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This image and story is a result of the polls Let the Dice Decide: Round One & Let the Dice Decide: Round Two. 

The evening had begun like any other. Except for the fact that Tashi had been all giddy ever since he came home. He had done a poor job at hiding the surprise he had brought with him. It was a silly sex dice game that he had bought from a store at the mall. It was far from the most exotic toy he and Alex had in their household, but he was nonetheless extremely excited to play with her. By sheer luck, they managed to get past dinnertime without Tashi driving her insane with his silly shenanigans and hints at what he had planned for later.

As the evening moved on and it became time to relax before going bed, the stallion presented the game to his girlfriend. It only consisted of two dice, with one or two words on each side, making up a naughty combination together. It was certainly a game that was meant to be played by adults, yet it almost felt a bit childish. Especially when Tashi told her about how it was supposed to be enchanted, the store it came from being Voodoo themed. Nevertheless, her man was able to convince Alex to play one round together. They each picked up one die and rolled it, excitedly waiting to see the results.

The first die landed with the side showing the word “Finger” up. But the second one rolled underneath their drawer cabinet, leaving them waiting in suspense for a short moment. “What are you waiting for? Show me the die!” Tashi, the tall stallion, begged his girlfriend as they were both keeling in front of the drawer cabinet in their bedroom. Two pairs of eyes were staring at the tigress’ hands as she pulled the large pink die out from under the dresser. Alex laughed as she held up the die for them to see. “Pussy!” She said before chuckling excitedly.

“Alright, Tashi. Show me what you can do to my meow hole with your fingers. But then we can have some real fun.” The tigress said before putting the die down next to the other. They were spelling out the mission that some otherworldly spirits or just sheer luck had sent them on: “Finger Pussy”. She held onto her boyfriend’s shoulder as she got up. Then she teasingly pulled her panties down with her crotch right in front of the lusty stallion’s face. His nostrils were flaring as he picked up her scent even before he got to see her soft inviting pussy lips. The black briefs he was wearing were woefully inadequate to contain his cock as it slipped from his sheath and began growing with every heartbeat.

Soon, Alex was looking down at him staring at her pussy. “Want to give it a lick?” The tigress asked him. “You’re almost drooling again, horsey.” She chuckled and brushed over his mane. Tashi shook his head. “No! I can’t! That would anger the spirits. And what do you mean real fun? Think I can’t get you off with just my fingers? The game isn’t over until you’re having an orgasm!” He pouted at the grinning tigress, and then they both laughed. After a quick, but loving kiss to his girlfriend’s belly, the stallion got back up on his hooves. “Did you read and throw away the rulebook before showing the game to me? Because I didn’t see any of those rules.” Alex probed as she looked up at her man.

Tashi shook his head and laughed. “No! It’s what the shopkeeper told me. We cannot defile the sacred ritual after we let the dice decide!” He grabbed the hem of his girlfriend’s top and started pulling it up. Alex laid her hands on top of his and leaned her head to the side. “But the dice didn’t say anything about me taking my top off!” She teased her boyfriend who pondered for a second. Then he made an offer. “But we both know that those ancient spirits want to see your breasts as much as I do. And you can take off my briefs, too.” At first, the tigress didn’t seem to be convinced, her hands remained firm on the stallion’s. The second part of his offer, though, quickly changed her mind, and she raised her arms and let him pull her pink top off her body. “Gorgeous…” The stallion whispered as he looked over her body once more, giving each stripe just as much attention as her perfect-sized tits. 

“You don’t even have to say it. This speaks more than a thousand words.” Alex responded as she pointed down at the stallion’s crotch. His cock had become hard enough to push his underpants down and slip out, leaving his briefs behind to hold only his large and heavy balls. She grinned and teased him even more. “No fair, your cock is undressing itself!” Tashi laughed, caressed her shoulders, and took a step back. “Then better get to work, before my balls get too excited and jump out at you, too!”

The tigress closed the gap between the two of them once more and hooked her fingers into her man’s underpants. She couldn’t stop herself from making another joke before pulling them down, though. “As exciting as it would be to see that, I doubt it’s going to happen. Unless those weird spirits jumped over from the dice onto your balls.” Tashi laughed. His cock was flopping about when the tigress pulled his briefs down until they dropped to his ankles. “You two don’t need an exorcism now, do you?” She grabbed her boyfriend’s sack, kneading both balls, as she addressed them directly.  “I would be happy to help.”

The stallion moaned softly, and it didn’t take too long until his cock was fully erect, pointing up at the ceiling, past the tigress’ head. “I… I think they’re good.” He replied in lieu of his testicles that were sorely lacking the ability to speak. “Let’s get back to our mission.” Tashi said as he wiggled his balls out of his girlfriend’s grasp and left her behind sniffing his musk off her hands. “You seem to be in a playful mood tonight. So, I’d say it’s time for something exciting!” The stallion suggested and rubbed his hands together. Alex was quick to jump back onto her hind paws.

