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This story was the result of a vote I held here on Patreon! Thank you all for voting and participating! Enjoy!  

Warning: This story contains the kink watersports, there is a link to the non-watersports version of this story at the bottom for those interested!


Some days things just don’t go as they should at all. No matter how hard you try, it seems like one issue just leads to another, and there is no way to catch a break. This was one of those days for the tigress and stallion. The plan for the evening they wanted to spend together had been foiled by everything going wrong with the coding horse’s job. A few colleagues had called in sick, the latest update was crashing servers, the support hotline’s phones didn’t stop ringing for one minute. The clock was already ticking closer and closer to midnight.

A little stress ball he owned had been tossed in the corner of his office. All that was left over from the dinner they had planned together was a plate on his desk that he had hastily eaten from. He still felt a bit sick to his stomach from having so quickly devoured the meal his girlfriend had cooked for him. But he barely had the time to even chew the food between taking the calls and fixing the bug that was causing all that trouble.

Meanwhile Alex was just lying on the bed. She was wearing her favorite red sweater. They had planned to spend a nice evening together after all, so she wanted to wear that piece that her boyfriend liked so much, too. But now it was just comfortable and kept her warm while she stayed bottomless inside the apartment as usual. There were some chores left undone, but even Rome wasn’t built in one day. That last load of laundry could wait another day. She browsed through some series on Netflix, but nothing really caught her interest. 

She spotted the controller resting on the TV stand after a while. It was gathering dust. She chuckled as she got out of bed to pick it up and brush that fine layer showing how long it had not been used off it. It had been a while since they had nothing better to do than just game and so it was no surprise that the console didn’t get any attention for that time. But this was the perfect moment for her to just waste some hours in the virtual world. She turned the little box on and sat back down on the bed. Shadow of the Tomb Raider was waiting for her to continue playing. With a chuckle, she realized that she had totally forgotten the controls. It must have been months, but she didn’t want to start all over. So, she just continued from where she left off. That was when both she and her stallion boyfriend started cursing in about equal levels of intensity, frustrated about two vastly different challenges.

Still, the game served its purpose, helped time pass faster. Eventually, the tigress got used to the challenges and the controls again and started making some good progress. She even got so relaxed that she just grabbed a pillow and laid down on her belly on the bed. Her paws were pointing up to the ceiling, legs wiggling around playfully. She was having fun again, almost forgetting about the evening they had planned together. It might have ended nicely, with a movie playing in the background while they snuggled in bed, but right then it was all just speculation. When Tashi occasionally heard the tigress celebrating how she beat another level, he felt a little less bad about having to leave her alone the whole evening.

It was almost midnight when he finally came into the bedroom and joined his girlfriend. In contrast to his her, he was still fully dressed, wearing a green polo shirt and some blue jeans. He loved being bottomless at home, to just let his junk air out a bit. But to avoid any mishaps when he had to be on video calls, he preferred to wear some pants when working from his office at home. He smiled when he saw her there on the bed, butt raised in the air, tail wiggling around excitedly. Her fingers were moving around on the gamepad fast, making Lara Croft perform all kinds of amazing feats. She paused the game when she saw him coming in from the corner of her eyes and turned her head to him. “Finally done, my little tiger.” He whispered and scratched his neck. “I’m so sorry it made me break my promise to spend the evening with you.” 

He looked towards the TV and smiled. “It’s okay, it was for work after all.” She replied and resumed the game. “And the evening is not over yet.” Tashi remarked, ignoring that the day was approaching its end fast. He walked over to the bed and climbed onto the mattress. Alex was focused on what was happening on the TV and for a moment, he just wanted to snuggle up to her and fall asleep at her side. Still, no matter how exhausted he was from work, he could not ignore his girlfriend’s sexy backside, and much less her paws she was wiggling around in the air. He slipped out of his pants to be more comfortable on the bed. Then he got on his knees behind her, grabbed her right paw and massaged it slowly. Alex didn’t say anything, the game was demanding her full attention. She did keep her legs still, though, and her ears turned towards the stallion. That was all the confirmation he needed to go on.

