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Alex stepped into the gymnastics studio with a bit of skip in her step. She was having a good day; she wasn’t feeling dead tired, her hair was looking good, and her gymnastics outfit of choice was in her eyes, the cutest thing she had ever slipped herself into. 

Red was definitely Alex’s color, but who knew that a soft custard yellow would look nice on her too? 

Alex wasn’t exactly known for putting on pants very often; however, due to complaints lodged against her from other gymnasts, (most of them male) Alex was forced to put on pants as to not indirectly cause any more injuries within the studio/gym. It was either put some pants or lose access to the studio and all of its magnificent amenities that were hard to come by anywhere else. 

Pants weren’t a problem for Alex anyway, she could pull them off (or on, in this case) effortlessly. 

Pushing through the glass doors of the gymnastics studio, Alex whistled a tune, only stopping her whistling to greet the receptionist out front. 

“Good morning!” Alex smiled towards the reception desk, the receptionist behind the desk smiled back at Alex and nodded. 

“Good morning, Alex! Early session today?” 

“Yup! Can I use the big mirrored room?” Alex padded her way towards the desk, putting her hands over the cold surface of the large desk and tapping her claws against the faux-marble. 


The receptionist tapped a few keys on her keyboard and glanced at her computer screen before looking back at Alex. “Yep! It’s available, I’ll put your name in it for the morning.” 

“Awesome,” Alex chirped, smiling even wider at the receptionist. “Thanks a lot!” And with that, Alex tapped her claws on the surface of the reception desk a few more times before she pushed herself away from it and made her way down the hall to the left where the aforementioned “big mirrored room” was. 

Bag slung over one shoulder and a bottle filled to the top with ice cold water in the other, Alex stopped when she reached the door that was clearly marked with “big mirrored room”, looks like she didn’t just make the wording up. 

She did a nice turn on her heels and pressed her back up against the door to open it and let herself inside. 

Once inside, Alex made her way to one side of the room. The room was huge, way too big for Alex, but she liked big rooms, it meant there was a lot more room for her to move around. 

She set her bags down by one side of the room and then made her way over to the opposite side where the giant mirror wall and handle bars were. 

Looking at herself in the mirror, Alex let out a heavy sigh and curled her fingers around the cold metal bar. 

Behind her, three pink tentacles slithered out from one of the vents, the slimy creature squeezing through the small gaps and dropping to the floor with a noticeably audible thud. 


Alex’s ears flickered and she looked at the mirror. She spotted the pink tentacle creature, but she wasn’t sure what it was. Before she could do anything, however; the pink tentacle creature jolted forward towards Alex and quickly wrapped out of its cold tentacles around Alex’s leg, curing up her entire leg and sliding its way over to the hem of those pants she was wearing. 

The tentacle thing was strong, with one swift pull it was able to get Alex’s foot off the ground. Alex gripped the bar on the wall tight and let out a scream as the tentacle slid its way towards her more and more and slid its way under the waistband of her pants to tug it down. 

The one day she wears pants!


Art by Reaper3d 



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