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“You do look cute with that apron on, do you know that?” Alex asked with a grin on her face as she looked at her stallion boyfriend who was standing in the kitchen. He was just wearing a green T-shirt underneath the white apron she mentioned. It had some chocolatey stains here and there. The bottomless lifestyle she had converted him to at home was being sustained even when there was housework to do. “Well I really don’t want to get any chocolate into my fur. It takes so long to get that back out! Sometimes I find bits days later in the shower. Brown chocolate on brown fur… it just disappears!” He replied and scratched his neck. “I’m not just teasing. I really mean it!” The tigress reaffirmed and walked over to the shy stallion. Her lovely red sweater was the only thing she wore. It went down just far enough to cover her crotch. All that it would take for her to give someone a glimpse of her womanhood was to raise her arms. She looked at the countertop where the products of the stallion’s labor were spread out on two baking trays. One was full of fresh cookies straight from the oven. They had a nice, dark brown color, and were still steaming. Small bits of chocolate in different colors, white, light brown, and dark brown baked into them were quite tempting to a puckish tigress.

“I’m still not convinced you don’t just like it because it leaves my butt exposed!” Tashi replied and shook his head. He picked up the second baking tray that was still full of unbaked cookies, more of the delicious goodies that were not yet ready to eat. He bent over to open the oven lid and put the tray inside. Just as he did, the tigress spanked his exposed butt and chuckled. “That is certainly a good reason to like it.” She said excitedly. Tashi snorted and got up again, leaving the cookies to bake in the oven. He leaned over to kiss Alex’s cheek. “See! I knew it!” He replied and chuckled more. He sniffed Alex’s hair and hugged her briefly. She put her arms around him as well and groped his firm ass some more. Looking up at him, she sheepishly grinned at him. She clearly was trying to tease her boyfriend. Tashi pulled away and pouted. “Oh no… I can’t even bake some cookies for our friends coming over tomorrow without getting molested!” He winked at Alex and turned around to start cleaning up. Flour dust and chocolate bits were strewn about everywhere on the countertop. He showed that he wasn’t serious, though, when he shook his butt and lifted his tail for his girlfriend who was still watching. Alex bit her lower lip as she looked over at him, getting a glimpse of his donut and gently swaying backsack.

The stallion didn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest by having his girlfriend ogling him. It was only when he reached over for the mixing bowl that he had to take a break from cleaning. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted Alex going for the freshly baked cookies. He dropped the bowl and turned around quickly. “No, Alex! You’ll burn your fingers. Those are way too hot. They’ll crumble if you pick them up now.” The tigress, caught trying to prematurely snatch one of the cookies, took a step back. “Alright… Alright. But they look so tasty, I just want to have one!” She said. Tashi snorted and gave her an angry stare for a second before he replied. “That’s how it started last time! And then they were all gone. Will I have to watch these until Ben and Maze arrive?” Alex grinned and looked at her boyfriend. “Maybe…” She replied. Seeing her stallion frown, she chuckled. “I’ll be good.” She quickly added and got on the tips of her toes to kiss his chin. “Well… if you really want a taste…” The stallion mumbled and walked back over to the counter. The big spoon he had used to put the dough onto the baking trays was still in the mixing bowl. He scraped out the remainder of the cookie dough, which came out to be a good spoon full. Holding one hand underneath the kitchen utensil, he walked back over to his girlfriend. “… there is some dough left over.”

He wanted to hand the spoon to her, so he could get back to cleaning. Instead of doing what the stallion wanted, Alex just licked the spoon right as he was still watching. “What are you doing?” Tashi asked as he kept observing his girlfriend licking up the dough, her tongue not leaving out a single spot. “Don’t you want to just hold the sp…” Alex cut him off in the gentlest way that only a feline could. She started purring and so Tashi just stood still, holding up the spoon for her. She made eye contact with him and started bobbing her head back and forth as she slowly licked away at the clump of dough. As unmoving as the stallion was while his girlfriend tasted what he had made, there was one part of him that was getting restless. When Alex left the spoon all clean and shiny, and licked the last traces of dough from her lips, she purred. “Damn… I hope the cookies will taste half as good baked as they do raw. Now it’s even harder to wait for tomorrow!” She claimed and then looked up at her blushing boyfriend who was somewhat heavily breathing. “Everything okay, Tashi?” She asked and then looked down. “Oh…” She cooed playfully. The stallion snorted excitedly when she reached out and put her hand on the bulge in his apron that had grown quite a bit while she licked that spoon. “Well it’s good to know that I’m not the only one who is having trouble waiting.” The tigress finally said with a cheeky grin on her lips. 

