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Good evening!

Sorry for format and errors. Posting from phone and it types slow without marking errors.

I’m not dead yet. The amount of people who were reaching out to me to give their well wishes have been overwhelming and incredibly humbling. At the same time I’ve had a lot of “please don’t die, get the surgery” etc and while I try to make a habit of keeping personal life stuff offline I realize in this case it’s making people needlessly worry. So I’m going to go over what’s happening medically in more detail.

I have a very high pain tolerance. It’s great for something like a small cut, stubbing a toe, tripping, etc. Problems come in when something more serious happens because it can take me a while to realize something is seriously wrong. The first few days of spinal disc dislodging I thought were a pulled muscle, and when I got it checked out at a clinic they came to the same conclusion. It turned out that something got mixed up and they brought me back (free of charge) a bit later and an X-Ray showed that my spine was warping on the bottom but not compensating on the top, which was a sign of a very bad pulled muscle. In fact they were so tight that it appeared it could be damaging my spine so they prescribed a steroid pack and muscle relaxants to take over 10 days. I also had some minor stretches to do, and was sometimes going to a hot tub pool to try and relax them more. Here’s why that was horrible.

When the steroids wore off the pain wasn’t better, in fact it might’ve been feeling worse. I called the original clinic to find out I hadn’t seen a doctor at all, but in fact a physician’s assistant who didn’t put that fact forward and explained the fuckup. I should’ve had an MRI, an X-Ray wouldn’t cover all the bases. I was floored since I’ve never had a medical experience that was handled so poorly so said fuck it and decided to go to a local highly rated chiropractor before committing to anything with regular hospitals. I usually associate chiropractor with scam so I was hesitant but it was incredibly enlightening.

After assessment he told me that I definitely had a herniated disc. To put it simply imagine a sandwich filled with jelly, and when you press down on it the jelly starts spewing out. That’s basically the result in my back of things being out of place, a bone sandwich with jelly spinal fluid. My muscles weren’t crushing my spine for shits and giggles, it was trying to stop more fluid from leaking and heal the damage. The relaxants had been making it worse. It’s something that’ll take months to recover fully, and he mentioned that surgery was also an option, though an unrecommended one at this stage. Here’s why that’s a bad idea.

Despite what some people were messaging about concerned about the Patreon pause it’s not money. I have a catastrophic plan for health insurance and I always have a fund that covers the maximum out of pocket so I can’t be fucked over by a medical condition. Surgery would be covered by it and I wouldn’t go bankrupt. However, the recovery time from surgery would be much longer and also has a high chance of something going wrong to make the condition worse, cause paralysis, or losing bowel control and becoming a professional Smash tournament fighter. So I’m not avoiding surgery for money. Physical therapy hurts but I can still move, and it won’t bite me back as hard when I’m older. If it’s 2 months later and nothing is better I’d do it, but I have been improving it’s just slow. A lot of hills and valleys with more to come.

Like the hit game Pathologic 2 my immunity was lowered by taking anti inflammatory steroids. Turns out that the hot tub caused an ear infection (opposite ear of the same time last year) which then spread to both ears. I’ve taken antibiotics and the pain is gone and it’s on the way out but it’s still hard to hear because the fluid isn’t drained from the middle ear yet. That’s preferable to the few days of absolute agony where I couldn’t sleep because either my ears were murdering me or my spine was so I couldn’t sleep. I honestly feel horrible I’m so late on the video because , spoiler, I adored Pathologic 2 and I hope it does so well.

So that’s why the video is still late. I can sit up better but I can’t edit audio because my hearing isn’t all there yet and I’m generally disoriented. I haven’t been playing anything on PC the past month for fun or videos so I’m also going to be behind on the Elite video as well. There’ll be another adventure game stream soon (from the cursed couch) but I have no clue when I can get back to work on videos properly since my editing has been a crawl and I can only do some writing planning right now with bath hearing ears. I haven’t been able to work on them or irl contract work so really it’s something to do besides rotting.

If my ears aren’t drained by the last day of July I’ll be pausing the Patreon again. Thank you again for all your support in what’s been a really trying time. Truly. It’s meant the world.

Also Fire Warrior is on GOG this is my legacy



Mandy plz dont die or become paralyzed because then I'll have to call you wheels, I've been living under your house for months and I cant eat out of your garbage if you die.


I hope you start feeling better my dude. It sounds like your recovery is coming along so I wish that it comes along fast


Feel better soon mandy and please don't become a professional smash player.


Appreciate the communication but don't feel like you owe anyone an explanation for your health. Good luck with the recovery and looking forward to more videos no matter the time between them.


Sorry, I think I had something in my ears. I missed the first part, so do ya mind going over it again? Jokes aside, I genuinely wish you the best, and hope you're able to recover soon. Your health is more important to me than your videos, so don't worry about the delay. It'll no doubt be as good as every video I've seen from you, so I personally don't mind the wait.


That sucks man get well soon.


Keep Healthy Whole and Hale! I'll still be here when you're back up and running!


Hey man, no worries. Your health is obviously absolutely of more importance than making some videos.


My heart aches for you, Mando Calrissian. Hope PT treats you well. I feel like that's the right way to go too, surgery can be a scary thing with the potential downsides. Unpause the Patreon whenever, we'll still be here my dude.


Get well soon, Mandy

Lars Schäfer

Hey, you can have your Patreon next month, being ill is not your fault, so no reason to say I don't deserve the money!


Get well! We will wait for your recovery!


The main thing i got out of this is you have a right eat, a left ear, and a middle ear. Get well, man 👍 take all the time you need


You have 2 middle ears. Nasty shit when it hurts, btw.


Really glad to know this is not deadly serious. Wish you the best Lord, and please take your time in getting better, don't push yourself.


Dont go to limbo mandy, get well soon!

Paul Jaeger

Keep the patron up, it is full of people that like you and what you do enough to pledge money, so why would we stop when you through some hard times. Get well man!


>Fire Warrior is on GOG I will play through it while we await your recovery. Keep the Patreon up so we can support you - we can't give you high fives or whatever through the internet so chipping you some dosh means a lot to us. We want to support you. I hope everything turns out okay for you. Best of luck.


Get well soon man. Focus on getting better you can't produce good content when you don't feel at your best. No need to unpause Patreon my guy, happy to help out 😁👌


all that and a heatwave, I don't know if you should apply for one of those discovery channel 'I shouldn't be alive' documentaries but I think you might qualify by now


Priorty number one should always be your own health and with the high quality of your content none of us mind waiting.


I've been having very similiar issues for a few years now so I get the slow crawl of trying to get these kind of issues better through physical therapie. Its something that kinda keeps coming back if I dont have a more healthy workout life so I feel ya man. I wish you good luck and I hope that through effort you will soon feel normal again.


Geeze, that's rough. Get well soon!


That sucks, wish you the best.


I actually feel bad about wondering when the next video was coming out now that I know. Hope the physical therapy goes well, my family members that have gone through it have turned out for the better.


It's quiet