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Foxes do like their eggs ^^ so I have hidden a bunch in my art over the years for those with a keen eye to spot or figure out. Today I will be revealing a bunch that might have gone unnoticed or that may have been a bit too cryptic to figure out without some more clues.

These "hieroglyphics" tells the story of being watched, Judged with Anubis's head weighing more then the feather of truth, getting an X with crossed sword, getting mummified and placed on the punishment slab. The next row shows fan + feet leading to Anubis's down fall for eternity!
This was also showing in the fan remake.

Next is a picture hanging on the wall showing an old parody image for the British show "Dragons Den".

This Pink Panther scene:

Is directly based on this famous episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41aGCrXM20E

This is the pose used most commonly for griffins on a crest

This is a toon version of me taking joy in delivering justice to a well known thief and different sort of mage!

This gave rise to a fun bit of fan art https://www.furaffinity.net/view/10946282/

This next one is one of my worst attempts at creating a clear narrative in a single image, but this was my thinking at the time for this picture

The joke is that Psycho has literally been framed but the one who framed him is Greasy (the one in green) who is tucking the missing picture from the frame into his jacket pocket. Everyone else is to busy having fun with the interrogation to notice!

Apart from the silly pun on a Flat Earther shirt with a paw in its design, there are a host of references to marijuana slang such as a Roach with cockroaches being a part of an actual skunks diet and a skunk being another word for marijuana!

This eye test comes with a message about the Dr!

"The Dr is mad for tickling his patients feet over and over and over again"

Its not just a cuff adjustment!

Rush from my walking animation happens to be walking by in this piece titled "Scally Scaly Scritching"

On Conners profile we see that his prints were taken from his foot paws rather then his hand paws thanks to the description showing that his first print came from the "hallux" (The big toe).

Also his Prisoner number happens to be the first 7 digits of Pi (3.141592)

This next image shows that the old lion king made an attempt to retaliate against his captors!

This pride will be the reason for his trip to the dungeon in the squeal "Pressing Matters"!

The floating notes create a real ostinato of the following sequence "E,D,G,E,D F,A,C,E" (you can only spell so much with letters A to G).

Mr Ybara wears a cap and he is a Capybara... But his barcode also reveals more information about him. (I hear he keeps his lunch under that cap!)

Santa Paws makes for a good phone desktop background along with your PawTube app in the piece "Pressure Point Pads":

More drugs for these next 2 pieces

The SubBucks logo is a mix of both the Subway and the Starbucks logos with a furry twist! Not only that but the blue and yellow purple pills are a reference to the song Purple Pills by Eminem... That grey hound was always a dodgy doggy!!! and speaking of dodgy:

Here the theme is things being backwards! Elom is Mole and in a nod to another artist, Lantrete is Eternal. A more subtle hint is that the buttons on the characters tops are also flipped for this appropriately (and literally) titled picture.

The screens in these Star Fox pictures say a lot about the characters including some Smash Bros related tech.

Both are often considered Top tire fighters in Melee with Fox continuing to be in Ultimate. Both weak points describe their fighting styles in relation to their feet. We also have the infamous reflector Hexagon ("Shine" for Smash fans) and a nod to the old FX chip in the original games. Both versions of Andross show up with the low poly SNES version being on the WiiU game pad. The console Star Fox had his last Nintendo developed game at the time of this post.
The line "Only I have the brains to create advanced Cybernetics!" is nod to the confirmation that Fox's team couldn't have the rumoured robotic legs (especially since they can clearly feel what's happening to them) however when wolf is defeated he is in enhanced for a 2nd dog fight. This a parody of "Only I have the brains to rule Lylat!"

This calendar references the original "Lesson in Interrogation" picture from the image "Night Watch" and circles 27th June as its the day significant things happen in my gallery like its beginnings in 2011 and my, the picture itself being submitted on that day and my Patreon's true beginnings both as a tips jar and place for exclusive art and posts.
The Badger also shows up here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22597398/

But it is a pure coincidence that a lot of the characters shown match very closely to the species I used for this one: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41401760/

Time for the Dragons of all colours!

And lastly Ive have a little game of "Where's Wallaby" going since the grey dragon showed up in "Grey Scale" returning for "Schools Cruel" and "Santa's Little Helper"

And he's also in my latest Patreon picture "Drug Money Ransom". (for some reason its always the pics with the mature characters in!)

Hope you all enjoyed this little trip through my gallery and there will be plenty of Easter eggs in future pics ^^



Where I can decode the barcode?


You will have to get a bar code reading app on your phone! Though Its not a huge amount of info.

Yaba (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 03:53:16 Always loved these little details you include in your pics :D makes things so much more lively! May I infer that from your Star Fox pic, it's implied that due to not only their fighting styles but no doubt hard training in their respective styles too, Fox n Falco's boots make their paws MUCH more sensitive and weak to tickle attacks? >;D potentially the weakest on their bodies? Also how do you feel about them going sockless? As you might know, I'm a HUGE proprietor of characters being sockless with their boots~ ;D
2023-04-11 12:53:55 Always loved these little details you include in your pics :D makes things so much more lively! May I infer that from your Star Fox pic, it's implied that due to not only their fighting styles but no doubt hard training in their respective styles too, Fox n Falco's boots make their paws MUCH more sensitive and weak to tickle attacks? >;D potentially the weakest on their bodies? Also how do you feel about them going sockless? As you might know, I'm a HUGE proprietor of characters being sockless with their boots~ ;D

Always loved these little details you include in your pics :D makes things so much more lively! May I infer that from your Star Fox pic, it's implied that due to not only their fighting styles but no doubt hard training in their respective styles too, Fox n Falco's boots make their paws MUCH more sensitive and weak to tickle attacks? >;D potentially the weakest on their bodies? Also how do you feel about them going sockless? As you might know, I'm a HUGE proprietor of characters being sockless with their boots~ ;D


Well it is an advanced civilisation, Youd think they might have figured out how to make the inside of a boot soft enough so that in an emergency, its the only thing they need to slide on for combat quickly.


Indeed >;D One that for sure softens the paws inside as an unintended side effect... allegedly~ Especially if the boot wearer's last name is Lombardi~ >;3 mwahahaha