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“Twenty-one,” Alex huffed, as she curled her arm up, lifting the dumbbell up to the height of her shoulder. After she lifted the dumbbell up, she then slowly lowered it down before lifting it back up again. 

The tigress had decided that it was gym day, and after her running workout, she wanted to work on her concentration curls for a little bit. She wore a navy-blue sports bra and nothing else below the waist, she lived in the bottomless district, so it made sense for her to go to a local gym not too far from her place. 

It definitely wasn’t the best gym out there, but it also wasn’t unreasonably priced, plus there was a certain advantage that other gyms (especially ones outside the district) did not provide. 

More eye candy. 

Alex wasn’t going to complain about seeing some guy’s big balls glisten in sweat as he lifted weights, or another dudes dick flopping around as he ran the treadmill.

“Twenty-two,” Sweat started to run off the tigress’ forehead, down through her eyebrow, around her eye and down her cheek. She huffed again. 

“Twenty-three,” Sweat started to build up along Alex’s shoulder, running down her arm.

“Twenty-four,” the weights made a small metallic ‘clink’ noise with each lift of her dumbbells.


“T-Twenty-five,” With her single-side goal reached, Alex lowered her right arm, and rested it over her thigh. Sitting on the bench helped a lot, had she been standing, she would have had to set the unused dumbbell on the floor. 

She started on her left arm, lifting the dumbbell up and down, only lightly and softly huffing and puffing as her arms lifted the dumbbell up and down slowly. 

“Twenty-one,” More sweat started to run down from Alex’s forehead down to her face. 

“Twenty-two,” Beads of sweat dripped from her chin and landed in her chest tuft that poked out from her dark blue sports bra that clung rather tightly to her bust. She exhaled and inhaled slowly, keeping her breathing calm and steady.

“Twenty-three,” She lifted and lowered. 

“Twenty-four,” Alex’s gaze were on the dumbbell she was lifting and lowering, following them as they rose and fell. 

“T-Twenty-five,” and she was done with her curls, as she was about to lower the dumbbell, she heard someone taking steps towards her. Her ears flickered in the direction where the footsteps were coming from and she turned to face in that direction. With her face and body covered in sweat, she definitely wasn’t looking the friendliest, the stern look on her face coming from how tensed up she was holding that dumbbell up. 

“What are you looking at?” She asked grumpily before finally lowering that dumbbell and setting both of them down on the ground by the bench. 


Art by HoltzWorks 



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