He sniffed and kissed her paw pad. It always amazed him how it took only a few moments with Alex for him to revitalize him no matter how tired he was. His muzzle pressed against her paw, he squeezed her beans gently, and didn’t leave out a single spot. The back of her paw, the space between each toe, between beans and paw pad, he didn’t neglect one part of those precious hind paws. A kiss to the back of it finished it off before he gave the same treatment to the other mitt. Still, he had not done enough to earn the tigress’ attention, still she was controlling the game perfectly. The stallion grinned, though, when he could see his girlfriend’s pussy lips glistening as she got a little wet. Even though the dim light in the bedroom that came mostly from the TV shining its glow on them made it hard to see, the scent of her arousal in the air could not be mistaken. It was enough for the bulge in the shorts he was wearing to grow. Alex grinned and without turning around to him, she started teasing him. “That’s a good start to make it up to me.” She said. “How about you take off your shirt and shorts and put on your bridle for me instead?” 

Tashi snorted softly in return to that little tease. Quickly, his shorts were getting too tight for him, the bulge growing so big that the waistband was being pulled away from his belly. It seemed like the one on the console wasn’t the only game that the tigress was playing, and he was all too happy to join in. She didn’t look at him, so he just took his shirt and shorts off unceremoniously. Something that had moved in alongside his girlfriend was the box of toys under the bed. Therefore, it was only a quick reach underneath it for him to get to the bridle that Alex mentioned. He wished that there was a mirror in the room so he could at least catch a glimpse of her face. He wanted to see whether she kept up a perfect poker face or if she was grinning as she was giving him those commands. Still the perfect rear he got to see was a great tradeoff, even if it meant that the happy smile on her face remained hidden to him. He had to push all those thoughts aside and focus on putting the straps of the bridle on his face and fasten them behind his ears.

The tigress didn’t say another word when he was wearing that special facial accessory. But she raised her rear a little and moved her tail aside. There it was. Her little honey pot was all exposed as well as her backdoor. The scent and that sight attracted Tashi like a bee, there was only one thing he wanted to do. He knelt behind her and lowered his head until his muzzle was right up against her folds. His nostrils were flaring as he breathed in her scent. From the long day, it was quite musky, but still so unmistakably his girlfriend, the very aroma that attracted him and that he loved so much. His upper lip was pushing against her backdoor as his tongue picked up some of her juices from her little flower. His chin brushed up against her special little bean, especially once he opened his muzzle to let his tongue slip deep inside.


There was a steady slurping sound as his tongue moved around inside of her. He exchanged her nectar with his saliva, mixed their bodily fluids together as his sexual appetite grew with each passing second. Alex just wiggled her rear a little and he pulled his tongue back out of her. Instead of plunging into her depths, he focused all on her little clit. A gentle little lick to introduce himself once more to start with, then he softly nipped at it with his lips. Finally, he suckled on it until the tigress’ legs were trembling. She moved her rear back and pushed him aside gently, making him stop. “Hand me the reins.” Alex said briefly and her stallion obeyed. He held the long strap connected to his bridle up near her face and she quickly grabbed onto it and pulled him slightly closer to her. His head was over her back now, her pussy no longer within reach. The tigress was holding both the gamepad and the reins to control her boyfriend in her hands. He was snorting softly until she put her legs down and raised her butt even more. “Now fuck my pussy like you really are sorry you made me wait all evening.” Those words coming from her were enough to take the stallion’s cock from almost erect to rock hard in a matter of seconds. He bent down over her, supported his weight on a hand that pushed into the mattress to her left. Her pussy lips were already slightly parted, a few ropes of her juices connecting them. Her whole mound was damp and dripping a little, like a flower blossom covered with dew in the morning.

The stallion could not see any of that amazing view, but he could feel it as soon as he guided the blunt tip of his cock against those wet tight lips. He wanted to tell her how much he loved it when she took control, but he didn’t want to ruin the moment, he just followed the command he was given. He rubbed his glans left and right, slowly spread her open, and moaned softly when his cock slipped inside.


A soft smacking sound could be heard before her pussy was holding tightly onto that length, gripping it right behind that blunt tip. The stallion had the same app installed as Alex, so they both knew this was a safe day, no need for a rubber between them. He felt her flesh on his own, felt just how wet she was, and a moment later, he added to it with his own precum that started leaking from him. He had to grit his teeth to hold back his moans. Alex on the other side of it all just sighed softly, and she kept playing her game. She was on the final level after all, no way she could stop now, not even with a fat throbbing horse cock slowly sliding into her pussy.