Tashi took a deep breath and lowered his arm, still holding the spoon. “We’ve both had a little taste… Let’s not spoil the main course… You know I’d let those cookies burn to a crisp if we get carried away now.” The stallion tried to be the voice of reason while standing in front of his girlfriend with a boner only covered by the apron he was wearing. “Alright, alright… I’ll go clean up the living room.” Alex said and Tashi nodded at her. He turned to walk back to the sink to continue doing the dishes. The moment his back was turned to his girlfriend, she reached down to grope his balls from behind. Caught by surprise, the stallion neighed softly. But before he could turn around to grab his girlfriend and do some groping of his own, she already jumped out of his reach. “Darn you, my little tiger rogue.” Tashi said, and they both cheerfully laughed. Silly shenanigans on another normal, boring weekend.


Soon after, the kitchen was cleaned up. The freshly baked sweets had cooled down enough to be stored in the big cookie jar, so they would stay moist and tasty. Alex had gotten the living room ready as well. The pillows were neatly set on the couch. The coffee table was clean, the magazines and books stowed away on its lower surface. The tigress scanned the room one last time, and then quickly jumped towards the table. She bent over to pick something up from underneath it. Tashi came in just at the right moment. He leaned against the doorframe and got a nice glimpse of his girlfriend’s lovely behind, tail raised excitedly, her soft pussy lips and pucker all exposed. She didn’t notice him until she was standing up again, holding her magic wand vibrator. “Oh…” The tigress said as she turned to look at him. He had taken off his apron and now he was standing there only clad in his tightly fitting T-shirt. His arousal had dissipated, and his cock retracted into his sheath, yet his balls were still as full and heavy as they always seemed to be. For a second, Alex wanted to hide the vibrator behind her back, but then she remembered that they had used it together the night before. She looked into Tashi’s eyes and he just smiled. “Guess I forgot take it with me when I carried you to bed yesterday. Good thing you found it. We don’t want to leave the wrong kind of impression on our friends!” The stallion spoke calmly as he walked over to his girlfriend.

“It was a nice evening.” Alex responded and Tashi nodded. He sniffed the toy she was holding. “It was. Go clean it… and put on some pants. We need to buy groceries. I’m NOT leaving you alone with the cookie jar.” He glared at the tigress and then gave a playful wink. “You’ll never let that last time go, will you?” Alex protested and her boyfriend chuckled. He gently rubbed her belly and nodded. “Nope. Next time I see your belly bulging like that, I want it to be because of a sin other than gluttony.” Tashi countered and it was one of the rare times when he was sheepishly grinning at his girlfriend and tried to tease her. “We’ll see about that…” She replied after regaining her wits after the initial moment of surprise. The grin was back on her lips before she licked the massage head of her magic wand and then winked at her boyfriend. She ran to the bedroom to get dressed. “Unf…” Tashi just sighed and as his girlfriend squeezed past him, the tip of his cock was already peeking from his sheath again. “Little tease…” He mumbled to himself.


Their shopping trip was mostly uneventful. Despite having to buy their food and necessities on the weekend when stores were so full of people, they managed to go down their shopping list quickly. It was only when they were standing in the line at the cash register that they had another moment to take a breath. “Surely, I can have just one cookie when we get back home, right?” Alex got on the tips of her toes and kissed her boyfriend’s chin. The stallion snorted wearily as he looked into her eyes. “For being a good girl while shopping for groceries?” He asked her, to which the tigress responded by nodding eagerly. Tashi shook his head. He had to start picking up the wares after the cashier scanned them. “No… wait until tomorrow. They’ll be even better. Nice, moist, and chewy. I know you can’t stop after one!” The stallion replied. Alex groaned and nudged his shoulder. “No fair… but fine! Guess your blowy will have to wait until tomorrow then as well!”