“Isn’t this plenty exciting already?” She asked before leaning against her boyfriend’s frame. Her soft hands found their way onto his length, and she began caressing it from the sheath all the way up to the blunt tip. It took only a few strokes before Tashi was softly moaning once more, and the tip of his cock began dripping with precum. For a moment, he just let it happen, and enjoyed how good a gentle hand job felt while he got to enjoy the view of Alex’s perky breasts.

It was easy to see that her nipples were hard, showing she was getting worked up, too. It was the tip of her tail dancing near the dice that attracted his gaze. He saw the two words, “Finger Pussy”, once more and grabbed his girlfriend’s wrists. Carefully, he pulled her hands off his cock. That heavy meat seemed to angrily protest the decision of its owner. It was throbbing quite aggressively for a few seconds before it calmed down again.

“Yes… you clearly can’t keep your hands to yourself tonight. That just shows me that the idea I have is perfect.” Tashi explained and nodded contently. “Oh? What idea is it? Does it still involve your fingers in my pussy?” The tigress asked in return. She grinned at him, captured his gaze and kept his eyes on hers. The stallion neighed excitedly before he could reply.

Even though he was still holding her hands, she managed to tease his heavy swollen balls with the tip of her tail. “Alright… not perfect… your tail, I didn’t account for.” He explained. “One day you’ll learn and get used to it.” Alex replied and smiled innocently at him but lowered her tail once more. Tashi cleared his throat before he continued. “But you’ll see. Remember those hooks in the ceiling you asked about?” He nodded his head to point at them. “Those aren’t only there to get me in trouble with the landlord when we move out. I had some plans for them, but never got to see them come to fruition. Tonight, we’ll both find out if they work as I thought they would.”

Alex peeked at those hooks all mesmerized before she looked at Tashi again. “Did you plan on putting up a sex swing?!” She asked without blushing in the slightest. The stallion blinked and cleared his throat. “Err… close… let me show you… be patient. Keep your hands to yourself. Or else I’ll have to push you against the wall and satisfy the dice and you in a most boring way.” He playfully threatened before releasing her hands, caressing her belly with one hand, going all the way down to her crotch, and giving her pussy one playful stroke.

He sniffed his hand, winked at her, and then got on his knees. Before opening the lowest drawer on the dresser, he looked over his shoulder to make sure that his tigress was indeed keeping her hands and tail to herself. “How convenient that whatever you need is right here in that drawer.” Alex remarked. “I guess the dice are showing us a sign!” The stallion answered and moved some T-shirts aside to reveal a few lengths of rope hiding underneath those clothes. “Oh… ropes!” The tigress cooed excitedly.

Tashi nodded. “Don’t tell me you didn’t see them before…” He looked at his girlfriend, and she just bit her lower lip, trying to appear innocent. “Well… I never got to use them properly. I’d say tonight is the night. Would you let me try out some techniques I… read about?” He asked her as he took those ropes out of the drawer, put them on the ground, and closed it again. Alex kept biting her lower lip. They were both getting aroused, their sexual musk was hanging in the air, and the thought of being tied up and toyed with made her shiver. “Yess!” She eagerly replied after thinking it over for just a moment.

The stallion got back onto his hooves and picked the ropes up with him. He kissed his girlfriend’s nose and her cheek, then whispered to her. “You’re the best. I bet you’ll look hot as hell all tied up.” Alex grinned at him and kissed his chin. “What do you want me to do?” She asked. “Turn around… and put your arms onto your back. Let me do the rest.”

Her tail playfully swinging left and right, the tigress turned around. She put her arms behind her back just like she was asked to, and even held onto them right near her elbows. “So, you’ve never done this before, Tashi?” She asked him, peeking over her shoulder. Tashi dropped all the lengths of rope he was holding except for one. “Well I’ve practiced on the back of a chair a few times. But I doubt it’s the same.” He slung the rope around Alex’s chest, right underneath her breasts, then he crossed the ropes behind her back once. He bit his tongue and focused on the process.

The rope went around the tigress a few times, passed between her breasts, and crossed on her back in several places. “Huh…” The stallion seemed puzzled as he tugged on the binds he had put on his girlfriend in a few places. “I think you have to go one step back, Tashi. The rope has to go around in front of me.” Alex suggested as she looked down and saw a pattern forming atop of her breasts. The rope was pushing her chest tuft down but lifting her tits up slightly. “Oh, that makes sense!” Tashi replied and untied the rope before guiding it across her chest once more. He looked over her shoulder and smiled as he examined the result. “It’s not perfect… but it’s a pentagram… on a smoking hot tigress.”