Tashi closed his eyes as he began humping her at a leisurely pace, working his cock deeper into her with every thrust. It was a matter of seconds before the stress of the day fell off him like a heavy load of rocks that had been weighing him down before. He couldn’t use his hands; those were busy supporting his weight as he was pushing himself up over her. All that he had available to get his girlfriend off with was that thick length that was stretching out her inner walls. She really didn’t make it easy for him. While she was facing off with the final fight of the game, he had to do his job completely blind. No excited moans, no eyes for him to look at, no facial expression to give him any clue. If he had not felt how wet she was and how her pussy was quivering around his length when he the blunt tip of his cock was grinding against her G-spot just the right way, he would have believed she managed to ignore his efforts.

For a moment, he opened his eyes and looked at the tigress underneath him, then glanced at the TV where the agile archeologist was still climbing and fighting so perfectly. The tigress didn’t seem to be distracted in the slightest while he was so worried about blowing his load before he could even get one moan out of her. He stopped for a moment and craned his neck down to kiss Alex’s ears. Almost immediately, she tugged on his reins. “No slowing down, yet, horsey.” She teased him and got him to go back to his steady thrusting. The thick unflared tip of his cock kept stretching her. It was a good thing that the long day had only been strenuous for his mind, his body was still brimming with energy. His strokes went deeper until he was finally in past his medial ring. He couldn’t see that bulge that was forming in his girlfriend’s belly with every thrust that went in so deep.

Alex was starting to breathe more excitedly. The stallion’s little speedbump on his cock stretched her pussy lips and stimulated her clit every time it went in and out. To Tashi’s great distress, this felt as good to him as it must have felt to the tigress. He kept his eyes closed, tried to think of anything that would turn him on less that would help him last longer. If he could just change the position, cool down a few seconds. Anything would have helped! But then the playing tigress could no longer continue with her game. So that was not an option, she was holding his reins after all. He was getting inside of her so deep he could almost feel the mattress pushing back against her belly from below. They both knew pretty much exactly how much the tigress could take, and he made sure to go not a hair’s breadth deeper than that.


Still that meant that he was in deep enough for his balls to swing and slap against Alex’s thighs every now and again. They were so heavy and full, clearly, they didn’t want to seem lazy after a day of their owner working so hard, and they had such a big load in store. Even under his closed lids, the stallion went a little cross-eyed. It was a steady, well-paced thrusting. He pushed down a little harder right when his tip was grinding against her G-spot and other sensitive parts, then once again before his medial ring went in. All his focus was on pleasing his girlfriend with the tool that nature gave him. She didn’t let him slow down for a second. Whenever he tried to get a chance to cool down, she tugged on his reins a little. “I hope I don’t need to give my horse the spurs…” She whispered and pushed her claws out playfully. He flattened his ears a little in response and picked up the pace again.

Suddenly, the stallion opened his eyes wide once more. Up until then, he had only been fighting against the steady need to blow his load. His only challenge had been lasting longer than his girlfriend could. That was a losing battle by itself. One of his biggest regrets became that he had not gone to the bathroom before he went to join the tigress in the bedroom. “A-Alex” He whispered, his cock throbbing inside of her. “I have to pee…” His little protest and begging seemed to fall on deaf ears. After a few more seconds and deep strokes of his cock inside her well-lubricated pussy, he tried to pull back and out. Then Alex tugged on his reins stronger than before. She was grinning and the stallion sighed softly. He knew what she wanted him to do, he loved it, but he was still quite embarrassed about it. 


Even as that yellow stream started emerging from the tip of his cock that was so deep inside of her, he didn’t stop with his thrusts. It was hard to squeeze his pee out with how hard his cock was, but the pressure from inside had become unbearable over the last moments. Naturally, there was not enough room for both his urine and his cock inside of the tigress’ tight tunnel. It squirted out around his length, soaked into their fur, dripped down onto the bed. The musky scent of his piss mixed in with the smell of their sex and arousal, it hung in the air almost like heavy steam. A mixture so heavy with pheromones that it alone would have been enough to get either one of the lovers wet or hard.

The aroma in the air was getting to her. Alex was glad that she had just beaten her game and that it was just the ending cutscenes that were playing. But she did not have to let her boyfriend know that. It was too nice having him focus all on her pleasure and she had to bite her tongue once or twice to suppress her moans. Tashi’s pee had washed away most of their slippery mixture of natural lubricants. They both could feel their exposed naked skin and flesh rubbing against each other much more intensely.