Tashi blinked and then he went through a few facial expressions faster than he thought it should normally be possible. Shock from his girlfriend talking about giving him a blowjob in public, arousal because of the same reason, then slight disappointment. He flattened his ears and pouted. “Only fair, I guess.” He replied, his ears and cheeks radiating heat because of how much he was blushing underneath his fur. Alex gave him another cheeky grin as they bagged their groceries and walked off to return home. The stallion was hoping in vain that things were over for the moment.

His girlfriend plucked a banana from one of the shopping bags, peeled it, and started eating it in an excessively gratuitous manner. Her lips were sealed tight around the yellow pulp and she licked them after every bite. When she noticed that Tashi was looking at her, she slipped the whole remainder of the fruit into her lips and swallowed it after barely chewing the thing. She licked her fingers and grinned at him. “You sure you don’t want to change your mind?” The tigress asked. Tashi gulped and he quickened his pace, his broad hooves clopping on the ground even more loudly. “Are you trying to bribe me with sex now? Better for you to stay with fruits, those are healthier anyways.” He replied, leaving his girlfriend pouting. Her disappointment didn’t last awfully long, though. Even as they were walking, she could see her boyfriend’s pants bulging. She was indeed not the only one getting impatient and that left her very curious to find out who would crack first. Would it be the tigress toying with her prey, or the stallion lusting for his mate? She threw the banana peel into one of the garbage bins on the sidewalk and then ran to catch up with her boyfriend who did his best to get home as fast as possible.


Their groceries were stowed away quickly after they arrived back home, and they had switched back to being bottomless as well. There was not even a snowball’s chance in hell for the stallion to hide his arousal anymore in case his girlfriend would get to him again. They were ready and set for a calm and boring weekend with some friends coming over. No more chores to be done except for preparing dinner later that day. Alex smiled at him and then hugged him. “Will you come join me to watch some Beastars?” She asked and pointed towards the living room. The stallion shook his head. “I’d love to, but I can’t. Got a text message. A small thing that I got to finish for work. I’ll have to catch up later. Go be good and relax.” He replied and hugged her back tightly, then sent her off with a loving kiss to her lips and playful grope to her butt.

Tashi was typing away on his keyboard while Alex was watching TV in the living room. They kept the doors open so that they could at least talk to each other every now and then when the stallion’s job forced them to stay apart like this on the weekend. This also gave Tashi a chance to look over his shoulder and peek at the door leading to their kitchen. His ears were twitching when he noticed Alex pausing the episode and walking down the hallway. He was going to be a good guard and protect the cookies from the sneaky tigress! Work or not, he could not let her win that easily. “No cookie!” He called out to her and chuckled. “Ahhh… will you cut it out? I’m just getting something to drink!” Alex complained. “And I’m just watching the cookies.” Tashi countered.

A moment later, the tigress came back out of the kitchen with a can of sparkling iced tea. She leaned against the doorframe and peeked at Tashi. “Do you think you’ll be done soon? I think you’d really like this episode!” The stallion brushed through his mane while Alex cracked open the can. “Eh… don’t wait for me. Stupid bug. Told them they should have double-checked things. But overtime means more money to set aside for our vacation!” He replied, trying to put on a smile for his girlfriend. She hopped on over to kiss his lips, letting him have an indirect taste of the sweet iced tea. “Alright. Maybe I’ll start making dinner soon, then.” She said while staring blankly at the walls of code on the stallion’s screen. Tashi put an arm around her and sighed happily. “That sounds lovely… maybe you can even have a cookie for dessert, then. To reward the best tigress chef!” He chuckled playfully.

“Oh, really now?” Alex asked. “My cooking is worth a cookie, but a blowjob isn’t?” The tigress glared at her boyfriend who just kept chuckling to himself. “Well, they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Or maybe it’s just because food for food… is like tit for tat?” He tried to explain. Alex bumped her fist against his shoulder and chuckled. “Fine! I hope a spicy red curry will be a suitable trading offer for a cookie.” She said and Tashi nodded. “It certainly makes for a very promising one.” Alex carefully brushed over her boyfriend’s mane, trying to straighten his hair somewhat. Then she walked away to return to the living room. Or so Tashi thought. Her soft paws made her steps undetectable for the stallion’s ears.

