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After Tashi managed to come back home for Christmas in time, against all odds, he and Alex were very happy to have a few quiet days together. Making up for the time the couple had to spend apart from each other kept them busy enough, so many games to play and series to watch, dinners to cook together, and exciting things to try and explore in the bedroom and outside of it.

The days passed quickly, and New Year’s Eve was coming closer, time for them to decide what they were going to do on that special last night of the year. Tashi sat in front of his computer on the big office chair. Alex sat on his lap as they browsed the web together, searching for interesting venues or parties. It was mostly the tigress reading through websites, clicking on so many links, looking at all the clubs and bars that she had never heard of before, that had all been out of her reach as she wasn’t allowed to leave the bottomless district. Tashi tried his best to be enthused about the ideas that Alex suggested, but deep down below, she could feel that her boyfriend kept something to himself. All those times they had been in crowds of people where he got so uneasy came to mind.

They had been searching for a place to go to for a little over an hour when she turned around to look at him. “You haven’t suggested what you want to do yet, horsey…” she said, hitting the nail right on the head, her cat sense kicking in. “That restaurant there looked nice! We could get a window spot, quiet, nice food, and we could watch the fireworks!” The stallion replied, pointing at the computer screen, one of the many tabs they had open in the browser. He couldn’t hide the sigh that came after suggesting that, though, his nostrils flared, and the soft snorting sound betrayed him. The tigress turned around and knelt in front of him, the big seat giving them enough room. She put her hands on his cheeks and smiled at him. “You don’t sound so excited. We can go see all these places another time. Do you want to just stay home?” – “An evening for just the two of us? Us cooking some amazing food and just watching the fireworks together? Yes… Please… I’d love that…” The stallion replied, finally giving an honest answer.

“We don’t have to go out, silly horsey! Just say something! I don’t like the new year’s crowd that much, either.” Alex chuckled, kissing her stallion right on the nose and hugging him playfully. “Okay… let’s search for a few recipes we can cook together… Or maybe you can show me how you prepare that awesome Japanese curry! And oh… what about a nice entrée? And maybe some cocktails? I think we still got some cream of coconut!” He almost couldn’t be stopped now that he got excited about planning an evening with his tigress. There was no doubt that Tashi would have taken her to the busiest restaurant they could have chosen, but it was also clear that he was so much happier with the prospect of an evening just for two. With that, their long search for something to do on New Year’s Eve ended with an easy solution. Tashi had a happy smile on his face and Alex kept stroking his head, trying to calm and slow down the stubborn stallion.

Shopping for the food and drinks that they needed went easy and smooth. Alex was small enough to get by all those people crowding the stores, Tashi was tall enough to reach up on the high shelves for things that needed to be restocked further down. It was almost like a fun game despite of how stressful shopping on a day before a holiday could be. As they came close to the checkout counter, they saw all the fireworks that were on sale. “Do you want to buy some rockets, too, Tashi?” Alex asked as she turned around to face him. The stallion looked at them, even reached out as if he wanted to grab one of the packages, but then he stroked his chin and thought for a moment. “Nah… people go pretty crazy out on the streets. They already start throwing firecrackers hours before it’s time. Let’s just stay inside. We can spend the money on a nice dinner in the new year.” – “Try out that place where they serve hot pots both vegetarian and with meat?!” – “Yes! That would be such a nice evening together!” He replied before they got in line, paid for their things, and drove home.

“Hey! I thought you were only going to get another beer! We haven’t even had the entrée, yet!” Tashi scolded Alex as he came into the kitchen and saw her there near the fridge, tasting some of the Tiramisu they made. “But it’s so good! I can’t get enough!” – “Oh… so if that’s a valid excuse…” The stallion didn’t finish his sentence, he just grabbed his girlfriend’s wrists and turned her around, so she faced him, then he craned his neck to kiss her deeply. “Then I’m not sorry, because I can’t get enough, either.” The stallion grinned, Alex gave him that playful angry look, but it just made them both chuckle as they looked into each other’s eyes. Tashi released her wrists, grabbed two bottles of beer from the fridge, and closed the door behind her. He handed her one of them and nodded his head in the direction of the living room. “Come… let’s go back! I want to know how the movie ends!” He said before walking off, not quite so steady on his hooves anymore. Those two bottles were not the first they shared that evening.