Rich musky urine kept squirting out whenever the throbbing hard stallion cock was plunging into the tigress’ depths. With the increased friction came increased resistance and heightened stimulation. Tashi held his breath and tried to delay the inevitable a little further. He knew he was inside of her too deep to reach all those more sensitive areas that were much more generously sprinkled with nerve endings at the shallower end of his girlfriend’s pussy. Whenever he tried to pull out and go for quicker thrusts to have his slowly flaring tip grind against them more, a sharp tug on his reins reminded him that he was not in control tonight. He looked down at his girlfriend’s back, his eyes trailing all the way down to her tail. It was a good thing that they were doing it in this position. Without her sweater on, with her gorgeous face and breasts in sight, he would have blown his load a hundred thrusts ago. Alex was not even playing the game anymore, she was just holding onto the controller, but the stallion did not notice that. He was much too busy keeping up that steady rhythm with his own joystick.

Even the stallion’s endurance was running out slowly. She could feel it, her boyfriend’s cock throbbing a little more inside of her each time before he pulled back out. Things got slippery again quickly when their shared arousal coated her inner walls in her juices and her boyfriend’s precum once more. The plastic of the controller in her hands was clicking and creaking a little with how hard she was squeezing it. But she could not let him hear any moans, could not let him know how well he was doing, yet. The breath that came from his flaring nostrils that washed over her back became hotter and hotter. Eventually he had to open his mouth, moan and pant, just to get enough oxygen in to supply his burning muscles. He sure wasn’t going to miss the workout he had to skip out on this day. When his almost fully flared cock started spreading Alex out even more, a soft moan even came from her. She covered it up, though, just coughed softly as if she cleared her throat. 

She knew she had him right on the edge, how he was balancing on that thin rope that kept him from falling headfirst into one of the amazing orgasms that she could give him. Her legs were trembling just a little, her pussy quivering slightly with every thrust, too. She knew, she wasn’t far away from it, either. That intense warmth was spreading inside of her, even the controller in her hands was getting a bit damp from her hands becoming sweaty. With a playful smile on her face, she slightly moved her legs and let her pussy clamp down on his cock. Tashi felt those soft walls squeezing his cock immediately. He was more than ready to boil over before, now there was no more holding back. He tried to pull out one more time, give his girlfriend one more thrust, but it was too late. He just plunged his cock right back into her, balls-deep, his heavy nuts resting against her thighs and mound. “I’m sorry, Alex… I’m…”


His balls were moving barely noticeably, bouncing in the same rhythm as his cock was pumping inside of her. The first rope of potent thick cum was joined by many more. He filled her with a load big enough to make her belly bulge a little before it pushed back out around even his fully flared stallion cock. The expression on the stallion’s face was a mixture of embarrassment and pure ecstasy, he even drooled a little. A few droplets of his spit fell onto Alex’s hair, but they barely left a mark. Except for the background music of the game that was still running, there was an awkward silence for a moment. He had blown his load before finishing the job. “What are you sorry for, horsey?” The tigress finally asked him and broke the silence. It had felt like an eternity, but only a few seconds had passed, the stallion’s cock was still so extremely sensitive, his body urging him to just hold still and let that seed he pumped into her do its job. His girlfriend on the other hand grabbed his leash and pulled him down a bit harder. “I’m not done, yet. So, go on.” She said calmly, suppressing her own arousal.

The stallion groaned softly. His whole body protested, needed a little break, needed to pull out of that heavenly tight squeeze the tigress’ pussy put on his cock. He flattened his ears and went against it all. Slowly, he pulled his cock out of her until the flared tip tugged on her pussy lips. He pushed out so much of his own cum that it formed a small puddle on the bed below them, but there was so much more still inside of her. Then he plunged his cock back in. The overstimulation was like an electric shock running all through his body. But like a train slowly getting back to speed, he gained momentum. He gritted his teeth and snorted loudly between the thrusts. At least he didn’t have to worry about blowing his load too soon anymore.