He did hear the sound of clay scratching on clay, though, as Alex tried to take the lid off the cookie jar. “Oh, come on, just one! A snack to tide me over until I’m done cooking dinner.” She said as Tashi stormed into the kitchen and caught her just as she put the lid down and was getting ready to choose one of the cookies. Deep inside, the stallion just wanted to let it slip, and let his love have one of his cookies. But that would have ended their little game that spiced up such an ordinary boring weekend too quickly. “Nope! Not for a bad girl that just goes and takes one!” He replied and quickly walked over to the table. After playfully spanking her butt, he put the lid back on the cookie jar and then took the whole container with him as he walked back to his office.

Alex rubbed her butt and she pouted as she watched her boyfriend walk away with her prize. She wasn’t genuinely mad, but she was far from wanting to give up on the challenge of getting a cookie before she was allowed to have one.


The tigress sat on the couch with her legs pulled up against her, paws touching her butt. The TV was still showing the end screen of the last episode she finished watching half an hour ago. Instead of starting the next one, she had gotten busy texting with her friends on her phone. When she heard the bathroom door being closed, she put her phone away, and got up from the couch. The cookie jar was unguarded! It was one of those rare moments where her boyfriend was taking a break. She quickly rushed over to his office and sneaked inside. There she saw the large jar standing on his desk. It did a poor job at containing the amazing scent of those freshly baked treats. The tigress was puzzled how her boyfriend could hold back from just reaching inside and having one himself. But now that he was on a biologically mandated timeout, she could finally just take one for herself. She peeked over her shoulder and towards the door one last time, then she opened the cookie jar, reached inside, and took out one of those delicious sweets.


She dropped the lid back onto the jar when she suddenly saw her boyfriend standing in the door. Her long sabre teeth had already sunken into the tasty cookie, bits of chocolate that broke off from it were melting on her tongue. She had been caught! Of course, the diligent stallion had not just stepped away from his computer. He had left it running to do some calculations by itself. The loud fans in the case had drowned out the sounds of his hooves clopping on the floor as he walked back. That allowed him to catch his girlfriend by surprise. “Aha!” He called her out and slowly walked towards her. “You should have listened to Rory and learned from Xela’s mistakes. Need to improve your thievery skill before you attempt something like this!” The stallion playfully scolded her. “The rogue has been caught by the guard once again!” Tashi grinned as he pushed himself away from the doorframe to approach a blushing tigress.

Alex held the cookie with the large bite taken out of it in her hand and she looked at her boyfriend. “But they taste so amazing! It’s not fair! How can you not want to have one yourself?” She put the cookie down on the desk and looked up at Tashi who just kept grinning. He didn’t seem to be mad at all. “Restraint… Something which my little tiger doesn’t seem to have!” He teased her. “Now come on and finish that cookie. I can’t punish you for only taking a bite.” The stallion chuckled as he put his hands on her hips and caressed her slowly. Alex raised an eyebrow. The wonderful chocolatey aftertaste on her tongue was slowly fading and with nothing more to lose, she picked the cookie back up and ate it bite by bite with her boyfriend watching. “They’re so good, Tashi…” She whispered, trying to avert whatever he was scheming up by praising him some more.

“Hopefully good enough for a night in the dungeon, you filthy thief!” Tashi replied and grabbed her wrists to drag her along. The tigress leaned her head to the side and she playfully tried to resist and break free. “Night in the dungeon?” She asked, pretending to be shocked by what that could mean. “Oh yes… I doubt you can pay the fine for such a heinous crime!” Tashi replied as he walked her out of the office and towards the bedroom. He stepped behind her and opened the door, then gave her a gentle push to get her inside. They both had a hard time to suppress their laughter, but they kept up their little play. They seemed to have forgotten their dinner plans and the stallion’s job was not all done. But what better way to spice up a boring weekend than a spontaneous roleplay?

Alex crossed her arms in front of her chest. “My friends will break me out of your flimsy dungeon! They’ll make you regret capturing me!” The stallion laughed in response to the tigress’ protests. “Your friends? Last I heard… they were all in the stockades already.” He closed the door behind him and approached the tigress who was standing next to the bed. His girlfriend gave him a defiant grin. “All of Xela’s companions captured by the city guard? In your dreams!” She said and took a few steps back towards the bed. “They’ll break free and they’ll free me and avenge me, you’ll regret capturing me over a cookie.” Even under the tigress’ threats, Tashi grabbed the hem of her sweater and slowly pulled it up. “We shall see about that… I’ll put you in chains… And search you for contraband.” He replied.

