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Alex woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing on the nightstand. The red phone slowly slid along the wooden top of the nightstand and toward the edge as it vibrated loudly. 




With a tired groan, Alex’s hand reached out to the nightstand and she blindly felt around for the phone. She missed it a few times but eventually grabbed ahold of her noisy phone. She picked it up and brought it to her face. It was her mother calling. At first, she wondered why her mother was calling so early in the morning, but then she glanced towards the top left corner of her screen and saw that it wasn’t at all early, it was already 11:30 AM. She pushed herself up on one elbow and turned over her shoulder to check on the horse asleep next to her to make sure she didn’t wake him up before she slid her finger across the phone’s screen to pick up the call.

“Hey mom,” Alex spoke as she rubbed her eyes with one hand. 

“HAPPY NEW YEAR, HONEY!” Alex’s mom shouted loudly through the phone, causing Alex to squint and pull the phone away from her ear as it folded slightly against her head. She brought her phone back to her ear again once she was sure her mom had finished shouting her greeting. “Happy New Year to you too, mom,” Alex said with a smile spread across her lips. Alex turned to look over her shoulder at her sleeping horse boyfriend again to make sure that her mom shouting through the phone hadn’t woken him up. His eyes were still closed, his nose flaring as he inhaled and exhaled, and his chest rising and falling slowly to his breathing.

“Are you and that boyfriend of yours coming over for dinner today?” her mother jumped straight to the point. Alex had been putting off having dinner with her parents for a while, but since it was still the holidays, she couldn’t use the excuse of having to work, since both her and Tashi were off work until the following Monday. 

Alex brought her free hand up to rub at her temple and took in a deep breath through her nose. “His name is Tashi, mom. And Yes, we’re coming over for dinner,” she sighed and dropped her hand from her temple down to the blanket that she was still partially entwined in. 

“Great! Your father and I can’t wait to meet him!” the older tigress chirped. Alex could hear her clapping her hands over the phone. 

“Can you tell dad to not like, try and intimidate him?” Alex asked, “He’s really worried about that, and he only wants you guys’ approval.” Alex used her finger to draw little circles in the blanket as she waited to hear her mother’s response. 

“Oh, you know how your father is, he’s a hardass with everyone. But he loves you, Alex, and if that horse makes you happy, he will have his approval.” Her mother murmured. 

“And what about your approval?” Alex asked teasingly. She stuck her tongue out a little as if she were talking face-to-face with her mother. 

“Oh, Alex, honey… He’s a horse, he HAS to make you happy, right? If you know what I mean. He’s had my approval since you first told me about him. He’s not like that mouse boy you dated in high school!” 

Alex let out a groan, loud enough to wake Tashi. “Mom! Gross!” Tashi’s ears flickered to Alex’s voice and his eyelids twitched before they slowly opened. 

Alex’s mom laughed. “Oh honey, it’s true! That mouse was very small, I can only imagine his penis was even smaller,” her slightly raspy chuckle leaked through the earpiece speaker on Alex’s phone. She didn’t have her mother on speaker or anything, her laughs and chuckles were just that loud sometimes. Alex squinted her eyes shut and stuck her tongue out in disgust, “Mom, stop talking about my ex-boyfriend’s junk!”

“What? I’m just saying that Tashi’s must be very, very big! I’ve never seen you happier.” Her mother snorted. 

“I’m hanging up now, mom. Love you, see you tonight.” Alex pulled the phone from her ear; she could still hear her mother laughing up until she hung up. Alex let out a heavy sigh as she reached over to the nightstand to set her phone back on the wireless charger it had been sitting on all night. After that, she turned over her shoulder to look at Tashi. Her eyes widened when she saw him lying there on his side, staring at her. 

