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Alex had always seen Yulia as her little sister. With their parents being close friends, it felt like they grew up together. Alex was there in the lingerie store when Yulia bought her first bra and she taught her how to put it on. She was also the first person that Yulia ran to when she wanted to talk about a boy she had a crush on. They played video games together, rode bikes together, and later when Alex got her driver’s license, they drove around places and got drunk together. (Luckily, she was never caught giving her sister alcohol.) 

They were a few years apart in age, and they fought and argued a lot because of it, but Alex loved the bun, she always wanted to have a little sister and Yulia was the closest thing to that for her. 

Yulia had turned 18 a few months ago and was now preparing to go to college. It was going to be her first time away from home and staying in a dorm. It was both exciting and scary for the bun. 

Alex, being 24, had already graduated with her bachelor’s degree and had begun studying towards her master’s abroad. She was coming back home to help Yulia move into her dorm. It had been a couple years since she saw the bun, and she wasn’t going to miss sending her off to college, not for the world. 

Alex asked Yulia’s parents if she could drive Yulia to her dorm out of state and when they agreed, she asked them to keep her return to town to as a surprise. 

It was the morning of the day Yulia was supposed to leave for her dorm, her parents had taken her with them on a small farewell trip to spend some more time with their daughter before she started school. As they pulled up in the driveway, Yulia spotted a car she didn’t quite recognize parked in the neighbor’s driveway. 

She squinted her eyes a little and stared at the car suspiciously. As Yulia’s dad put the car in park, Yulia turned from the window to look his way, “Whose car is that?” 

Yulia’s dad took off his seatbelt and turned his head to look out the driver’s side window. He paused for a bit, shrugged his shoulders and went to open his door. “Neighbors probably bought a new car,” he pushed the door open and got out of the car, Yulia’s mom and Yulia doing the same just shortly after. 

As Yulia hopped out of the car, her eyes were fixed to the dark blue Tesla. She eyed it for a few more seconds as she blindly reached her hand for the door and pushed it shut. She squinted her eyes at the car some more but ended up shrugging her shoulders and following her parents to the front door of their house. 

Mom had the keys to the house and fumbled around with them for a bit before she finally got the right one out of her bottomless pit of a purse and unlocked the door and got them all inside. 

Once inside, they all went about their business, taking their bags in the house and unpacking from the two-day trip. Yulia quickly hopped her way upstairs to her bedroom. She tossed her bag down on the bed and tossed herself down onto it right after. She kicked her feet up, her shoes off and laid there, staring at the ceiling. 

“I can’t believe I’m going to college,” she sighed, crossing her stocking-clad legs over each other as she stared blankly at the ceiling of the bedroom that she had spent her last eighteen years in. 

As Yulia spent a few moments staring at the ceiling of her room, Alex walked up the hallway that lead to Yulia’s room. Spotting the door to Yulia’s room open, she tip-toed her way towards the door and gently pushed it open enough to allow her to stand and lean on the doorframe. She watched and listened to the bun talk to herself for a bit before she made herself known, “I know right? Last I remember, you weren’t old enough to drive, and now you are... Funny how time flies, isn’t it?” Alex smirked and crossed her arms over her chest, she was wearing a red sweater and some jean shorts and some combat boots. 

Yulia was slightly spooked by Alex, jumping slightly on the bed and almost letting out a scream. “Jesus Christ, Alex!” She shouted as she pushed herself up from the bed and laid leaning on her elbows. “How did you get here? I thought you were in Sweden?” 

“Well, I had a short break and I heard that you were going to college soon, so I flew back over here.” 

Yulia smiled at Alex and raised a brow, “You flew ten hours just to come and see me? I’m leaving today.” 

Alex chuckled and nodded, “Oh I know. Who do you think is taking you?” 

Yulia squinted at Alex at first, processing what the tigress just said. She then nodded slowly as she finally put all the pieces together. That car out front in her neighbor’s driveway was Alex’s car. Alex was going to drive her! 

“You came all the way from Sweden, here to drive me?” Yulia shook her head. 

“Mhmm!” Alex cheerfully replied. “So, are you gonna come and hug me or what?” Alex untucked her arms from each other and opened them up in an embrace-ready gesture.

Yulia’s smile grew wide, she pushed herself off the bed and flew into Alex’s open arms, almost knocking Alex backward. Yulia’s arms wrapped tight around Alex and Alex’s wrapped hers tightly around Yulia, picking her up a little bit even to give her a loving kiss on the top of her head, right between those big ears. 

Alex purred and her tail curled around both Yulia and herself. They hugged there in the doorway for a while. 

“I missed you,” said Alex. 

“I missed you too,” Yulia replied with a voice muffled by Alex’s red sweater she had her face buried into. 

Alex gently pulled away from the hug, initially struggling to due to how hard Yulia was latched onto her. She compromised and let Yulia continue hugging and just pulled her head back a little before she spoke, “C’mon, let's get your stuff packed, your mom says you want to leave this afternoon, yeah?” 

Yulia didn’t respond right away, but some sniffles came from her. 

Alex’s brow furrowed and she pressed her muzzle down into Yulia’s head again. “Aww, don’t cry. You’ll make me cry.” Alex got teary-eyed and smooched the top of her head again, purring louder. 

Yulia rubbed her face against Alex’s sweater and wiped her tears on it. She pulled away from Alex a little and broke the hug after that. “Can you help me pack, too?” Yulia looked up at her taller tigress friend. 

“Yes, of course.” Alex smiled, patting the bun on the head and walking with her towards her closet and big luggage bags Yulia had laid out in preparation for leaving. 