A moment later, Alex stood in front of him in all her naked glory. But she crossed her arms in front of her chest again and denied him a look at her breasts. “I’m naked! Where am I supposed to hide more contraband?” She asked him and looked up at the tall stallion standing right in front of her. She tried to stay in her role, but when her boyfriends’ sheath and balls brushed up against her belly, she cooed softly. “Thieves are treacherous… all kinds of places to hide their ill-gained goods in.” He replied calmly. After dropping Alex’s sweater onto the ground, he took off his T-shirt as well, leaving the couple standing naked in the bedroom. They caught themselves staring at each other’s body. For a moment, they were just about to break their roles. But Tashi quickly turned away when his cock came to life and slipped from his sheath more and more with every heartbeat. He got on his knees next to the bed and quickly reached into the toy drawer underneath. “Well… do your worst if you think you have to!” The tigress egged her boyfriend on even more.

He took out their set of leather cuffs that were linked together by a short metal chain. “Turn around, infamous Xela. Don’t make your punishment any worse than it has to be.” He said after getting up again. Surprisingly, the tigress complied. She turned around, and even put her hands on her back. The stallion didn’t trust that calm before the storm, but he put the cuffs onto her regardless and linked them together so that her hands were bound behind her back. Alex looked over her shoulder and grinned at him. “You think that I can only use my hands to resist?” She asked him and then curled her tail around the stallion’s leg. Inch by inch, she moved it up until she was touching his balls and the tip of his cock that was dangling from his sheath. The stallion moaned softly. Instead of trying to move away, he hugged her from behind and put his hands onto her breasts. He bit her ear and then whispered. “But you don’t want to make me restrain you further, do you now?” He whispered and squeezed her breasts. Alex shivered and moaned when he added more weight to his threat. He dry-humped her from behind, letting his cock grind against her back, and his balls touch her rear. Then he pushed her onto the bed.

Alex landed on her knees. “Do what you must then…” She said. Once more, she looked over her shoulder, and defiantly grinned at her boyfriend. That lasted only for a few seconds. Then the stallion joined her on the bed and pushed her head down onto the pillows. “Oh… I will… And keep that tail up where I can see it.” He replied briefly, not dignifying her teasing with a longer response. Actions spoke louder than words, and so he put his hands onto her ass. Alex bit into the pillow under her head when he spread her cheeks and looked at her exposed pussy and backdoor. “Let’s see… if you’re hiding a lockpick. No criminal escapes my prison…” Tashi teased her before starting his unconventional searching procedure. His warm, soft muzzle met Alex’s exposed and slightly damp pussy lips. “You’ll… you’ll never find it! It’s in there… deep!” The tigress taunted her boyfriend just as he started suckling on her little pleasure button, his lips holding it in place as the tip of his tongue danced on it like a tiny whirlwind.


He got carried away for a moment, got lost in the joy it brought him to give his girlfriend pleasure. But then he fell back into his role. “You underestimate me, mighty Xela…” Tashi replied after moving away from her clit. He spread her ass cheeks slightly further until her pussy lips parted and offered him an opening. Just as much as his girlfriend had been longing to taste his cookies, he had been lusting to taste her pussy again. And now her very own cookie jar was open and ready for him to dig in. He leaned his head to the side, and then pushed his lips against the tigress’ meow hole. Her moans were muffled by the pillow she was biting into when he pushed his tongue in deep. He lapped up her juices, moved his tongue around inside her, not leaving a spot untouched. His long flexible muscle got in there deeper than many of her toys could, and Alex would have had to date an anteater to find someone who could beat the stallion in this discipline. After he was satisfied demonstrating to her just how deep he could go, he let the tip of his tongue push against her G-spot over and over until her legs were shaking. Neither of them seemed to mind that she forgot to follow his order and had her tail draped over her boyfriend’s back. She just couldn’t keep it raised when her senses were overwhelmed by such pleasure. He only stopped when his spit and her juices were dripping from his chin and her pussy resembled an overflowing honey pot more than a dry cookie jar.

