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Sorry for the rough formatting this has as I’m posting it from my phone. Long story short I got my spine injured so I’m stuck in bed for a few days. This means the video is going to be a few days behind since it’s not finished, but since I’m going to be pausing the Patreon I’m going to need to do the giveaway before the video is out in case the page is paused before, that way I can still send out the code.

To enter the contest just leave a comment on this post about why you’re actually wanting to play Pathologic 2 since, you know, the first game was torturous. I’ll pick out a winner and message them to see whether they want a Steam or GOG copy.

Thanks for all your support! Video (hopefully) soon!



I have a friend who I got the first game for and I feel the urge to torture him further.


I’m Russian and I love surreal experiences created by my lovely insane countrymen, and since this is a remake that’s not as torturous, figured it’d be the better bet. Hope you feel better soon man.


Hope you feel better soon, Mandalore! I'm wanting to play Pathologic 2 since, yeah the first game was torturous but I liked it enough to want to see more. There was a certain charm despite how terrible it was to play, maybe in spite of it.


Also, like, get better soon.


Hope you feel better. Spine stuff is no joke. I love weird and unique games. Janky games that are rough around the edges but have value regardless. Weird games are more interesting than safe AAA titles.


I'd heard of Pathologic years ago but was never very interested. Your video changed that. Pathologic 2 looks like a fantastic continuation of that.


I wanna play it cause I want to experience a Pathologic game but the first one looks too painful.


I wish to torture myself and properly create my first good youtube video using the footage of what is basically me submitting myself to a breach of the Geneva convention playing this game


I like video games and I like mandalore. I want free games. Feed me. Get better soon, buddy! Hope it’s nothing serious.


Because I didn't really like getting bludgeoned over the head with obtuse game design, this looks more like a traditional head bludgeoning.


I don't want a copy of Pathologic 2 (already own it), I just wanted to say get well soon.


I didn't play the first one, and starting from 2 seems like the only logical choice. Hope you feel better soon.


Please Mandalore don't pause Patreon, i see no reason for you to do so. Good content takes time. And i'll be fine if you take your time to provide me with fun content.


Because weird Eastern European games are my jam


I wanna try Pathologic 2 mostly because I bounced off the original before it could sink its hooks and it seems to be a gaming experience that unlike some games, even watching a video doesn't do full justice compared to actually playing it.


Hope you get well soon Mandalore, must be a pain in the ass not being able to move properly. Just remember you have tons of experience walking veeery slowly.


I need another game for my steam library so I can get one more point of anxiety about not beating games.


The world and story were excellent in the first game, and if they fixed the gameplay this could be a 10/10 for me.


Im not really eager to play that one.


Holy shit dude that sucks Hope youre alright! Get well soon!


Mor and then Utopia! Oh, and get well soon!

Paul Jaeger

Life has been to easy going for the last few weeks, so pathologic 2 would help to balance things out again. Hope you get well dawg *-*


Hey Mandalore sorry to hear you injured yourself, hope you get better soon! I'm not actually interested in the give-away just wanted to let you know you should take it easy and not worry about being delayed.


I'd like to play Pathologic 2 because I really want to experience the life of a Russian Child without actually having to deal with as many psychic Anomalies.


Heya Mandalore; the reason I want to play Pathologic has little to do with the game itself (although I do like psychedelic experiences in games). My main reason is that I've had a very good track record with Eastern-european games. Looking forward to the eventual review!


Hello Mandalore! I'm a bit late commenting here, hoping that you're feeling a lot better now. I'd heard about Pathologic intermittently over the past few years (mostly regarding its unique setting. Oh god no one mentioned the gameplay) and after watching your review I decided to finally leap in. Me and a friend spent two weeks blasting through the three characters, and wow what a ride it was. The world of Pathologic is definitely intriguing; I won't be forgetting about the town for a long while. I didn't actually remember Pathologic 2 was a thing until I saw its trailer at E3 earlier this month. I think in both the stream and your Discord it was only me and another guy going "Pathologic 2!" haha. I'd rave on and on about all the cool details and improvements but this is already wordy enough. I hope whoever receives this copy (and Mandalore, if he decides to play it) have a blast with Pathologic 2, or at least as much of a blast as you can have in a dreary, desolate, dying Russian town. Can't wait to hear your take on it if you decide to give it a review Mandalore, and again, here's hoping you're out of bed soon :)

Daniel Hägglöf

That sucks, hope you get well soon. Don't stress yourself out about the channel, take a few days off maybe. I'm sure the fans won't mind ;)


Take your time. Get better. Don't push yourself too much. Most of us aren't going anywhere.


Rebellious bone snakes strike again. Skelly war gonna be in full swing before we know it.