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Typically these posts will be on the Friday/Saturday after I upload a video, but I have to kind of ignite the engine for those first. So this will be an earlier than usual post for those.

I've beaten NecroVisioN and the Lost Company standalone prequel along with most of the challenge maps. Several who told me about NecroVisioN were really hyping up Lost Company, and while it's a lot better balanced it has its own special issues that I'll be going into soon. The video is a good way into editing and is on track for the usual Friday release. The only thing that'll be new to take up time from the usual process is making the format for the credits at the end. Once that part is done it'll be very simple to do in future videos once I have an easy template made, and the task of making it at all shouldn't be too hard. 

This part is more important for future people reading this, but I'll put it here anyways. Credits for videos will be on a "per month" basis. So if someone starts backing for the credit tier in June, due to the way the website is setup for processing I won't be putting them in until July. So if you're a Benefactor 2 reading this and it's still May, your name will be in the upcoming video. I'll be exporting a file of all the current people at that tier at the beginning of the month, and then I'll do the same at the beginning of every month afterwards. This is to prevent a constant shuffle around of names, plus it represents accurately who helped finance the video. After all, if someone backs mid-June for credits I'm not actually going to get paid by them until July and they could always back out before then.

Second, I'll have a mini Q&A during the credits of videos from now on since it seems to be the best option at the moment. This will make all the credits from now on between a minute to a minute and a half and will serve to replace update videos entirely unless something drastic happens. If you have a question you'd like to see answered in the ending, just leave it on this or any future video progress post that has a "video faq" tag on it. To avoid repeat questions, if someone has the same one just click the like button on it in the comments. This will make it a lot more manageable if it's under one post, so I can scroll through it easily without needing to dig through the community tab. The ones I use won't be only the top voted ones, but it's a good way for me to gauge what would be an interesting one to have. Keep in mind it would be ideal to have something general viewers might also be interested in, so technical questions about why "X-Ray 1.6 has Stopped Working" likely won't get in.


(assuming YouTube audio doesn't desync this time)


The Most Hype Boss Build-up

I don't want to talk about the part after



Question: You've shown both knowledge and interest in WH40K. How fond of the universe are you and could we expect to see anymore videos regarding games on the series? (e.g. the Dawn of War games or Space Hulk: Deathwing.) Keep up the good work :)


Tbh if you need your favourite youtuber to review some critically and also not so critcially acclaimed games in the franchise, ye might want to hold ye horses. Let Mandalore do his thing, sit back and relax


@mandalore, how can we aid ye besides cold hard cash?


Really glad I can now throw dosh at you just to throw the same question at you I have for ages: KOTOR II WHEN?


What is your process on selecting a game for a video

Siegfried Pinzer

Cravers or Necrophage which are more adorable?


What happened to the EVE videos you did with your buddies?


What's your favorite board game?


When are you going to do a review of Space Rangers 2?


Opinion on Pineapple on Pizza?


If you could own your own planet, which planet (besides Earth) would you lay claim to, what would you name it, and what would your plans on ruling it be?


There was a nice little crossover in Firewarrior, any more of those planned?


If you had the option to live anywhere in the world, where would you go?


Could you update your Twitter whenever you make a Patreon update? I rarely check my Patreon, but I am more active on Twitter. I think some of your fans may also be the same as me.


Unless you've got notifications disabled, you should see updates in your email, like I did.


With all due respect, since you have covered a lot of games from the previous decades, which gameplay mechanics that were wide-spread in the past, but are absent today, do you miss the most? Thank you.


Hey mandalore, mind posting the discord link to your patreons in a description or post?