He was breathing excitedly, his girlfriend’s scent was flooding his nostrils and seeing her shaking with pleasure was getting to him. “Looks like there is no lockpick after all… Or would the legendary tigress rogue stoop so low as to hide it… back there?” Tashi asked. Before she had a chance to reply, he licked over her backdoor. His tongue pushed against her pucker almost strong enough to slip inside. “Why… why don’t you go and find out?” Alex asked, lifting her head off the pillow for a second to speak and catch her breath. “Ahhn…” She moaned when her boyfriend’s lips pushed against her tight asshole and he let his tongue circle over her tight muscle. When he finally pulled away a few seconds later, strings of saliva and pussy juices were connecting his lips to her anus and pussy, showing just how he had let himself go during this little cavity search. “I’ll just… trust my intuition.” He replied and kept teasing her. “I’ll have to tire the little thief out so much that she doesn’t even want to escape.” He wiped his muzzle on his wrist and then spanked his girlfriend’s ass, making her coo and moan into the pillow once more.

The tigress wasn’t the only one getting worked up. When Tashi got back up behind her, his cock was standing erect as well, a string of precum dangling from the tip. His girlfriend teasing him several times during the day had left him being on a hair-trigger. Alex had gotten back to her senses and she looked over her shoulder for a moment. “So now the guard is judge, jury, and executioner in one person? Delivering my punishment as well?” She asked him. But instead of resisting, she kept her tail and butt raised, her exposed pussy so awfully close to the stallion’s erect throbbing length. “There is no fair trial for an honorless thief…” He replied and winked at her. He held onto the chain linking her handcuffs together and guided his cock towards her pussy. They were both dripping with lust and more than ready. He didn’t even have to push that much to get the massive blunt tip of his cock into her. It just slipped inside with a soft wet slurping sound. “You were caught red-handed… That asks for a swift punishment.” He explained when his cock was halfway inside her, painting her inner walls with his continuously dripping precum. Alex needed only a moment to adjust to his girth inside her. Then she squeezed his length and chuckled defiantly. “But I don’t have to make it easy, do I?” She asked while her tight grip made her boyfriend groan. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her off the pillow. The stallion lifted her up until he was hugging her with her back against his chest. He hungrily kissed her neck and shoulders, his cock pushing against her inner walls that much harder at that new angle. “It’s your choice…” The stallion whispered before he started thrusting into her from behind.


As his hands were roaming over her chest and belly, passion and lust were slowly pushing them out of their roleplay. It was only their second time playing pretend while they were having sex. They were developing a taste for it. But the way they were moaning, sighing, and enjoying themselves had hardly left anything to do with a guard interrogating his prisoner. The stallion kept one hand on his girlfriend’s breasts, kept playing with her perfect soft tits, while his other hand moved down to her crotch. He rubbed and squeezed her clit while his cock kept slipping by underneath it all. While he was still in control of himself, he pulled back out until it was only the tight grip of the tigress’ pussy lips that kept his broad tip inside her. Then he pushed back in until he felt that same tip nestling against the entrance to her womb. He moaned excitedly as his cock spread his girlfriend’s flesh again and again. This was feeling way too good for them both to ruin it with further cheesy words. So good that the stallion was scared to blow his load way too soon.


He let his cock slip out of the tigress’ tight love tunnel and firmly pulled her up against his chest. In the throes of passion, he kissed her and nibbled on her neck. Alex only managed to get a glimpse at his cock that was now throbbing underneath her, dripping with precum and tigress nectar. “Do-Don’t stop, Tashi…” She whispered. The stallion didn’t make her beg. He didn’t push his cock back in, either, but he rubbed her pussy with the palm of his hand, making her juices squirt all across the sheets. 

“Ah… I want to look into your eyes… and kiss you…” Tashi said to the moaning, trembling tigress as he unhooked the chains from her cuffs, so she could move her arms freely once more. He spanked her ass and kissed her shoulder one last time before she nodded and turned onto her back. No words were needed when the tigress spread her legs for her boyfriend, and he crawled over to her to close the gap. With her hands unbound, she reached for his cock and guided it right back to her drooling pussy that was aching for release just as much as the throbbing shaft she invited back inside. Those cuffs remaining on Alex’s wrists were the only trace that was left of their little play. Passion and love swept away that silly little distraction, turned their adventure into normal, boring sex.


