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The sprightful bunny ran ahead after she and her step-sister walked through the automatic sliding glass doors of their local mall. The small rabbit was excited, she had wanted to go shopping with her big sister for a very, very long time, and now that her sister had found some time off from work to come and visit the bun in university, today was the day! To the small bun, her sister looked good in any clothes she saw her wear, so she wanted her sister’s input on what clothes she should buy.

“C’mon, Alexxxxx!!! Hurry up! All the good stuff is going to be gone if you walk slow!” Yulia turned around to look at the tiger who was following the small, but fast bun through the floor space of the mall.

“Relax,” Alex rolled her eyes a bit, “The place has literally been open for like five minutes.” The tigress wasn’t wrong. If the bunny had looked around a little bit better, she would have been able to notice that there were very, very few people even in the mall.

“ALL THE GOOD UNDERWEAR WILL BE GONE!!!” The bunny almost screamed her response as she continued to run towards the lingerie store that she had picked as their destination when they were in the car.

Alex’s ears flattened against her head when she heard the bunny’s scream-reply. “God, you’re ridiculous. It’s not Black Friday, you aren’t going to have to fight someone for a nice pair of underwear, okay?” The tigress picked up her pace a little to catch up with her little sister. Once she was caught up, she grabbed her sister’s hand, forcing her to walk at a slower and more reasonable pace. “Relax, take it easy… We have all day to pick out some nice underwear for you.”

Yulia was visibly annoyed at Alex for slowing her down to a walk. Her nose was all scrunched up and her big ears looked even bigger than they usually did. Alex always thought it was funny how it was hard for the bun to keep her emotions from being so obvious and often teased her about it. The bunny couldn’t stay upset at her sister for long though, and after a few seconds her scrunched up nose and ears returned to their normal state as the two continued strolling through the brightly lit mall and towards the apparel zone.

Alex wasn’t as excited as her little sister was about going to the mall, she bought clothes for herself on her own all the time. But since her little sister was all grown up and enrolled in college, she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to give her a few pointers as to which clothes would catch the boys’ (or girls') attention best. She still couldn’t believe that her little sister, the bun who would always barge in on her when she snuck her boyfriend into her bedroom, was all grown up. Just thinking about the bun having her own boyfriend, sneaking him into her room, made the tiger a bit proud. She was finally becoming the horny bunny she was meant to be!

The siblings continued walking, with Yulia looking around at the various stores and outlets, and Alex watching her do so. After a few seconds of silence, the tigress spoke up. “So, which do you want to go to first?”

With so many stores and ideas of where she wanted to shop in mind, it took Yulia a few seconds before she replied to Alex’s question. “I just said all the good underwear would be gone if we’re slow!” The bunny hopped up and down as they continued to walk at the pace Alex had decided for them. She knew her protesting wasn’t going to do any good and that the tiger would still walk as slow as she wanted to.

“I know, Yulia.” Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I was more asking which store, there’s way more than one place that sells lingerie and underwear. Victoria’s Secret, Etam, H&M, Zara, I can keep going.”

Yulia continued to look around the mall as they walked, her ears perked up, turned, and flickered about as her sister spoke. She spotted a sign that read ‘Etam Paris’ right as her sister mentioned that brand name. “Etam!” She bounced up. She knew that it was one of the stores her sister had bought lingerie from, and Alex always wore the sexiest lingerie and got all the handsome boys wrapped around her finger. Yulia had always been jealous of her sister’s looks and style.

With her tail waving left and right slowly behind her, the big cat nodded and gave her sister’s hand a nice little squeeze before they walked towards the brightly-lit store of the little bun’s choice. When they arrived in the store, they were greeted by a lovely cheetah lady who worked there but after the greeting, the cheetah went back about her business restocking shelves. Yulia’s eyes were wide open and she was struggling to decide what to look at. There was swimwear, underwear, and a lot of cute little accessories, everything looked so good on the mannequins, so colorful and shiny. She even saw a bejeweled-out bra on display. Alex caught her looking at it and gave her a small nudge with her arm.

“Is my sister interested in becoming a stripper?” she chuckled and let her tail brush up against the bun’s legs as they walked through the store.

Yulia turned around suddenly and looked up at Alex with a huge panicked expression on her face. Her eyes wide and her ears as big as banana leaves. The tigress looked down at her sister and stared at her scrunched-up nose before she scoffed. “What? Are you?” She waggled her eyebrows and chuckled. “You’re way too classy for that kind of bra, come here, this section is where all the good lace stuff is…” She pulled the bun over towards the mannequins near the back of the store. They stopped at a corner with a few racks and walls of lingerie sets for them to pick from, sorted by size and style. Alex let go of the little bunny’s hand and let her roam free and pick whichever pieces she liked. “Here, pick a few you like and we can go try them on.” Weirdly enough, the two were in one of the rare stores that allowed you to try on undergarments. It probably wasn’t hygienic, but it was one of the selling points of the store. It was pretty nice! As long as you didn’t think about how they ensured cleanliness standards.

