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This will be a brief one!

Alpha Centauri video is out, though it was a day behind the upload I wanted due to technical difficulties on YouTube's end, and I'm currently recording for Pathologic 2. The game has a patch coming out in two-three weeks that fixes up some bugs and adds difficulty settings (seriously) so while I'll do most of the recording now I'll be waiting until that's out to actually upload the video. That's in case they fix some stuff up like performance issues or the bad bugs (which I haven't encountered yet) plus I'm also curious to at least look at the difficulty setting since Ice Pick Lodge seems to be adding them begrudgingly. They've gone as far as to say "we hope you don't use them", but there will undoubtedly be some people out there who want to make trash can salvaging less of a hellish experience. So far I'm, seriously, actually enjoying it a lot more compared to 1 and have found the playthrough a lot more engaging and less static. They've definitely ironed out a lot of the issues I had with 1, and made the pointlessly obtuse things like the UI, letter/quest system, and even learning how to play simple rather than being so convoluted to learn like before.

Make no mistake. It's still Pathologic, and things get difficult. This time around it's more for the right reasons.

When this is done, I'll be fully into Elite Dangerous. There may also be some minor restructuring to the Patreon tiers, but don't worry nothing is actually going up in price or anything like that. I'm still thinking of how to proceed on that front and I'll have more brain to use when Pathologic 2 is done with. 

As always thanks for the support! I'll have more to report on next week.



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