Even though they were at home and not in the bottomless district anymore, the couple was still following the dress code that evening. Tashi was wearing a green polo shirt, Alex’s body was accentuated nicely in a red tank top, and nothing was covering their legs or naughty bits. Midnight was still a few hours away when they both sat down on the couch. After opening their bottles, Tashi put an arm around Alex who had the bowl with chips and salted nuts on her lap. “Soo… you keep saying you have a nice idea for indoor fireworks, horsey?” Alex asked, her big emerald eyes on the stallion who tried to follow the movie on the TV. “Yes! Some that cause a lot less smoke and are a lot more fun!” Tashi replied. “Just make sure your magic wand is charged…” He said before he turned to her. The stallion managed to keep a serious expression on his face exactly until he saw that naughty grin on Alex’s face that said more than a thousand words. “Oh! You and your awesome ideas! Of course, it’s charged. I know how much you love it.” They both chuckled and tried to stay focused on the movie. But before it was over, Alex reached for another kind of salty nuts a few times, and Tashi missed the bowl of snacks and went for his girlfriend’s honey pot more than once as well, both things interrupting the movie with soft sounds of their pleasure.

Time passed fast as they went back to the table, enjoying some Korean sushi as entrée. To start things off, Tashi fed Alex one of those he had made all by himself after she showed him how to roll them, his chopsticks shaking a little. It was a nice start to their dinner. They even had some Piña Colada to go along with it. The main course was a Japanese curry that they prepared together. “This food tastes so good… thank you, Alex!”, He complimented her. “But you helped make it!” – “I only chopped some veggies! You’re so good with the spices.” Their mood was great, even as they could already hear fireworks go off around them, so many people who couldn’t wait.

Finally, Tashi brought the empty plates into the kitchen and came back with the Tiramisu Alex has already tasted earlier. “I say this is the second sweetest thing in the room right now.” He said after he had a taste himself and looked over at her. “Flatterer!” She said and laughed. “Maybe it gets third place.” Her sabre teeth pushed against Tashi’s cheeks as she kissed him playfully and reached out to grope his balls once more. The stallion snorted happily. “Mhrr… no no… we don’t want to launch the fireworks early like those other impatient people!” Soon, dessert was gone, and they passed the time until it was eleven o’ clock playing cards and sipping their drinks.

Tashi had an eye on his watch so he wouldn’t miss that time. He put his cards down on the table and reached over to Alex. “Hey… is it just because you are losing?” She asked before moaning softly right as her boyfriend let two fingers slip deeply into her pussy, curling them slowly, as if he was trying to tickle her inner walls. “No… it’s time… to build up some pressure to launch our own little rockets. Go and fetch your vibrator… I’ll set us up a clock, so we don’t miss midnight.” He finished his sentence applying some pressure to her little pleasure button with his thumb, making her moan softly once more. “Okay, horsey…” She whispered back, stroking his belly and sheath as they he got up. Slowly, his cock was spilling from his sheath, the sweaty length growing with every heartbeat, the musky scent from an evening spent teasing each other coming from it. They rushed to the bedroom. Tashi grabbed the alarm clock from the nightstand, Alex fetched her magic wand from the box underneath the bed.

Their breath got heated as they walked back into the living room, Alex’s steps silent as her soft paws touched the floor while Tashi’s hooves clopped on the tiles on their way. Firecrackers could be heard going off more frequently now that midnight was coming closer. Tashi put the alarm clock down on the ground and then sat down next to the large windows leading out to the balcony of their apartment, leaning against the glass pane. He took off his shirt and threw it onto the couch. While Alex did the same with her tank top, the stallion got a good look at her exposed folds and body that was to die for. This wasn’t such a rare sight for him anymore, but still, when he could see her pussy lips just a little wet as in that moment, it got him going in almost no time at all. “Oh wait, we forgot the condoms!” Alex said as she looked down at her boyfriend, her gaze drifting down to his large balls and engorged shaft. Quickly, before she could walk away, Tashi grabbed her hand and pulled her close. “No… just our hands and your toy… stroking together… You know I could never last an hour inside of you, Alex!” He said with a chuckle, spread his legs, and patted his belly to invite her to sit down.