A few hours later, Alex and Yulia were done packing, and Yulia was in the bathroom getting ready to shower. Alex, on the other hand, was zipping up Yulia’s bags. She had a bit of trouble trying to zip one of them up since it was packed to its capacity limit. She had to sit on it to press it down and get the zipper to move around and close it up. 

“C’mon… Just a little…..! More!” Alex grunted as she pulled the zipper to a close. She let out a heavy sigh and wiped her brow with the back of her hand. She was sweating a little with that red sweater on and she was quick to pull it off and toss it over Yulia’s desk chair. This left Alex in her jean shorts and pink bra. She sighed again and walked towards the door of Yulia’s bathroom. 

“Yulia? Do you mind if I take a shower after you before we leave? It’s a long drive and I don’t want to feel sticky and gross.” Alex didn’t hear any water running in the bathroom, so she waited to hear Yulia’s reply. 

“Sure! It’s a long drive, I was going to ask if you wanted to shower,” replied the bun from the bathroom. She was standing in front of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. Yulia stripped herself of her clothes, leaving them scattered on the bathroom floor. She took off everything except her stockings. She continued to look at herself in the mirror, turning and posing a little here and there and smiling at herself. 

Alex used her hand to fan herself and spaced around Yulia’s bedroom a bit. Yulia a big room considering she wasn’t all that big. She even had a couch in one corner. That couch pulled out to make a bed, Alex spent a lot of nights sleeping in that when they used to have sleepovers. The tigress smiled when she saw the couch and walked up towards it. She crouched down in front of it and sat on the floor with her back leaned against it.

“I feel old.” She mumbled to herself and chuckled. 

Alex kicked off her shoes and waited for Yulia to be done in the bathroom. Right after she kicked her boots off, the door to the bathroom swung open. Alex’s ears flickered and perked up to the sound it made and she looked up from her feet to the door. 

Yulia stepped out from the bathroom door in nothing but her stockings. The bun had her tits, ass, and pussy out for all, well, for Alex to see. 

Alex blinked, she noticed that Yulia’s fur and hair weren’t wet. Confused, she asked, “Are you not going to shower?” 

Yulia smiled and shook her head, “Nah, not yet. I thought we could catch up a little first. You know, last time we saw each other was when you went to college four years ago. I think we have a lot to catch up on.”

Seeing the bun nude wasn’t really anything new, when they were younger, they got naked all the time just for shits and giggles. Alex hasn’t seen Yulia nude since she turned 18 though, as she kind of grew out of that whole playful nakedness phase. 

Alex shrugged her shoulders. “Sure! What do you want to chat about?” 

Yulia stepped towards Alex and the couch she was leaned up against, taking short and small steps, hopping along as bunnies did. 

“And why do you have to be naked?” Alex raised a brow, her green hues following the naked bun as she got closer and closer. 

Yulia giggled. “Just like when we were kids, talking about boys at sleepovers, naked.” The bunny almost purred her words. “C’mon, let’s do this before I go off to college, because who knows when I’ll ever see you again. Please, please, please?” Yulia hopped up and down each time she begged. Her breasts bouncing up and down with her and Alex’s eyes following them up and down without shame. 

Alex chuckled and rolled her eyes, “Fine, fine, fine. Let’s do it.” Alex let out a soft sigh as she pulled her back from leaning on the couch and unhooked her bra, letting that pink bra of hers fall into her lap. She grabbed it and laid it over the armrest beside her before she went down to undo her jean shorts. 

One button after another, the tigress undid her shorts. Yulia watched her, and when Alex kicked the shorts away, Yulia helped kick them even further away to the opposite side of the room. 

Yulia’s eyes went for Alex’s chest as the tiger shimmied her way out of her pink panties. 

“Here, let me help,” said Yulia, getting down on her knees and grabbing the waistband of Alex’s panties as they slipped down to her thighs. With Yulia’s help, Alex was now fully nude. Her breasts were at least two sizes or so bigger than Yulia’s, and her pussy was just a tad pinker, and of course, bigger, she was a bigger species after all. 

With Alex’s panties in her hands, Yulia tossed them aside onto the couch. She then crawled on her knees forward a bit so that she straddled Alex’s hips, both her legs at each of Alex’s sides, locking the tigress in underneath her. 

Alex blinked some more, but then smiled up at the bun as she scooted into her some more, their bodies just inches apart, breasts almost squishing together. 

Alex could feel Yulia’s body heat radiating off her, especially from between her legs. Alex’s hands laid awkwardly at her side as she watched the bun scoot in more and more until she finally stopped. Their crotches aligned, and their bodies strangely close together for a simple “chat”. Yulia’s hands went to hold onto the cushions of the couch Alex continued to lean against for support. 

Clearing her throat as she looked up at Yulia, Alex spoke, “This is uh… An interesting way to catch up.” Alex chuckled as a smile spread wide across her face. Her big fangs stuck out from her lips a little more than usual. Yulia’s cheeks flushed pink, and so did Alex’s.

Yulia cleared her throat and struggled a bit to speak through a small giggle she couldn’t seem to stop. 

“Well, haah… I thought we’d switch it up a little bit and talk about girls instead of boys.” Yulia smiled down at the tiger. 

Almost instinctively, Alex’s hands went to grope Yulia’s chest, one hand per boob.

“Okay, I’m down to talk about girls, I like girls.” Alex chuckled, “But the question is, how did you know I like girls?” 


Art by Yana-R 

Yulia is by BakedBunny 



Miles (Cryx)

When do I get to join in?