“Oh no, did I wake you? I’m sorry.” Alex quickly turned around to sit facing the horse with her lower half still covered by the blanket. Tashi had been staring at Alex’s back while she spoke on the phone. His green eyes admired the stripes that ran all over and the curvature of her back was mesmerizing. He loved running his hand up and down her back, tracing her spine and giving her scratches, he never realized that just staring at her back would make him smile as much as it did. When she turned to him and began apologizing for waking him up, he shook his head and snorted happily at her. “No, no, it’s fine, we should be up anyway, right? What time is it, like noon?” Tashi rubbed at his eyes with his hands, the fluff on his arms waved around as he did so. Alex scooted a bit closer to Tashi while he rubbed his eyes and when he opened his eyes again, she put one of her hands on the top of his head to ruffle up his bed head. Tashi turned to lay on his back, closed his eyes, and let out a tired exhale. “Who was on the phone?” Tashi asked. 

Tashi’s black hair was already super messy from sleep and Alex’s hands only made it worse, but he wasn’t going to complain, he liked it when Alex messed up his hair, it felt nice and intimate. He snorted and neighed happily as she rubbed through his messy black hair. As the tigress ruffled the horse’s hair, the horse’s wake-up sequence was kicked into motion. They both went to bed naked because the shenanigans that they got up to the night before left them both spent, so they both decided that pajamas required too much energy and effort, things they did not have at the time. 

“It was my mom. She called to ask if dinner was still on,” Alex chuffed and purred as she played with her boyfriend’s hair. 

“Mhmm,” Tashi murmured, “And? Are we still going?” 

“Yes, no excuses now, since it’s the holidays and she knows I don’t have work.” Alex shrugged her shoulders and chuckled. 

Tashi opened his eyes, looked at Alex, and scoffed softly, “You really don’t want me to meet your parents, do you?” 

Alex shook her head swiftly and leaned down to plant a smooch on Tashi’s lips. “My dad can be a bit of an ass, you know? And I know how much their approval means to you, I don’t want you to feel bad when he makes jabs at you or something.” Alex shrugged her shoulders again. 

“It’s okay, if he does that we’ll come home and fuck each other’s brains out, that’ll make us both feel better, right?” the horse grinned. Alex’s hand stopped ruffling his hair briefly and her jaw was left agape. “Tashi!” Alex blushed a bright red. 

“And we can tell your dad about it, too, I bet he won’t mess with me after that,” Tashi began giggling like a giddy kid getting what they wished for on Christmas morning. 

The hand Alex had on Tashi’s head lifted up slightly, then dropped back down to gently hit him on the top of his head. “And here I thought you were the shy one in our relationship. Let’s not traumatize my father with thoughts of his daughter sexually riding horses, yeah?” She shook her head and resumed ruffling Tashi’s mane.

“Fiiiiine,” Tashi chuckled and yawned. 

Under the blanket, Tashi’s sheath tingled a little as it was now his cock’s turn to wake from slumber. Slowly the pink tip of his horsedick inched from his heavy and leathery sheath. It wasn’t noticeable at first, but as his boner grew, it slowly became more and more  pronounced, eventually becoming the tentpole of the tent that stood up tall in the middle of the bed. 

“Well, I’m going to make us some coffee,” Alex smiled and stopped ruffling Tashi’s hair. She pulled her hand away after one last aggressive ruffle and turned around to face the foot of the bed. As she turned, she spotted the giant tent right in the middle of Tashi’s blanket-covered form. She stopped turning and instead turned her head to look at Tashi with a suggestive eyebrow waggle. Tashi was watching Alex as she made an effort to get herself off the bed and when she noticed his extremely obvious morning wood he just smiled at her, his tired eyes closing shut as he did so. 

“This doesn’t look too good,” Alex gestured towards his tent and scooted herself closer to it. Her knees pressed lightly against his hips as she sat knelt by his side. 

“What do you mean? He’s just saying ‘good morning’,” Tashi chuckled, his cock pulsed and wiggled a little.

