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"Cash only, or he's going to have a tough time catching his breath all night!"

This piece is a bit of a passion project and much like its predecessor, I love how it turned out in the end.
While I expect some controversy for this, I simply cant help but draw some darker and less cliche pictures every once in a while!




I don't mind if it's more cruel. And if it is too Gore-y for my taste, I'll just let it be and move on with my day. I don't see the point making a fuss just because you like it more dark sometimes.


I like the fact that those feet can run very fast, and we get a close up.


Lovely! A little tape on his nose will make it much darker >:3


I love the dark ones


That's because your a sensible person. I'm just preparing for the irrational ones. I personally love the cruel pics more.


When you mention something "dark", I really imagine something very very dark (I think the "darkest" one is probably your Halloween pic with the red panda!). I have to saw I absolutely love that evil dog skull painted on the wall: that's some nightmare fuel!


I like this one a lot! Really good job 👍


There IS something tempting about them, ngl


The character has a very negative history in my public gallery, hence the warning. If more people are curious about it then I shall reveal more, but the reaction back then was massively over blown!


Well warn too. Ye this is going to be a personal fav of mine for a while I bet.


Its a got a lot or off niche things going for it. I'm quite happy with how it turned out.


Ah, I see which pic you're talking about! Made me feel quite uncomfortable as well, but since it is what you had in mind, it was a clear success in that way! But it's not as dark as the stuff in your alt-acount (Yup, I saw that one: not my kind of thing! ^^"). But I wasn't sure if it was the same character. It's funny because I feel it's just a few things that can make a picture and/or scene switch to darker tones. I find this one you've just posted leaning more towards dark-comedy in some way: the cartoony laughing face, the "oh my!" expression of the spouse, as for the tickler homeless...I can't tell if he's depressed, or rather indifferent (like "What mate? I don't necessarily enjoy what I'm doing, but it's not like I care: just doing what needs to be done so you hand me my money!" Oddly enough, that makes it look more comedic to me, so everything is in the eye of the beholder.). It's a bit of an issue with this tickle fetish: the non-consensual aspect, coupled with torture and humiliation, can be part of the thrill. In your other pic, I saw the tickling as secondary, and mainly saw chavs attacking a poor homeless person (I'm realizing as I'm writing this that there could be an interesting revenge pic to be done!). And it looked realistic, that's the thing. The expressions and despair seemed genuine. The "good bye to paws" pic you did, while technically darker, falls more into an "unrealistic and over-the-top" territory for me. I think it's the conflicted emotions that probably angered some people: we want to enjoy the picture fetish-wise, but the scenario is a turn off and tells us is wrong, hence the discomfort. In a way we end up feeling as bad as the victim in the picture. It's funny because most of us have enjoyed way more darker and disturbing scenes in movies and other media (heck, I even have my own share of very dark scenes in stories I want to draw, that would transform my fanbase in an angry mob with pitchforks!), but mix it with what we like and that's when some of us run away. Sorry, I'm almost writing a boring essay while rambling! Blame that on the fact it's still a bit early and I'm procrastinating instead of working! ^^


Geez, I've just realized I can't post anything with quotation marks it seems. "" Sorry, makes my message more tedious to read!


I understand what you are saying. Typically when things get political in an image somehow it rubs people up the wrong way because it feels like the artist is pushing an agenda! I cover so many situations that some may be perceived that way. But really these situations are just intentionally cruel because the sadistic and unfair nature of it can only be pushed in art safely. People forget that its just a drawing at the end of the day and treat it like Ive betrayed them as fans by poisoning the scene! Will expand on this all in a later post because its quite an interesting topic.


I still appreciate that you posted a warning before hand. While most of us won't bat an eye, it could potentially trigger something into some others who deal with ptsd or past traumas linked to similar themes (if I ever start working on the stories I have in mind and posting them online, I'll probably have to post a very long warning notice myself!).


I will set something up but I will have to skim back a few years to find it all! Will also remove the names of those that messaged me and others.


To make it quick, I love it! To make it less quick, everything here is fantastic! The whole situation with the stripped and strapped doggo being tickled for money. Is that his cane and glasses on the ground? And the fact that his torture is wittnessed by his love makes it even more cruel! Especially that his snout is bound too, makes him unable to laugh properly and leaves him completely at the mercy of his torturer AND her, even if he is willing to cooperate. Just imagine she hesitates and risk him to hang on. Now she has to wait until the kidnapper calls again, while the poor dog has to endure a long time of torture and cannot do anything about it, but squirm and silently scream. Not to mention the very appealing appearance of our victim here. And good work on the expression of the junky. He looks neither sadistic, nor uninterested. Just doing what it takes to get his money. Great picture!


Would also be interested in some open salt mine.


There's a lot of fun elements that sell the hopelessness of the situation for our bound, old, Rottle! Those are all his items on the floor to the right meaning this nasty grey hound made sure to pick an especially vulnerable but wealthy looking bargaining chip! Its clearly something he's done before given the location and prep work. He also knows his bargaining chips will say anything to get out of the situation, so he may as well shut them up and deal with the ones who can make a meaningful choice, like a loved one. Its all just business to him and so what if it means terrorizing some old dogs for a while to get his fix... Hes got nothing better to do!


My reply to political is things over here are political but I would quote Snake Pliskin aka Wolf ODonnel on that: "I don't give a about your war or your president. Find a new president."