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Good day everybody, here are some updates and cool bits from TF2 & Holdfast videos as well as some early access / behind the scenes extras.


So first of all I'm sorry it took me forever to make this TF2 video, like I mentioned in the other patreon post as well as discord, I've been slowly working on it here and there but never had a chance to finish it. I really hope you enjoy it though, cos I had a lot of fun with it!

Now that the video is done I still have over 2+ hours of cut down clips waiting to be seen by you all. As in, it's not 2 hours of footage, it's like... fully cut down best bits and moments that I need to structure into a fun video. This is part reason why it's been taking me so long to finish this one, cos I wanted to go through the majority of all 2+ years of footage before polishing up the first vid. 

It's too early to say for certain but it seems like the reception on today's video is very positive, so I'll most likely make more TF2 videos very soon! 

BTW here's what happens when I close my video editing software with TF2 project file cos how much stuff is in it - 

(for pc nerds - my ram is normally OC'd so don't worry, I only downclocked it to 2666 for stability here)

Here's the HD version of the "neuron activated" meme I made.

It's not original meme and made by someone else but it was always in low-res and didn't really have the "sleeping" version but I made it crispy for u all to enjoy and use. Have fun!

I also modified the red/blue/green trade offer guy meme to use in the vid's intro :)

Since I'm not 100% sure what clips will be used for future TF2 videos I don't have any deleted clips to share yet but once I know for certain what will 100% not make into the videos I'll make sure to share some of the good bits with you! 

Now a few extra bits, lore etc...

It didn't really make into the video but after my second annual attempt to get Robin Walker to play roblox with me he briefly mentioned that maybe we will play roblox next year... 

You know how it goes - "third time's the charm".  Third.. time... wait- oh oh


Holdfast Video

This video has actually been in the works for a VERY long time, I just never focused on finishing it up until last summer-fall but due to an IRL emergency I had to stop and then when things got a little better I decided to focus on other videos (especially lethal company) as I thought you'd enjoy them more. I'm really glad that after all I managed to finish this vid and I'm really happy with it! I'm also super glad you enjoy it! 

BTW this bit below (that was shown in the intro) is actually from the GTA video I've been working on, I don't know if it will make it into a final video or end up in deleted clips folder though but more on that later...

Quick shout out to the devs of Holdfast, they've always been friendly and easy to communicate with! Also quick shout out to the last 2 video sponsors too, as it really helps me with this ongoing situation with my MCN not paying me for months... 

To this day I still haven't gotten paid any YouTube earnings for the past few months. The patreon and sponsors are the only thing that's slowing down the burn rn... 

pic related

Now for deleted bits and extras - 

I actually share a lot of cool stuff on discord server that you can access if you link your patreon account with discord, including extra bits and unrelated to YT stuff like me sharing little-known indie games I've been playing, small music artists I discovered etc

Here are some games I've been playing a little bit lately - 

Picayune Dreams - Touhou x Vampire Survivors x Yume Nikki. This game makes ADHD worse. 

Death Must Die - I love survivors style games with roguelite stuff, this is a perfect example. 

Halls of Torment - Same as above with but less RNG & gear variation (not in a bad way).

Heretic's Fork - Was super fun but not much to do after I beat it, still really love the idea. 

BoardLand - Why the fuck is it free? Let me pay you, damn it!

Cobalt Core - Really good game similar to Slay the Spire, hope they add mod support. 

(the) Gnorp Apologue  - This game made my ADHD worse more than Picayune Dreams. 

Mortal Sin - Messes with my eyes, love it. 

BPM: BULLETS PER MINUTE - Fucks up my eyes, still love it. Shoutout to Sam, Joe & Reuben.

As for spotify music & artists - keep an eye on discord as it's easier to share it there!

Well maybe if you're one of the weird folks who likes breakcore as much as I do, you should definitely check out Picayune Dreams OST. The artist has only 3k monthly followers which is criminal as they deserve WAY more.

Getting back to the deleted & extra clips stuff - 

Once I get a chance I will post a 10 min long compilation of clips that didn't make into the videos yet (or if I'm unsure if they will make into any videos atm).

It'd be all sorts of clips, old and new... I will post it on JameskiiLive YouTube channel, so don't miss it!

Also I have compiled the deleted clips from the recent Lethal Company VR video and I'll share them on discord soon as well! Patreon doesn't have a feature to add videos to posts (only as attachments) so it makes it harder to format & talk about clips in question haha

Take care and thank you once again!


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