“Well,” Alex smiled and brought her gaze to the tent in front of her. She leaned her head down to get closer to Tashi’s tent and greeted his cock back, “Good morning, Little Stallion. How did you sleep?” She then turned to point her ear in the tent’s direction. Her ear perked, flickered, and she nodded. “Oh, I see…” The tigress nodded, pulled away from the tent, and looked at Tashi while she tapped her chin with a finger. 

Tashi gave Alex a puzzled look, “What did he say?” 

Alex continued tapping her chin for a moment before she let her hand fall. “He said that he wasn’t done last night and you made him go to bed too early, so he’s still horny,” Alex smiled and put both her hands on the blanket. She gripped the fabric in preparation to pull them off of Tashi and discard them across the floor. Tashi nodded slowly and looked down at his erection. “Sorry there lil’ guy,” he snorted, “I didn’t know you weren’t done after how much of a mess you made last night.”

Tashi’s cock twitched under the blanket, causing the entire tent structure to ripple with it. 

“Maybe I can help!” Alex chimed in with the widest and purest of smiles spread across her lips. She gently tugged on the blanket with both her hands as she turned to Tashi’s cock for approval. 

His cock twitched again, which Alex interpreted as a nod of approval. Tashi noticed his cock twitching at such a perfect time and snorted. “Well, he really seems to want your help, but I need to pee first,” Tashi adjusted himself to rest on his elbows, his eyes still looking at Alex. He then gripped the blanket with both his hands and pulled it off himself. Alex let go of the blanket when he did and the blanket fell off the side of the bed and piled onto the floor. The tent was gone, although the tentpole remained standing tall. With another snort and a soft sigh, Tashi began to scoot himself towards the edge of the bed to head to the bathroom. 

“Where do you think you’re going?” Alex asked with her head tilted to the side slightly; one ear perked up and one ear down. Tashi didn’t stop and instead scooted even more towards the edge and swung one of his legs off the side of the bed. Alex quickly grabbed hold of Tashi’s arm and pulled him back as best she could. Alex couldn’t really stop him from going anywhere, but when the equine felt the soft pull on his arm from his feline companion, he stopped and turned over his shoulder to look at her. “I really need to pee, Alex,” he said with a soft and goofy smile. 

“I know, but Little Stallion wants some help, and I told him I would help him, now,” Alex cooed and grinned. The hand that gripped Tashi’s muscular arm gave him a reassuring little squeeze in an attempt to sway him away from the edge of the bed. Tashi furrowed his brow and formed an expression that could only be described as an ‘I need to pee’ expression. He stayed silent for a few seconds as he considered his options. He could either; A). go to pee and miss out on Alex playing with his morning wood, or B). let Alex play with his morning wood and go pee a little bit later. A generic game show countdown jingle played in his head and when the imaginary buzz came in the form of Alex tugging his arm repeatedly, he blinked at her. 

“Taaaashiiiiiiiiiii c’mon…. Let me ride your boner!” Alex said excitedly. 

“Okay, okay…” he chuckled, “You can help Little Stallion out. But try and be quick, okay? I really, really need to go to the bathroom… I’m not even kidding.” 

Alex shrugged her shoulders and gently pulled on Tashi some more so that he’d move more towards the center of the bed. “I thought it was difficult to pee when you have a boner?” She asked with genuine curiosity. Tashi let out a chuckle and nodded, “Yeah, but we can still pee, it just takes a little bit longer to.” He scooted over to lay on his elbows in the middle of the bed, cock still pointed up towards the ceiling, leaning just slightly like the Leaning Tower of Pisa in its earlier years. The tigress nodded and smiled happily as her horsey got closer and closer to her. Once Tashi was settled in, Alex wasted no time and quickly put her hands on his cock. Her padded digits touched and felt his warm fleshy shaft and she gave his meat a little squeeze. Tashi gasped for air when he felt her nimble little fingers curl around his most sensitive organ. “Ahhhh…” he moaned. 

Alex felt her horse boyfriend’s pulse through his cock, and she thought that was the coolest thing ever. She was about to tell him about it but stopped herself and decided on telling him later. There were more important things she needed to attend to. 