Alex chuckled playfully. “You really are trying to summon some spirits or something tonight, aren’t you?” The stallion playfully shook his head. “Nah… I’m happy when it’s just you and me. But this looks ten times hotter on you than all the models I ever saw it on.” He went on and bound her arms and wrists together. Then he tied one big knot to connect the rope on her arms to her back. He tugged on the rope to double-check everything. “No way your greedy little hands find their way onto my cock now…” He said confidently before spinning his girlfriend around to face him. She looked up into his eyes and he looked back into hers. She smiled and praised him. “Not bad for the first time.”

“Thank you…” The stallion replied. “The next part should be simple compared to the first. No twists and turns that I must get right. Shouldn’t have quit the boy scouts so soon.” He laughed and bent down to pick up the remaining ropes. For the small tigress standing next to him, the ceiling was so high up. But for her tall boyfriend, it was easy to reach without needing a ladder. While she was waiting patiently, he threaded the ropes through the hooks in the ceiling and then tied one end on each side to her legs. 

He didn’t give his girlfriend much time to prepare when he pulled on one of the ropes. “Lean against me” He said and then one of her legs was already being lifted off the ground. Alex’s feline grace kept her from falling over, but for a moment, her breasts were pushing against her man’s chest, their bodies were right up close against one another. His cock almost touched her wet and waiting pussy lips, they could both feel the warmth coming from each other’s engorged genitals. The thought of having some real fun suddenly seemed so very tempting to the stallion. It was time to make sure those dice would be satisfied quickly.

He bound the ends of the rope together around her thigh, then he carefully pushed Alex off himself and against the wall. “Almost done…” He whispered before pulling on the second rope and lifting her off the ground completely. Another knot, and his girlfriend was bound in front of him, back leaning against the wall, her legs spread so much that her pussy was gaping slightly.

She just smiled at him, her gaze alone enough to tease him and get him worked up. She was waiting for his next move, and he saw that she was getting excited, too. Her nectar was dripping from her pussy slowly. He wasn’t going to need any lube tonight.

For a moment, he just wanted to kick the dice aside and pound his girlfriend against the wall with reckless abandon. “You’re thinking about fucking me, aren’t you?” Alex asked him out of nowhere. Tashi neighed softly when she caught him off-guard. “How did you…“ He didn’t even get to finish his sentence. “Your cock always twitches like that when you’re horny but too shy to ask.”

Tashi felt how his cheeks were getting warm and he snorted bashfully. “Shush… I’m not even done tying you up!” He said and bent over. Instead of a rope, he was holding Alex’s panties. He gave them a sniff, then held them up against his girlfriend’s lips.

“Open up…” He whispered and then stuffed them into her mouth. “I can’t focus if you keep teasing me!” He explained in response to the muffled sounds of Alex protesting. The tigress calmed down, but she glared at him as he tied two more lengths of rope to her ankles and thighs on each side. She was completely bound, both of her holes presented to her boyfriend on the metaphorical silver platter. Her tail hung down onto the ground and she just excitedly waited for what was about to happen.

He held onto one of the ropes hanging from the ceiling and leaned towards her. She could watch up close while he licked his fingers as if he had just finished a delicious meal. His fingertips were glistening when he was done, and he seductively smiled at her. “Now just hang in there… and enjoy.” The tigress glared at him for the bad pun he just made, but she couldn’t fire back with those panties stuffed in her mouth. Not that she could stay angry for long when he sweetly kissed her forehead right after.

However, she was distracted for a short moment. Enough time for those slippery wet fingers of her boyfriend to find their way down to her pussy. Instead of going right for her tight hole, he caressed over her pubic mound for a while. He brushed over the neatly trimmed fur so close to her drooling cunt, just a tiny respectful distance away from her clitoral hood. The way he pushed against her and moved his fingers in small circles was still enough to let her feel some of that pressure on her pleasure button and to send shivers down her spine.

After warming her up for a few moments, he let his digits slip further down. Her little pearl was caught between his fingers. She had to endure him rubbing and squeezing her clit. The pressure and stimulation built up as he pushed harder and rubbed faster. She bit into those panties in her mouth and pulled on the ropes that were binding her. She was shaking in mid-air, squirming in pleasure even though her man was just getting started.


There was no way for her to beg Tashi to stop or to go faster, she had to trust him to get it just right. Those nimble fingers kept playing with her clit and rubbing the upper part of her pussy lips until the stallion noticed her flicking her tail. Without further warning, he let two fingers slip into his girlfriend’s slightly gaping pussy. Alex’s moans were muffled by the panties that stuffed her mouth. She could have easily spat them out, but maybe she enjoyed how they allowed her to just let herself go without risking being too loud.


