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Alex had always been insecure about her saber-teeth. She was the only one in her family to have the two long fangs that stuck out from her mouth. Going back generations on both her father’s side and her mother’s side didn’t give her any answers either. There wasn’t an easy explanation as to why she had them.

“Shut up, can opener,” said a disgruntled classmate when Alex was talking a bit too much.

“I bet your mom cheated on your dad with a saber-toothed tiger,” said the girl heading the cheerleading team.

“Hey, Alex, why don’t you come over here and let me get my dick in between those teeth,” shouted a zebra jock, across the football field as Alex did her rounds around the track. 

She almost grew to hate them in her teens. If only she knew why she had them, not because she’d be able to tell everyone (because they wouldn’t really care about that and bully her anyway), but because maybe then she wouldn’t feel like a freak or a can opener.

Graduating high school felt like a dream come true, she wasn’t going to see the people who made her hate herself again, but it left her insecure about one of her most prominent physical attributes. It easily turned Alex from a confident young girl at the start of her school life, into a shy and quiet young woman as she went into college. 

College culture was different from high school culture. Alex and the people around her were all adults and the childish bullying culture almost ceased to exist. However, that didn’t make Alex any less insecure about her pearly whites. 

That was until she met him, a Clydesdale horse who she met at her part-time job that she got to help pay her tuition. 

His name was Tashi, and he was a little older than Alex was. He was already working full-time at a good job, had good pay, and while he worked a lot, he still found time to spend with the tigress.

He took her out on dates, held her hand as they walked down the boulevard, and most importantly, he showed her saber-teeth love. 

“Your teeth are beautiful,” he said as she brushed her teeth in the bathroom. 

“If you don’t wake up to go to class, you leave me no choice but to kiss your teeth until you get annoyed at me,” the Clydesdale said as he shimmied his way up to the half-asleep tigress who slept through two of her alarms. 

Time and time again, he reminded Alex that he loved her teeth and that she should smile more.

And she loved him for that. 

“Alright muffin’,” Alex smiled, rolling off the bed and hopping up to stand up on her feet. “I’m going to be late for work.” She yawned and stretched her arms up in the air as she tried to wake herself up. 

Her boyfriend was still in bed, but he was awake and his eyes were on her as she slowly walked her way towards the bathroom to wash. Alex slept with just a lose-fitting shirt on and nothing else, so as she walked to the bathroom, the horse’s eyes locked to her rear and tail as she swayed her hips mesmerizingly. His eyes followed her until she was out of his sight and in the bathroom. 

Once he heard the shower water run, he rolled out of bed and stood up by the side of it. He stretched in a similar manner as Alex before he walked over to one of the wardrobes in the bedroom and picked out some clothing from inside.

Once Alex was done showering, she stepped out with a towel in her hand rubbing against her hair, nude, and slightly damp. Horsie boyfriend of hers already dressed up and ready for his day. 

He looked at her and smiled. “I’ll drive you so you don’t have to take the bus.” 

Alex walked up to him, still using the towel to dry her hair. “You don’t have to; you can go back to bed. It’s way too early and you were up super late last night.” She looked up to the tall horse. Alex was only five foot four inches, her horsie towered over her by two feet and change. 

“I’m already dressed, Alex,” he smiled at her, snorting happily as he gazed into her green eyes. He always found her eyes mesmerizing, just like her teeth, stripes, and all of her, really. 

“But you’re sleep-deprived, I would rather have a boyfriend waiting for me at home and not at the hospital,” Alex whined and gently shoved him towards the bed. “Now go sleep! I can take the bus.” 

The Clydesdale didn’t even move from Alex’s shove, he just stood there and smiled at Alex. 

Alex squinted at him and gently shoved him again, “Go back to bed!” 

He was unphased by her shoving, but took a few steps back towards the bed and sat down on it. He let out a sigh, looked up at Alex and just continued to smile at her. 

“I’ll go back to bed if you smile and show me those pretty teeth,” he said. 

Alex raised a brow at him and nodded, she then smiled. Her lips slowly curved to form a small smile that showed a little more of that saber-tooth overbite. Her hair was dry now, so she lowered her hand with the towel in it, keeping her green eyes locked to his. 

The horse smiled wider when he saw Alex’s smile and a little more of her teeth. He reached forward to grab both of her hands to pull her towards him. Alex fumbled a few steps but ended up standing just a few inches from him. 

He continued to hold her hands. “There we go. There’s my favorite face,” he snorted happily. He then leaned in to place a soft kiss on Alex’s lips. 

Alex closed her eyes for a bit as he kissed her and kissed him back just a little, her smile remained on her face as he pulled away. 

The Clydesdale held her hands and stared into her eyes for a little bit longer before he let stood up and let go of them. “Now get dressed because I’m driving you.” 

Alex nodded and turned on her heels to walk towards the wardrobe, still smiling softly. 


Art by Keumano 

Tashi (horse in story) by TashiGibson 



Miles (Cryx)

That was adorable. Be proud of those pearly whites. I adore them.