Now the sounds of the game were drowned out by the obscene sounds of their sex. The stallion’s thick load was like a very sticky layer of lube between the two. It squirted out loudly every time he pushed inside and kept an airtight seal around them when he pulled out. There was not a single moment where they couldn’t exactly feel each other down to the tiniest bump from a vein underneath the skin or a wrinkle along Alex’s inner walls. She had pushed him as far as she could have. There was no more reason to hold back on her own enjoyment. Once that first resistance that his body put onto him was overcome, he kept taking her deeply over and over. His muscles felt a little sore and he was only slowly starting to build up his own pleasure again, but he kept sending wave after wave of arousal through his girlfriend’s body with each stroke of his cock stretching her out from the shallow end to the deepest depth of her pussy.

His medial ring kept grinding against her G-spot and sending some jiggling vibrations all through her tunnel and lower body each time it pushed through her entrance. A wet slapping sound echoed through the room whenever his balls slapped against her pussy and rubbed against her exposed clit before he pulled back and the whole cycle began anew. The tables had turned. Now it was the tigress that wanted this all to last a bit longer, to stay in control and be the one in the saddle, even though she was lying below her boyfriend. But even though she relaxed her pussy grip on the stallion cock, there was no backing away from the pleasure he was giving her. A cocktail of precum, actual cum, her nectar, and her boyfriend’s piss was frothing at her stretched cunt lips. On top of that they were both sweating a little now. The mixture of scents in the air was overwhelming even the tigress’ senses.

She raised her right paw against Tashi’s thigh and pushed her claws into his fur and against his skin. It was her last desperate measure to get him to slow down, her voice was failing her. Instead of another command, only moans and coos of pleasure came from her lips. How she could still hold onto the game controller, she did not know. With all the last restrains breaking, she moaned loudly when the steady strong thrusts of her boyfriend shoved her over the edge as well. One paw pushed down into the mattress, the other up against the stallion’s thigh, her claws nearly broke through his skin. Her lower body was shaking, her pussy quivering, her inner walls contracting around his length, squeezing that hard-working horse cock tightly. It was enough to get him to squirt out another load of precum that pushed any remaining seed he had in his cock out along with it. He was snorting excitedly, the steady thrusts not stopping until Alex had ridden that orgasm out to its very end. Only when he felt her relaxing and releasing the grip on his reins did he slow down and finally stop. He was worked up enough again and just wanted to keep going. That was not an option, she was on the bottom yet still in control.


The steady background music of the game menu was playing as they calmed down. It was the sound of Tashi’s cock slipping out of her along with a load of their love cocktail that rudely interrupted that idle background noise. Alex’s pussy was gaping and dripping with their mixed juices from such a long rutting. Without any words, they both just took a few minutes to cool down. The tigress held onto his reins happily and he in return kissed her ears and the back of her head. She looked up at the screen, the game was suggesting a new option and she grinned.

“I love you, my little tiger.” Tashi finally whispered as he wanted to roll to his side and call it a day. “I love you, too, Tashi.” The tigress replied and pulled on his reins more vigorously until he had to push his muzzle against her neck. He kissed her passionately, but he felt the excitement that was still raging inside the tigress. “But who said that you were done?” She asked playfully and released his reins. “Go lie on your back.” The stallion blinked a few times but then he rolled onto his side, did as he was told. Only then did he feel how sore his arms were from the constant push-ups he had to do during their passionate intercourse.

As he fell onto the mattress, another fresh hot wave of musky scent washed across the two of them. He slightly turned his head to look at his girlfriend. She looked back at him and grinned, then pointed up at the ceiling. That’s the spot he looked at next. She bit her lower lip, her lovely sabre teeth pushed into the soft skin. After picking up the controller, she got up on her knees and crawled over to her boyfriend. As she went, she left drops of their shared mess behind on the sheets, then on his fur. She straddled his head and the sticky juices dripped down onto his lips. He groped and caressed her butt gently and looked up at her. “No hands…” She whispered and the stallion put them back down onto the stained bedsheets. She looked down at him and grinned, holding the controller in her hands. Slowly, she lowered her pussy down to his lips, rubbed her gaping dripping folds against her lover’s muzzle. Even though his eyes showed how tired he was, he loved how his tigress always knew ways to make up for any time they could not spend together.

“It’s time for New Game Plus…” She said and selected that menu option for the game. “If you do well, I’ll play with your joystick next.” She teased him and spread her legs as she got ready for her next round of horse riding. Her boyfriend understood, opened his muzzle, slipped out his tongue, and did his duty.


Watersports-free story 

Art by Jailbird 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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