With that gorgeous smile on her lips, her cheeks slightly flushed, her pussy plump and damp with arousal, Alex went to sit on her boyfriend’s belly. Her warm sex slipped right down against his hard length, making them both shiver and moan. Tashi put an arm around her and held her belly gently. His hand was shaking slightly, and Alex turned around to look at him, her pussy lips rubbing against his hard length, getting him wet with her own nectar. “Are you sure you can last an hour even outside of me?” She asked, never stopping her teasing. “Heh… I wouldn’t want to launch my rocket early!” He said and kissed Alex’s shoulder. A loud moan came from him when she reached down to grab his cock and balls with one hand each, the large shaft pointing up between her legs, almost upright at the ceiling. “We just got to pace ourselves… Tell me when you are close… and I will do the same…” The stallion said as his free hand slowly moved down over her pubic mound until he was rubbing her clit gently between two fingers. He sighed when he could feel Alex moving under his touch until she moaned softly in response. “For… an hour? We’ll need a bucket to clean up your mess!” Alex said when Tashi stopped teasing her again. “As if you would mind…” Tashi replied with a chuckle.

The first few minutes went by with little kisses and careful touches. Alex very slowly stroked her boyfriend’s cock, her hands not large enough to reach around, she just went from base to tip, picking up some of the precum that was dripping from it, and spreading it all over his shaft. The stallion was breathing and sighing excitedly as he got so worked up, yet nowhere close to orgasm. He in turn just caressed her breasts one at a time, his other hand rubbed her belly down to her pubic mound. The tigress biting her tongue and shaking a little on him, he slipped two fingers between his cock and her pussy, stroked her supple lips and that little nub gently, just with the tips of his fingers. He could feel her juices leaking down onto his cock, into his sheath, dripping down onto his balls. Their shared musk slowly filled the air, getting both worked up even more.

“Yes… right there…” Tashi whispered when Alex stroked his cock right near his medial ring and he reached down to hold her wrist, begging her to keep squeezing and rubbing that fleshy ring two thirds down his throbbing, dripping length. The tigress sighed playfully and moved both hands up so she could form a ring with her fingers, then push it over that sensitive spot on her boyfriend’s cock over and over. It was a great way to explore what they each loved most, how they could touch each other just right to keep the other on the edge, wanting more, but not getting any release yet. Tashi brought his damp fingers up to Alex’s mouth, letting her lick and suckle on them as she could taste her own pussy. When the tigress returned to stroking the stallion’s full length, she squeezed a little harder, milking one large drop of precum from his cock after another, her hands soon dripping with the stallion’s sticky arousal. “Unf… give me a moment…” Tashi said, his cock throbbing a little. Alex nodded and brought her hands up to his and her lips, letting them both lick her hands clean together while Tashi calmed down a little.

Still, the clock kept counting down the time. When Tashi nudged Alex gently, rubbing his muzzle against her neck, she continued stroking his length with just one hand. Her other hand moved further down to the stallion’s large balls. They were so heavy in her hand, his skin was stretching as she lifted his scrotum up, she could feel the pressure building inside of them. She leaned back against his strong chest and lifted her pussy off his cock, strings of her juices connecting her hot nether lips to the stallion’s length and sheath, such a mess they were making. Tashi took the chance to passionately kiss her and to slip three fingers deep into her pussy. He hugged her tightly and held her up so she wouldn’t sit on his hand while he had to bend his wrist so much to get his fingers in deep enough to touch her sensitive spots, to find that rough patch on her inner walls, to tease her G-spot and make his girlfriend moan in lust once more. She reached up and held onto his neck, tried to help him as he really got into it. The stallion probably would have kept going until he had a cramp in his arm if Alex had not grabbed his wrist and pulled it away. “Ah… Tashi… stop… too soon!” She said, still moaning and panting. Her pussy was quivering a little when it settled back down against that hard stallion cock. “Okay… ah… that feels so good…” He whispered, that familiar warm wet feeling of his girlfriend’s folds against his length alone enough to get him to spurt another big load of precum.

