow that had served them so well. Her pussy felt empty, but there was a perfect soreness that reminded her of the intimacy they had shared just moments ago. She felt too weak to even lift her head, but as if he had read her thoughts, her stallion reached down to help her out, and pull her into a deep, loving kiss.

“Mhrr… your bowl is empty, Alex…” He whispered. “It is… can I get a refill?” She asked. “Heh… last call was a few minutes ago...” He replied and picked her up off the ground, one arm slung around her. Then he held the filled condom up in front of her. “But I’ve got some horse cream for you to go…”


Watersports version of story here 

Art by Jailbird 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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