The tigress wasted no time at all, quickly turning herself around and getting into position with her legs straddling the sleepy horse. She gently sat herself down on him and put her hands on his chest as she did so. His twitching and pulsing cock wedged right in between her thighs and her pussy lips kissed his leathery ballsack ever so slightly. She bit her lip and let out a soft moan as her wet pussy lips smooched her horsey’s balls. The contrast between her soft and squishy flesh pressing against the more dense and firm skin of those horse orbs. Her pussy being wet caused a thick and steady stream of her juices to run out from her and down to drip off the bottom of his balls. Tashi bit his lower lip, too. 

The tigress had her eyes on the stallion’s as she pushed herself up from straddling him and shuffled forward so that his yet-to-be-flared horsecock was lined right up with her pussy. She rubbed herself over his tip, making sure to paint his cockhead with her juices. As her hips rocked back and forth, Alex smiled at her boyfriend and waggled her eyebrows at him teasingly. “Ready?” she asked. “R-Ready,” Tashi replied through his heavy and shaky breathing. Watching his cat girlfriend rub herself along his tip was a lot to handle, something he should have gotten used to by now, but who knew that having a predator as your partner would come with so much sex? 

Alex brought one of her hands to her pussy and spread her lips apart over Tashi’s cock. More juices dripped from her cunt and puddled over the slit at the tip of his schlong. The horse’s green eyes locked onto the slow strings of pussy juice that fell victim to gravity and his cock couldn’t help but twitch and pulse. He was becoming needy. With the lengths that Alex was going to tease him, his arousal massively outweighed everything else on his mind. However, horniness could never cloud his mind enough to forget about safe sex.

“What about the condom?” Tashi asked as he bit down on his lip. He brought his gaze up from Alex’s cunt and to her eyes, breaking his gaze away from what she was doing down low was probably the hardest thing he’d done today, so far. Alex smiled down at her boyfriend and shook her head. “It’s a safe day today, and I want to feel your cum inside me,” she chuffed and purred happily. “Okay,” Tashi replied and gripped the sheets a bit as he continued to bite his lower lip. 

Alex, with her pussy spread and ready to take on her lover’s cock, smiled wide and began to slowly lower herself down on the length of the horsecock. Her feline cunt pressed down against the tip of his cock with a soft squish, unable to go in right away. However, with a second push, the tip of Tashi’s cock was engulfed by the tigress’s snatch and glided a few centimeters along her inner walls. Warm, wet, and definitely tight, Alex’s pussy clenched and squeezed around her boyfriend’s cock as she slowly started to take in more than just the tip. She moaned and panted as she sunk down on Tashi’s cock, letting his massive morning wood spread her pussy like butter on bread. 



Wet sounds emerged from between Alex’s legs as she slowly lowered herself down onto his meat. It didn’t take Alex too long to be able to lower herself down as far as she could go on Tashi’s length, with about an inch left from completely sitting down against him, Alex let out a heavy sigh and smiled warmly at her boyfriend as she watched him moan through his bit lip. “Hhhhnnnn…”

“It feels like you get…” Alex paused to take in a deep breath through her nose and exhaled it through her nose, “Bigger every time we have sex,” she chuckled, causing her pussy to clench tighter around the horsecock lodged inside her. 

“Ahhhh…” the horse moaned. 

Alex chuckled some more, “I haven’t even started humping yet,” 

“It’s extra sensitive in the morning, and I told you, I really h-have to pee.” 

Alex rolled her eyes, placed both her hands on Tashi’s abdominal region, gripped her fingers on his abs, and slowly started to push herself up. Her pussy slowly sliding away, bringing his cock back out in view, and leaving behind a nice coat of wetness on his manhood. Alex moaned loudly, combining her noises of pleasure in harmony with Tashi’s. She then began to gently hump, bringing herself up and down on his horsecock, increasing the pace rather quickly. In a matter of seconds, she was bouncing up and down on him and causing the bed to bounce in tandem. The bed they had in their new shared place was a lot better than the bed Alex had in hers, with how hard Alex was bouncing herself against Tashi, the bed made almost no squeaking sound at all, nor did it show any sign of unsteadiness. 