Tashi rapidly plunged his fingers into her pussy over and over. He went fast, like a young inexperienced stallion might have humped her, unafraid to blow his load too soon, just purely excited to feel such a tight love tunnel for the first time. Remarkably unlike a greenhorn colt, the stallion working his magic on that dripping tiger snatch knew exactly where to touch her. He curled his fingers at the right angle to apply pressure to the upper inner wall, stimulating all those ripe nerve endings that were lusting for pleasure.


The sounds coming from Alex’s wet pussy gave away just how well her man was doing. Squelching as his fingers slipped inside, smacking as he pulled back out, she left the stallion’s fingers dripping from the knuckles. She looked at him once more before closing her eyes and just giving in to the pleasure she was receiving. 

The stallion let her know that foreplay was over when he slowed down until he almost came to a standstill. He kissed her forehead and gave her one second to catch her breath. Instead of finger-fucking her quickly, he kept those digits deep inside, just curled them, moving around inside her. What he was lacking in speed, he made up by pushing harder. A moment later, he began rubbing her clit with his thumb, playing with it like a tiny joystick.

He squeezed and rubbed, finding and trying new angles to play with his girlfriend’s pussy. When he found those that made her shake in ecstasy, he remembered them, and then slipped his fingers into her just like that repeatedly. He smiled confidently, enjoying how he was conjuring up a quake of pleasure in his girlfriend with the epicenter right at her overflowing honey pot.


Alex was dripping so much that the fur on her butt was soaked and even her tail was damp in places. Her boyfriend felt his muscles burning all over his arm, the repeating motions were starting to tire them out. But nothing could stop him from finger-fucking the hot orange tigress to a shaking orgasm that would make her glad she could just hang back in those ropes that were binding her. Summoning his last reserves, gritting his teeth, and snorting excitedly, he kept going. The shaking bound tiger helped him along. She pushed herself off the wall, spread her legs further, did everything she could to press her pussy down on those digits that were so deep inside her.


Right at the last moment, when Tashi thought he couldn’t continue any longer, his girlfriend started shaking in her restraints. She opened her eyes only to roll them in ecstasy. She squirted her girlcum all over his arm, and he smiled when he heard it splashing onto the ground. Her amazing aroma filled the air and aroused the stallion so much he just wanted to blow his own load down into the tunnel where that geyser of female lust was erupting from. Her legs were bound, but not tight enough to stop them from shaking as she was riding out her orgasm.

Tashi left her pussy gaping and dripping as he pulled his fingers out of her. His nostrils had been flaring for a while as he excitedly took in her scent. When he sniffed his fingers, though, he was snorting so excitedly that he got Alex to look at him curiously. Even his girlfriend’s judging gaze couldn’t stop the stallion from licking his middle finger until it was dry right in front of her. “Don’t worry, you can clean the other finger.” He whispered after he was done. He chuckled, pulled the panties that were soaked in the tigress’ saliva out of her mouth, and dropped them onto the ground. 

The tigress purred as she suckled on her boyfriend’s fingers, tasting herself on those digits that had proven their worth way beyond the stallion’s desk job. Her sweaty man pinned her to the wall as he leaned against her. They both caught their breath, inhaling their shared intense musk. Alex felt something pushing against her stomach, leaving wet marks behind. It was not as if she needed to look down to know what it was, but she always enjoyed getting a good view of her boyfriend’s hard length. Finally, Tashi took his fingers out of her mouth again.

Before she could speak, he sealed her lips with his own and kissed her deeply. His hands found their way onto her breasts and he gently squeezed them. He could no longer keep it a secret how much he loved the way those ropes accentuated their shape. It was only when they broke that kiss that Alex finally got a chance to speak again. “Mhm… that was amazing. If those dice are not satisfied by that, then I don’t know what will do the trick.” The tigress looked up at the stallion who was breathing and snorting so excitedly.


“Something tells me, horsey still wants to fuck me. Might be that hard slab of stallion meat pushing against my belly.” She teased, giving him her perfect signature grin. “Guess I’ll have to eat my words. I’d really love to have some… real fun now. Think you’re up for it?” He asked her, the desire for his girlfriend’s pussy and concern for her well-being battling inside him.

Alex took a deep breath and smiled. “I feel a little sore, but…” She paused and grinned at him. “I think I can… hang in there… for another round.” She chuckled as she turned the pun her boyfriend made earlier back on him. Tashi sighed at first, but then he chuckled with her. “I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll regret that.” He whispered and grabbed his cock to bend it down and guide the tip to her gushing pussy. The tigress whispered back, sheepishly grinning. “Do your worst…” 


Art by Jailbird 

Tashi is by TashiGibson 



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