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My doom is coming.

For those of you unaware, my new location is directly in the path of Hurricane Florence which has been labelled as a Category 4 at the time of this post. Think "very bad news" for those at the coast. While I'm not living directly on the coast, I'm close enough to the sea that things are going to be somewhat destructive, and when the bank and insurance providers start emailing financial aid offers and "preparing for claims" that's when you know trouble is afoot. The city has already notified me that they're expecting power outages and flooding since the utilities are woefully under-equipped for these kinds of conditions since the last time a hurricane of any kind made landfall near here was Hurricane Hugo in 1989. It also happened to be a Cat 4, and while it obliterated a lot on the coast it caused damage here that took over a year to completely sort out. Florence seems to be on an even more direct path this time around, so I'm not entirely sure what to expect since it hasn't made landfall yet and I'm a bit outside of the mandatory evacuation zones. Nonetheless, I'm prepared with bottled water, canned food, the Italian security stick, and everything else I'll be needing if shit really hits the fan. The relevant issue here is that there's a strong chance I might not have internet, power, or cell service until early next week. While the extra time I now have means I still could get the video done on time, I could end up missing the usual time I collect the Patreon credit questions for the video due to no utilities, so you can post those in the comments below.

I'm still hoping that the Arx Fatalis video will be up next Friday, but if I end up having no power or internet there's not a lot I can do. If it looks like it's going to be a "hurricane disaster" situation and I won't be able to work on the video for a prolonged period of time, I'll be disabling Patreon payments until I'm able to work again. I haven't uploaded in long enough already, and the hurricane is even more inconvenient to me than it should already be. As excited as I am to be back on the video train, it's completely out of my hands if I'm physically incapable of recording, editing, or uploading anything. If I'm lucky only the internet will be knocked out longer so at the very least I could still work on putting it together, and travel somewhere to upload it or just wait until services are restored. It could also just end up being a lot of rain, wind, and flooding and there'll be no delay at all. I won't know for sure until it makes landfall, but if I suddenly go silent you'll know what's happening. 

Thanks for all you do! I'll work to be okay, and I'll try to get some footage of the storm if something cool happens outside. 



Be safe dude!


Try not to RIP.


Best of luck to you dude, stay safe.


I am also right in the path of the great beast. God speed Mandalore, see you on the other side.


Stay safe!


I'm sure you'll be fine, take care of yourself first mate :)


Remember, your personal safety comes first. Take your time and be thorough about your disaster preparations. Good luck man.


Please stay safe


whats an "italian security stick"


If your belongings are covered by insurance, be sure to take photos of them for the record. Also if you have a dishwasher, empty it out and store important stuff in there to keep them dry in the dishwasher's water-tight insides. Good luck to you my dude.


Stay safe man, I'm in NC and am looking forward to seeing this thing pass!


Goodluck Manda!


Try your best to prevent flood damage then get the hell out of town and stay with friends or family until power is back.


Shoddy luck and bad timing will come for us all. Just do what needs to be done to stay safe and alive.


Mandy please post an update as soon as it passes I know you didn't die


Holy crap, dude Stay safe! Let me know if there's anything I can do


Stay safe out there!


Stay safe, man! Hope it doesn't get bad enough for you to get evacuated, but if it comes to that, just run. Stuff can be replaced, but there is only one king of Limbo! <3


That’s some bad luck


Don't get you self killed man


Be safe Mandalore!


Just look out for yourself dont care if you didnt upload for a long time as long as you are in good health and safe !