Just a few more minutes to go, and they had to hold each other’s hands to stop themselves from pushing one another over the edge too soon. Their bodies were aching for release, a puddle of tigress nectar and stallion lust on the floor beneath them. Tashi reached over to grab the magic wand that was lying next to them, he turned it on, set it to the lowest intensity, and held it up against the tigress’ pubic mound. They both moaned in sync when those vibrations travelled all through Alex’s pussy, made her inner walls shake a little, and even the stallion’s cock was set in motion, a low steady buzz. “Ngh… please go on, Alex… I can handle it… but don’t take your hand off my balls… I love it so much.” Tashi begged her, his voice nearly drowned out by the fireworks going off outside. Alex tugged Tashi’s orbs firmly to ensure she wasn’t going to let go, and got to work stroking the stallion cock in front of her with one hand, squeezing and fondling his balls with the other.

Two minutes to midnight. They both peeked over at the clock every few seconds. Tashi had to switch the vibrator off and on repeatedly, was so focused not to bring Alex up to her climax. The tigress on the other hand carefully observed how the stallion’s balls and cock moved in her hands, stopped and continued to keep him right on that razor’s edge, just one careless stroke away from exploding. Their musky scent in the air was getting intense. The two lovers sitting on each other for an hour, working each other up so much guaranteed that their fur was all sweaty by now. Tashi couldn’t stop sniffing Alex’s hair and her neck, the tigress herself was showered in the smell of sex sitting right on top of the source of it.

One more minute to go. The vibrator stayed on, Tashi set it to the medium level and pushed it harder against his girlfriend’s pussy. In return, she squeezed his balls a little harder and stroked his length more quickly. What she was holding in her hands now felt more explosive than any firecracker they could have bought in the store, more intense than a stick of dynamite. The clock switched over to midnight and the stallion set the vibrator to the highest level, Alex jerked and squeezed his length fast and hard. It took them only seconds to reach their orgasms, they got there almost at the same time. Those sexy tiger hips started shaking on top of the stallion’s strong body, a quivering pussy rubbing against the base of his cock. The stallion moaned loudly as he reached his climax. While he kept pushing that vibrator against his girlfriend’s folds as hard as he could without it getting uncomfortable, he blew his first big load along with all the rockets launching far behind them in the distance. It came out with so much pressure that the long rope of cum made it halfway to the ceiling before it fell down and splashed onto the ground, making a big mess in front of them. His balls were bouncing in Alex’s hand and his cock kept throbbing as many more, smaller loads joined that first one. Even the buzzing sounds of the vibrator gave away how wet things had become between the two as the tigress was still shaking in orgasmic pleasure. Her boyfriend wanted to keep her going for a little longer, longer than she could handle, so she had to turn the magic wand off while he was still holding it up against her slightly sore pussy.

The new year was already a few minutes old when they came down from that amazing shared orgasm. Alex was leaning to her side a little so she could keep kissing her boyfriend. They kept making out in that tight embrace, only barely noticing the fireworks still going on outside. Tashi rubbed her belly playfully and winked at her before he spoke. “Damn… I’ve never had that much fun with real fireworks.” – “Me, neither.” Alex replied and they both laughed. “How about we clean up… have some sparkling wine… and then go for another round?” Tashi suggested before kissing her again. “Deal…” The tigress replied, her familiar lewd grin changed by the slight exhaustion from that mind-blowing orgasm she just had.


Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2020 brings joy and prosperity to you all! 💖

Art by Jailbird 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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