The sound of Alex’s body bouncing on top of Tashi challenged the chirping birds that were peeking around in their bedroom windowsill. The Clydesdale’s eyes locked on his cock and Alex’s pussy as he was milked. The pink lips of the tiger’s pussy stretched around his cock, stretching slightly more as it ran over his medial ring. 

“Hnnnnng…” Tashi moaned as he felt himself inching closer and closer to orgasm. Alex bouncing herself up and down on his morning wood immediately after it rose was enough to make any man nut in a rush. He gripped the sheets tight and closed his eyes shut as Alex rode his cock up and down, she even went as far as to completely hide his meat inside her. She let out a high-pitched moan and stopped her bouncing for a moment to hold him inside her. Eyes squinted shut and gritting her teeth, Alex let out a soft chuckle and slowly opened her eyes to look down at her boyfriend. “All the way in…” she whispered. Tashi could only open his eyes to meet her gaze for a few seconds before he squinted them shut again as he felt Alex’s warm and velvety walls clench around his cock. He wasn’t able to take it for very much longer. His cock head began to flare, slowly expanding inside Alex and pressing against her textured walls. The tigress’ eyes widened for a short moment, then she squinted them shut right after and bit her lower lip. She was getting there, too. 

“Just a few more minutes…” Alex cooed, “I want us to finish at the same time.” She began to hump him again, wet noises filling both of their ears. Her juices mixed with his precum puddling in his sheath, his balls, and other areas of his pelvic region. 






Her humping slowed as she neared her orgasm. Her cunt clenched tightly around his cock. She gritted her teeth and curled her fingers tightly around Tashi’s abs, digging her claws into his fur and skin ever so slightly. 

“Aahh… Aaaahh…. Hnnnng…” She moaned. An extra gush of juices squirted from her folds and flowed down Tashi’s member to join the other fluids. 

Tashi’s fingers curled into the sheets, gripping them so tight that the area around it was free of wrinkles. His cock pulsed and twitched inside Alex and his balls clung to his sheath as his semen was set free and flowed through his cock and inside her. 

“Haahhh, I’m c-cumming….” Tashi warned through his shaky breath. 

Ropes of cum shot out of his flared cock and into Alex’s canal, flooding it in a matter of seconds and pushing out of her like water coming through cracks in a dam. Thick, hot, and white ropes splashed onto both of them and the bed they were on, making a huge mess. 

Panting heavily, Alex let herself sit on his cock for a moment, leaving his pulsing member buried inside her as it emptied every last drop into her. She opened her eyes and smiled at Tashi, who was still moaning and panting with his eyes shut. A soft red adorned both their cheeks as they enjoyed the sweet release of morning horniness. 

“Phew…. Haaaah…” Alex panted, “That was amazing…” She curled her lips into a content little smile as she gently squeezed Tashi’s stomach area with both her hands. It took Tashi a little longer to recover from the insane high that his orgasm came with, but he eventually opened his eyes up to the mess he made and the tigress who still sat firmly on his tentpole. 

“How was that?” asked the tiger.

“Mhn, that was….” Tashi paused, “Really good… I didn’t know morning wood sex would feel so good.” 

Alex let out a chuckle, “Well, I am CLEARLY the master of sex and you should listen to me more often.”

The look on Tashi’s face quickly shifted from bliss to that of being slightly uncomfortable. The sudden change caught Alex’s attention and she tilted her head to the side slightly, one ear drooping down, the other perking upward. “What’s wrong?”

Tashi gritted his teeth and let out a soft groan. “I still really need to pee.” 


Art by Jailbird 

Tashi by TashiGibson 

Watersports version of the story can be found here 



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