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Contents: nsfw, w/w, pregnancy, stuffing, sex, demons

Thank you all for your positive feedback for Glas/Roses writings! We will definitely try to make more things together in the future. In the meantime have an old story of her, with an old picture by me. We did this around 3 years ago!

But be warned! This one is way more saucy than the last story. So if curse words and explicit content isn't your thing, wait for more innocent stories!


“That’s good. Eat another one,” Gluttony said, lightly stroking the stretched skin of Lust’s belly, filled with the brood of her sins and now almost two dozen of human pastries, too. Delicious, cream-filled, tasty pastries.

Lust smiled one of her breathtaking, seductive and somewhat triumphant smiles and eagerly took a bite of the new, filled tarte Gluttony offered her, her breaths becoming quick and shallow as she was filled to her limit. While chewing the human food, she, too, stroked her imposing, almost dangerously swollen stomach, too, as if sensing the continous growth was a direct turn on for her.

Which it most likely is, Gluttony thought with a smile.

She knew that Lust was able to climax from of a wide array of things: because of Wrath, when she was offered herself to her as a toy she could sadistically use how Wrath wanted, because of Pride, when he got himself a blowjob of one of his gorgeously apparelled androgynous slaves while wearing a dress made to fit goddesses and watching himself in the mirror, but also because of sadistic feelings, like with Greed, when she was sitting all alone on her mountain of hoarded stuff, having repelled everyone else in her life.

Lust is an odd one, the strangest demon of all seven of us, Gluttony thought. She was like the friend who really truly accepted and appreciated how you really are, even the parts you weren’t proud of. She was the only demon who everyone was at least somewhat ok with. Gluttony couldn’t think of anyone who truly hated Lust.

Gluttony could feel Lust’s other hand reaching for her soft, fat belly, and couldn’t resist a warm smile.

Yes, Lust was liked by everyone. Especially Gluttony.

“I fucking love your body.”, Lust pushed out between her shallow breaths, “I love how soft and big you got, you cute bastard. Suits you well. Especially your fucking cute little face.”

Gluttony chuckled happily and blushed.

“Same goes for you, dear,” she responded, now stroking Lust’s belly with the palm of her hand. It was hard and taut, like there really wasn’t any free space left, and her sweaty, red skin was reflecting the dim light of the candles around them perfectly, almost inorganically.  â€œYou were only third the size yesterday, and I feel like you were half the size only an hour ago.”

Lust laughed lewdly and massaged her belly even stronger, from the top, right down to the bottom between her legs. Gluttony panted while watching her.

“Yes, you might be right.”, she agreed, “You know, my little half demon Incubi bastards already grow quickly, but I feel that every time I'm a victim of one of your feasts, they grow even quicker. They probably hold some sort of love-hate relationship with your stuffing sessions. On one hand, they get a huge boost of nutrients and energy to grow; on the other, it gets so fucking tight in there that they aren’t even able to move anymore. I can feel their rage. Or at least I could until some minutes ago, when they were still able to move. Those motherfuckers were kicking like crazy.”

Gluttony swallowed hard when she saw Lust’s hand reaching back up again, her fingers leaving a wet trail. Her lover was so wet, even the air around them seemed to be more humid. She could smell Lust’s juices. A scent she loved almost as much as real food — and something she liked to taste even more, sometimes.

She couldn’t resist. In front of the sofa she got on her knees and kissed Lust’s bare, dripping lips down there. She tasted simultaneously like heaven and hell.

Lust moaned hungrily and because of the tone of her voice Gluttony thought she might be smiling.

“Aaahhh, fuck yes. Eat up, girl. I love cumming in your mouth.”

“Keep talking”, Gluttony mumbled, licking and gulping down Lust’s overflowing juices. Her words turned her on, too.

The other demon laughed, happy to oblige. She now was stroking her belly with both hands.

“I fucking love visiting you, G. You always give me enough masturbation material for weeks. I love thinking about your cute, fat body when I touch myself — about how much you’re able to enjoy things more than everyone else. Most of all my dripping pussy. I love how you feed me, and how much it turns you on to feed me. The spark in your eyes when you shove down food into my mouth, when you hear my belly and its inhabitants rumbling in protest, when you hear me moan because I’m so full — fuck, that*s so hot. You look so adorable and innocent, but you can be one hell of a determined bitch when it comes to that. That makes me — ah 
 nh — fuck yes, eat up!”

As if Gluttony weren’t already turned on enough by all the things Lust had said, the thing that happened next almost robbed all of her senses. Lust was coming — and she was cumming hard. Not only did her body tense up in a huge orgasm, but she ejaculated a lot, too. And Gluttony wasn’t planning on letting even a single drop go to waste.

She gulped.
And swallowed.
And licked.
And sucked.

She could feel the hot demoness ejaculate run down her throat into her stomach. Her lover’s juice, directly from the source.

Lust laughed loudly while she came, her soaked body trembling. Only after what must’ve been minutes did she start to calm down.

Gluttony slowly emerged from beneath.

“Fuck, you bitch, that was gods work. Nobody sucks like you do.”

“Because you’re my favorite treat, love,” Gluttony answered breathlessly, looking down at the hot, sweaty mess the demoness had become. Her belly was engorged like she was overdue, her face even more red than usual, her sharp, white teeth flashing between her lustful smiles, her bare, swollen breasts 
 oh dear

“What is it?” Lust asked following Gluttony’s gaze.

Lust’s breasts, raising and lowering with every breath, were leaking. A lot. Thick, white milk was dripping from her nipples, sparkling in the light of the candles.

“You want to drink, so—” Lust began, but Gluttony already was all over her, her soft body pressing tightly onto Lust’s firm one, her lips on the demoness nipples, gulping loudly.

“Mmmmh — fuck. Yes. Drink, my little hungry bitch. Fill yourself up with my juices.”

And Gluttony planned to do exactly that; To drink till there was nothing left.


Story written by my partner RoseFatale. We hope you enjoyed!


Tired Pro

My goodness, that was an excellent read... The attention to certain details (like kicking/movement, oof) is very much noticed and appreciated, Rose!


I remember this one! A fantastic read!