Just two sweaty bodies grinding against one another, two lovers in a tight embrace. Alex’s fingers combed through Tashi’s mane as he kissed her deeply and passionately. They were bathing in their sexual musk, their hot breath washing over each other’s face as they softly moaned. The stallion let his girlfriend rest her head in the palm of his hand, held the tigress he loved so dearly. She curled her tail around his leg, sent a message that he shouldn’t even dare to think about stopping or pulling out again. Tashi drove his cock deep into the tigress pussy with every thrust, the rock-hard throbbing length stretching his girlfriend to her limit every time. She had grown to love the sensation of being filled so much. The stallion knew he had done well when Alex pulled him into a deep passionate kiss, her rough tongue dancing and wrestling with his own, her sabre teeth pushing against his lips. Her body was shaking underneath his, her legs trembling on top of his own, her inner walls contracting around his cock. He slowed down so his mate could enjoy her orgasm in their passionate tight embrace.

She broke their kiss when she came down from her climax, but she pulled her stallion down towards her even more. When her lips were next to his ears and Tashi was kissing her shoulder, muffling his moans with his muzzle buried in her fur, she whispered to him. “I want you to cum inside me, strong guard… It’s a safe day, don’t hold back.” She told him about her sincere desire, and she felt like her words were a magic spell. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her even more, the muscles of her man getting tense underneath her hands. It wasn’t hard to guess that’s what the stallion wanted in the first place, but his girlfriend asking for it turned him on that much more. A few seconds, a few moans, a few thrusts later, she smiled.

The stallion’s heavy balls were resting against her ass, and she could feel them bounce slightly in the same rhythm as the stallion’s cock was jerking inside her pussy. Her boyfriend’s hands were shaking as he came with his cock all the way inside her. The tip of his cock was flared, pushing close to her womb, and one big virile load of cum after another filled her until his shaft was just throbbing but coming up empty inside her. “Thank… you… feels so good…” The stallion whispered before he raised his head to kiss the tigress deeply.


Time passed with them barely noticing as they held onto one another so tightly and basked in the afterglow of the climax from a roleplay gone wild. They finally woke up from their trance when Tashi’s cock had gone soft and slipped out of the tigress’ pussy. The feeling made them both shiver and they opened their eyes again. The stallion supported his weight on one arm, so he could brush over his girlfriend’s gorgeous brown hair. “Mhr… I think I’ll put in a good word for Xela with the judge.” He said and chuckled happily before kissing her once more. “Psht… as if I needed that! No cell can hold me.” Alex replied and rubbed her boyfriend’s back. “Fair…” Tashi responded and caressed his girlfriend’s cheek. “Then I guess I’ll have to escort you over to the kitchen, so we can cook together… And then we’ll just call it even? I’m getting a little hungry… Unlike someone else, I didn’t have a snack before this.” He playfully pouted and Alex gave him an angry stare before they both laughed.

“Sounds good.” She finally chimed in. “You can help me chop the vegetables. Cooking is way less boring when we get to do it together.” She said, and Tashi nodded. “I agree. We can have the boring part of the weekend after dinner.” He replied before leaning in close and whispering into her ear. “But… if I’m honest… no day with you is ever truly boring.” The tigress smiled at him and took his hand off her cheek to hold and squeeze it. “I agree.” She said, released his hand, and caressed his cheek. It was so warm to the touch. Her man was clearly blushing. “Will you keep the cuffs on?” He asked and shyly smiled at her. Alex laughed and nodded at him. “Of course, I will.”

She replied and her tail uncurled from his leg. Instead of holding on, she let the tip of her tail dance on her boyfriend’s balls. “But knowing my horsey, that means there won’t be a boring part of the evening after all, right?” The stallion chuckled in return. “Probably not… But most likely another chance for you to earn a cookie…” He hid his muzzle in the tigress’ chest tuft. The tigress pouted at first, but then she grinned and caressed his back. “Well… rogues do like to take chances…”


Art by Twinkle-Sez 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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