The little bunny looked astonished at the vast selection of lingerie her eyes had laid upon. And while Alex needed to pick out a few for herself, too, she was having much more fun looking at her little sister gawk at the selection Etam had to offer. “Take your time,” the striped feline said with a smile. “We have alllllll day. Heck, I think I might get myself some while we’re here, could use a little something to show off to my hot dates you think I’m always going on.” She chuckled.

Yulia turned to look at her sister when she spoke, but it didn’t take very long for her eyes to leave her sister’s and go back to the wall of lacey lingerie. Spotting a classic crimson lace that she was sure she saw Alex wear before, she quickly snatched it before skipping her way along the rack to look at more and more colors. Alex watched her sister bounce about and grab the things she liked for a few seconds before going off on her own search for lingerie. The selection at this particular store was huge, they were going to be there for a while.

Around thirty minutes went by before Alex and Yulia crossed paths again; they were both headed towards the fitting rooms. Alex had three sets of lingerie picked out to try on, while Yulia had ten, and they were spilling out of her arms as she carried them to the dressing room.

“Jesus, Yulia, replacing your entire underwear drawer?” the tigress teased with a smile.

“I couldn’t choose between them, I think I might need your help,” the bun looked up at her sister with a hopeful expression and a shy smile. Her little stubby tail flickered behind her as she and her sister headed in through the open doorway that led to the dressing rooms. She was excited to try on the lingerie, and with some input from her sister, maybe she could be a little bit as hot as she was and attract all the handsome boys into her dorm room at college.

The fitting rooms were lined with little single-person booths with curtains in front for privacy. None of them were occupied, so the bunny and her feline sister were free to pick and choose whichever one they wanted. They ended up going with the first two rooms right beside each other.

The two girls let out a silly giggle as they disappeared into their booths and slid the curtains closed behind them.

Yulia began undressing once she hooked the curtain in place to prevent it from being pulled open from the outside. She hung her clothes up on the handy hooks that were on the wall and began putting on the lingerie and checking herself out in the mirror that was on the other side.

Alex did the same thing, but she only tried on the bras for that bottomless look. Most effective on her boyfriend, that one was. After she switched between a couple of bras, she ended up in the red one she picked out. Red really was her color, wasn’t it? She squished her breasts together with her hands and gave them a couple playful squeezes as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Satisfied with how it looked on her, she turned around intending to grab the panties next and try those on too.

“Alex!!!” the little bunny called out for her sister from the other booth. Alex could hear the sound of curtains being pulled open.

“Yes, Yulia?”

“I really like this one, can you have a look?” the bun’s excited tone shifted to a shyer one.

Alex smiled a little bit when she heard that and turned away from what she was doing, before pulling open the curtain of her changing room. Completely forgetting that she hadn’t gotten to putting on panties just yet, and was therefore bottomless. Pussy out!

Yulia was standing at the front of her changing booth with the curtain close to her side in case anyone came into the area. When Alex opened her curtains and leaned against the divider that separated them, Yulia’s eyes almost immediately darted down to Alex’s uncovered lower half before going up to Alex’s face. “ALEX YOU ARE NOT WEARING ANYTHING DOWN THERE!”

Alex shrugged her shoulders, “You told me to look at what you had on! Besides, no one is here, don’t worry about it.”

Clearly upset, Yulia’s nose was all scrunched-up again. “But what if someone sees???”

Alex rolled her eyes again and shook her head, “I think they’ll be looking at you because you look good in that red lace.” The tigress whistled and winked at her sister.

Yulia tried to look up at Alex and look her directly in the eye to show her disapproval of her sister’s public indecency, but she couldn’t get her eyes to go past her sister’s chest and those modestly sized breasts in that red bra. She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a little huff as she stared at her sister’s cleavage. Taking notice, Alex brought her left hand up to slip her thumb under the strap of her bra and pulled it over her shoulders teasingly.

“Jealous of my big tits?” Alex laughed.

Yulia’s ears shot up and widened with a loud ‘fwmp’ and her cheeks flushed a deep red.

“I’M NOT JEALOUS, YOU ARE!!!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, her arms still crossed over her chest, one hand gripping the curtain. Alex blinked in confusion when her sister yelled and she began to laugh a bit after. Flustered and blushing, Yulia quickly pulled the curtain closed and hid in her booth. Alex did the same soon after.

The bun looked at her reflection in the mirror and began to smile.

‘My sister said I look good…’ she thought to herself, her tail flickering behind her and her ears lowering down slightly as she smiled.


Art by nowego 

Yulia is by BakedBunny 



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